Thursday, December 16, 2010

Letters On Continuous Employment


A culinary trip to Switzerland is quite certain that among other delicious Swiss cuisine, include a fondue, either the typical cheese, or the equally succulent meat. For

Geneva also find a good price (23 Fr per person) and quality, offers the less exotic location.

In the heart of Geneva, Place du Rhône have two Uzbek yurts with heating where we have the chance to taste these fondues.

Its opening hours are from 11H00 - 14H30 and 18H00 - 23H00. For more information and reservations tel: +41 77 461 9502

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hacking Internet Modem In Vietnamese


Is the U.S. a land of passionate and fervent believers, fear God and avid readers and followers of the Bible?
Some will say yes (I think so), others say it is exaggerated.
Well here is another example to illustrate the debate.

In the impoverished state of Kentucky, famous for its whiskey, among other things, it turns out that their governor, Democrat Steve Beshear, is determined to promote with generous tax incentives in its construction of a replica of Noah's Ark is as faithful as possible to the original.

Beshear's motivation is to save the various animal species from extinction by an impending flood, but revive the economy of one of the states that have flooded the unemployment crisis.

managers to carry out the project of "Ark Encounter" ("The meeting with the Ark"), will be the same developers who built also in the Kentucky Creation Museum, a controversial center that defends a literal interpretation of the Bible, and tries to prove that the Earth is only 6,000 years old, and that men and dinosaurs lived at the dawn of time.

Although the museum has generated all kinds of mockery, in its three years it has attracted more than 1.2 million people, mostly families of evangelical religion, and scholars enrolled in schools in this confession. It is precisely these figures that persuaded the Governor Beshear to provide up to $ 37 million to the project.

promoters "Ark Encounter", which are linked to a religious group, ensure that your investment will amount to $ 150 million, and estimated that it will create 900 permanent jobs, bringing in its first year only 1.6 million visitors. Because only find about 65 kilometers from Museum Creation, the expectation is to create a tourism corridor evangelical "to attract visitors for stays of two to three days.

Halfway between a zoo and a live nativity scene, the "Ark Encounter" will feature actors and the presence of several animals such as giraffes. Of course, for the sake of the credibility of the Ark, are all puppies. "We believe that God probably sent young animals that had not yet fully grown to have more space ... This is an opportunity to present accurate Biblical information, "explains Mike Zovath, vice president of Answers in Genesis, the religious group behind the project.

addition of the Ark, with extensive cover equivalent to 35 tennis courts, the museum will include a Tower of Babel of about 35 meters, and a tour of the most notorious episodes of the Old Testament, as the 10 plagues of Egypt or the opening Red Sea by Moses. And all for the price of 30 euros per adult, with discounts for children.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How Good Is Kaya Skin Clinic?

The most dangerous guerrilla: Julian Assange

Life in Exile

Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks . (Photo The Country of España)

El guerrillero mas peligroso del mundo

  • Porque Wikileaks ha cambiado la comunicacion a nivel global
  • Los secretos YA no lo son; Siguiente nivel en la comunicacion
  • Julian Assange: porque es el hombre mas peligroso para los Estados Unidos
  • Los secretos corporativos, militares, financieros y otros vs los ciberguerrilleros

Por Annouck

Como la comunicacion globally is accelerating - not if it is the much-vaunted 2012, the revolutions of the sun or radiation from the Pleiades-you name it - but the speed that the Internet has made global communications, where he spends a war flood, earthquake or ethnic unrest and can not go unnoticed in another distant part of the world, more distant it is: I remember

eg, the cartoon is Jose Hernandez where W Bush caricatured as a shoe, which was sent to the site of Al-Jazeera, the BBC of the Arabs, where Islam is professed know-among other customs and shoes are ugly and rude insults with which they can nominate someone, where it was celebrated with imbalances caricature of our Cartoonist Hernandez, Mexican pa 'plus sign next to angry chants at Arabs and Pakistanis.

This thought-provoking (though the reflection is a luxury, a delicious detail, like a sweet precious treasure with which people have the baby boomers age, as our parents and sixties, but with which our generation X and later we no longer have) on the next step following the global communications, where the internet, and their attachments, such as blogger and twitter, the product became famous for the speed printed communications, the speed limit hundredfold.

lately have been seen as the most treacherous secret can no longer be hidden, and the multiple shelters of information, and loopholes prepared to fight his departure / release of data, are guarded by government departments and state attorneys equipment packs of the most fierce love of locks and proxies and cyber laws.

* * *

The worldwide trend is towards a kind of global anarchy, given that the vast majority of governments - left-right-center, social democratic ( guaraguaraguara ) democracy, bah, anyway, tooodas trends and gather merge into one - and therefore, the people and governments do not respect emanating from the various corporations - whether church / state (s) / local power cliques / corporations / etc, for the same reason, the same worn archaic structures of power are trying to develop alternate ways to conserve what little power they have left, and one of the few powers, which is very important indeed is the power of information.

understood then, the big global hit - especially for the still love the world: United States - I mean the 28th of November in the evening, when it was already 12 am in the meridian Greenwich, and was published in major newspapers around the world the secrets leaked by Wikileaks cables, the Internet organization dedicated to leak classified information secret and even large part, "hence its name: Wiki - by wikipedia / encyclopedia virtual global and leaks or leaks in English - organization dedicated to leak classified information not only from governments of various countries in the world, but also corporate private or a destructive cults like the Church of Scientology.

Unlike what people think - precisely because all the great speed that occur and events are publicized in the world, people hardly have time for reflection and analysis, as I said earlier - Wikileaks is NOT a terrorist organization, but rather, its function - and watching the biography of Julian Assange, can be understood in large measure this - is the filter confidential information that relates to muchsima people in the world, either because data is revealing incriminating information about X or Y politician (s), and certain executives of transnational corporations affecting the common welfare of either hundreds or even millions of individuals ; many secret or classified information in the world refers to either environmental disasters or wars in which the 'collateral damage' is not so, since the death of many innocent civilians many times go unnoticed, until the appearance of some kind of global civil society organizations are beginning to come together to stand up precisely, these civic groups, Wikileaks, with its leaks / download information at different levels either locally or information from different countries with more serious global impact, and even humanitarian, are necessary to know precisely so that the ordinary people that aware of these problems to confront these powerful groups become abusive to the citizens.

Because the mind 'globalization', have only been seen in general, usually benefited large companies, corporations for profit and profit enough, obvious, loggers destroying the forests like the Amazon, the pharmaceutical companies citizens who use X instead of the third world as guinea pigs for 'testing effects' of drugs / vaccines potentially risky, the medical group forests will steal secrets inaccessible to indigenous doctors and then patented in the name of profits of corporation X, polluting factories in n thousand places in the world, nuclear plants, "collateral damage" Purposely product of bloody wars without justification, as one of the cables on the war in Iraq / Afghanistan that Wikileaks did precisely known.

* * *

Although NO is an organization that is dedicated specifically to empty information on States government, particularly the United States, has become important precisely for this reason: because their past leaks (The most notable: the video the death of Reuters reporter - at the hands of soldiers deliberately killing him tripping gringos and several civilians in Iraq "that gringo army would not let go, and the wires on the war in Afghanistan / Iraq that hits really hard to image the Pentagon - if you could burn more) All this, before the cables that seem highly subversive, the BIG news from Watergate: filtration, more than 250,000 documents on Wikileaks and subsequent simultaneous publication on Sunday night 28-29 November by 5 of the world's most prestigious newspapers (Le Monde, El Pais in Spain - Das Spiegel of Germany-The Guardian in the UK - and The New York Times) is indeed the story of the century.

Since this series of CABLES FILTERED the U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT recorded, in addition to the United Nations - to ALL THE WORLD GOVERNMENT THAT HAS BEEN RELATED still has not fully analyzed the potential of this powerful filtration of the story, the revelation of the secret to voices, the great global powers that be.

* * *

For several years, since the mid-nineties over here, they started to piece things together in various groups of left and progressive diversity, we found that the real 'villains' of the history are the large corporations that profit from the profit and progress at the expense of human collective welfare, Seattle, spearhead the restructuring of alternative groups (NGOs) that began to emerge in those moments, as currently in this alternative summit organized by various NGO's worldwide in Cancun.

The findings of various experts, from Chomsky to Vidal, to Naomi Klein, Giovanni Sartori, Howard Zinn, and many others, from the Nineties to here, to discuss the new global situation of the world, reached the same conclusions, various forms and explanations, this is NOT against capitalism itself, but the savage neoliberal capitalism in its extreme destructive phase, corruption coming at the hands of money, which passes over the rights of peoples, nations, communities ancient and indigenous, and the rights of various minorities.

Because the world has become local. Globalization has made the private public, and men in Mexico can not be disconnected from the man in Timbuktu, or in Nepal, Lhasa, or men - and women - in Thailand or Iran or Russia, or South Africa.

For us, to paraphrase Mark Sub, we are everything. Everything for everyone, for us all.

The village collective, not just demands of a capitalist who refuses to leave their Victorian stage - which is already nearly destroyed the neoliberal phase Savage so characteristic of the EU - also has its own requirements, in the same community begins to organize itself in many forms, whether peasant ecologists Jose Bove in France, either with strong indigenous peasant communities in Oaxaca and Chiapas and Bolivia , and is otherwise more advanced, the resistance started with ex-hackers children of the nineties, new resistance organizations, sometimes tending to a kind of anarchic self-government, as Wikileaks, or Avaaz, for example, local and global, because the local is global, and global is also local.

begins the phase of resistance against corporations and their demands neoliberal detrimental to the individual. Also the freedom of press is seeing the game. Allowing an attack on Julian Assange, - who also started this fight Wikileaks by his own personal history by fighting within their families destructive sects and learn to flee and live hand to mouth (has experience) on this, see more information in the newspaper El Pais in Spain - would be like allowing an attack on the very heart of the resistance, the same human community begins to organize themselves to defend their rights. Given that knowledge is power, they should fight this, and the United States will look very bad - especially the most harmful of the gringo government is the military department as fan are of little wars without rhyme or reason and pro-war think tanks - if you intend to arrest Assange for excuses we all know are baladi and purpose-made to attack the weak press freedom left in the world, because we already know that the vast majority of journalistic gringo corporations - to Murdoch's News - that are corporations, nothing more. Like almost everything in the world.

Thinking that this will have a happy ending after all, since the government gringo is completely evident in the case of Assange, and the net will look really bad if they continue to catch and stick a guantanamazo or anything, really. In case the emperor is naked ... you know ....

What "Freedom" proclaims both the United States? Where is it? What is, is that, if they stop to Julian Assange, ten (or hundred) will come to take his place.

* * *

Throughout the history of the twentieth century and so far this running, I had never been a case whose implications had journalistic repercussions for the entire planet. Are we seeing the emergence of a new type of government? "Government now if, for most, of the majority? Would this possible, and avoid catching Assange, alone at the obvious falseness of the charges, which means the same? We closed

twentieth century, the century of "Lightning" as he called Adolfo Gilly for being so moved and chaotic, with this news, the news that could revolutionize communications, and therefore, economic and political systems at Global, after this The Telepathy seems quite possible. Telepathy

Collective and individual, then.

Letter Of Presentation Dental


Space: 42x18 (slightly larger area)

Number of players: 5:4
specific for positions
Time: 3x5 '

Objectives : Working central defensive situations or shooting from outside the area

Development: We divide the space into 4 subspaces, which forms the area are placed 4 players defense (2 central and 2 lateral) and two forwards. Out of space in front of half center area and side-band specific players.

is that by circulations generated ball well with goal situations from the band centers or shot from the edge of the area. The outside players can invade the central area with 1:1 stock


- Defensively: The structure of 3 players to defend the area not to be missed ever, if a player leaves to clog the middle, the 2 but the central lateral side opposite ocupndo close the front of small area. The same applies if a player (center) goes on the front cover shot, other players must also close.

Be aware of the position of the hands to avoid penalties absurd.

- Offensively: Circular fast ball and overflow fast in-band to generate superior attack

Friday, December 3, 2010

How To Do Hair Like Dahvie


The 33 kilometers from Shanghai Airport (Honqiao) and the metro station in Pudong, the Maglev levitation train the runs in just 8 minutes. Top speed of this ultramodern train built in Germany is 431 km hour. For this reason we can say that this is the best way to get to downtown from the airport and vice versa. Faster, cheaper and more comfortable than the taxi, the Maglev take it every day thousands of travelers.

Open from 21h40 6h45 has an uninterrupted strip on which is faster takes between 9 am and 10:45 am, with a frequency of trains of twenty minutes. Prices vary depending on the type: A single ticket is priced at 50 RMB (5.5 Euros), but if you have the ticket price is reduced to 40 RMB. The return ticket 80 RMB. A ticket is first a price of 100 RMB. The round trip ticket 160 RMB.
In most cases it is even cheaper than multiple trips to central European cities. Well that

speed record is about to be beaten by another train Chinese, but this time it is a maglev train technology, but a conventional train in the tests carried out yesterday reached a speed of 468 km / hour.

These trains are to be used on the line linking the two major Chinese cities, the northern capital of Beijing (Peking) and Shanghai in the east about 5 hours, shortened the time in half.
the line is expected to be operational in the year 2012.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Old Brazillian Wax Job Image

CATALAN HOTELS MUST include "pa amb tomàquet FOR BREAKFAST"

Catalan hotels more than 4 stars should offer the famous "pa amb tomaquet" (bread rubbed with tomato) and proximity products (especially sausage) for breakfast to get the 4 star category under the new decree of tourist establishments in the Generalitat de Catalunya.

The new standard includes requirements for the first time based on the quality of services to establish the category of the establishment, which until now was based solely on square meters.

The rule also states that these establishments must offer quality services such as internet access, hairdryer and personal hygiene products or two types of pillows in the rooms, among others.

The decree also requires the pension to take bath in each room.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Rule Of Combinations Calculator


Some English people enter a certain hopelessness travel these worlds and did not find this simple dish are as English as churros. Fortunately, it is something that is not so difficult, since we find churros in the U.S., most Hispanic-American countries (which is something also already own the place), the Philippines, Japan and even China are something that phonetically sounds like "Yu tiao," which is the same mixture of the coils and found in hotels and stalls, but they lack a bit of hygienic conditions aceptables.Pues today I wanted to tell the story of Torcuato Hernandez, a Grenadian who came to Geneva AD 79, a computer keyboard and hung to engage in the noble work of churrero.

And that is with a steady hand, and I can also attest to the high quality of product it sells. Torcuato is a kind man, cultured, and with which you can also talk a little bit good if not precluded by its rich clientele. His wife, Sandra, a Bolivian Santa Cruz, helps with work Bolivian tasty addition to make tamales, cuñapes, tamales, Salta and others like English tortilla, empanadas and burritos that taste Geneva and tourists to enjoy.

A Torcuato and you can find churros the Wednesday and Saturday in the Place de la Fusterie, Sundays at Place de Belair and Thonex Friday. One serving of 6 long churros (batons) 5Francos worth 10 francs and 13 pieces worth Br hot chocolate 3FR.

I recommend them.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

What Happens If The Left Leg Hurts

dies ... Grief Nestor Kirchner in Argentina and Southern Cone ...

Personally Argentina has always been my favorite countries, a place to which I hope some day to call second home, his people, the great suffering of the Argentine-Luchon, arrogant, sometimes a little crazy and fast, like the people of Mexicali but NEVER rajon - has, along with popular culture - from Mafalda to Fito Paez and Cerati - a country which every Mexican can feel in the background, empathy. while the arrogant and self-sufficient character average Argentine can, in some extreme cases, angry and even upset, never clear, beyond a chilango of bad vibes or a gringo or European sangrona to put some of the finest examples Clarita I have had to do -

Argentina is a brotherly country of Mexico. same, but different, like a little mystery, as knowing a something new, a cousin who did not know, an unknown story of a friend, so, the nation and people of Argentina, so sustained, so Luchon, and so beloved, so hurt now, by dying leader, the man who had managed to raise Argentina, thing in 2001, that seemed tired impossible. (I got to see in 2002 in Mexico City, the number of Argentines who took refuge in a new exile, but economic, now in Mexico)

died yesterday morning Nestor Kirchner, former president of Argentina, who was able to rescue in 2001 Argentina from the bore severe crisis-worse than in Mexico these days - and threatening the entire country to bankruptcy. I well remember those days. Nobody, but nobody gave a weight - and Mexicans, because the Argentines were worse than bilimbiques - for the economy of Argentina. Mexico had just won at Fox, despite his now notorious rave and nonsense, yet at the time, he had a little faith, AMLO ruled the City, with its then polemic views that seemed manias, fads, only to annoy the right-wing Fox administration, on issues not as important then as now working, lower strength issues on the management of Df for example, and in the world, still resented the 11 Sep so recent and serious attack the twin towers - which was also quite noticeable in Mexico City where I resided then in 2002, since there was no GRINGO or not I have seen some gringo in Mexico, clear discounting Dr. John Ackerman or one that another journalist known at that time resident in the Deef. At that time

presidents succeeded one after another, in Argentina, after the De la RUazo: either you are when Fernando de la Rua's term ca ... jetearla slouch in the government, after the chaos left by severe Salinas - sorry - monster of evil - sorry, I'm wrong - Carlitos Menem ... (because there will be Salinas said Menem instead? that rare ....)

Carlitos Menem as Salinas left the economy with pins, and after that , Fernando De la Rua will explode the economic explosion in his face.

diversity presidents passed until I get one, which is not pointed to a long duration - everyone thought that at most would last several months as Duhalde and the others who only lasted a short time - but Nestor Kirchner came to stay.

Saneo Argentina's economy, DROP THE DEBT TO THE IMF - the first country in South America that made him - enacted a series of reforms to try to address extreme poverty in his country, began to make alliances with the various chairs of the left - of different tones and colors - from South America to achieve a common good, a common Mercosur - which can leave the SOLUTION to the macroeconomics of the Latin American countries, starting with South America, - and a great marriage between the various presidents to reform and goals for the South American continent, so rich and full of promise.

Leaving a very different from Argentina which was, when I, Nestor Kirchner will pass the remote to his wife, Cristina Fernandez, monitoring - which would not be unusual for a married couple who share a house and a bed together, the state of the country, Cristina advising, directing the ex-Peronist Peronist party, but rather center-left center -

The Argentines cry so much, also his wife. Argentina love him, love him, I need it and need.

We miss him as much.

Rest in peace, Nestor Kirchner. On the other hand ... who knows ... it will not make that much ...? PD

AMLO is alive. do not forget. Weekly column

Monday, October 18, 2010

Church Donation Request Sample Letters

The response to globalization ... (Part I)

We must try to think of another way of life very different from the savage capitalist system today, if we are not only able to live decently, but elementary justice and for the survival of Planet Earth ... (Photo: La Jornada)

Life in Exile

Response to Globalization
(Or "The NO-LOGO-Reloaded-Revolution XXI century-
Or when the revolution is about virtual and global ... you name it)

For Annouck

'm currently listening to a boy is playing his bongos in the cafe where I usually come , this guy plays for 'cooperacha' and is not having a desire to join the system, but I see well dressed despite their anarcho-punk outfit, as well as, I can see how little by little kids - especially here in the Lower Rating of alternate-punks or anarcho-punks-are challenging the system, and determined to NOT work in Chamba gov. set - apart from the net, Chambas NO! - And are dedicated to second or to live the 'art' or the chatter that sell or buy / sell in second or crafts that make ...

What is happening? That fault lies in the system, such a degree that there is NO turning back? Sera
these youngsters may have found the crack end, unbridled capitalism?

days ago I went to an alternate event in the Plaza Villa Mexicana in Ensenada, a mall that was opened in the nineties and never 'hit', the place has usually been rented and evicted several months, for a variety of tenants, until some of the last tenant decided to revive the site, and to organize events to pull people to them.
Let's face another big disadvantage of unbridled, is the lack of LEISURE and RECREATION: people are neurotic, to an extreme point of madness, by slave labor hours: 9-6, the most common time of work for most - with one hour for lunch - and nothing but nothing fun.

* * *

minimicro pichoneras The houses are, and if I believe, give him a look blog post here at my friend Salvador, where an analysis of the problem of these micropichoneras , and since this type of scam - because if they are a scam - can also promote pathological and harmful behaviors among its residents because of overcrowding, the stress of living in such homes, and also the great time spent in quality of life in moving the work to the periphery of the city, where most of these subdivisions are located;
Now if, as an old man, said an article in the magazine New Yorker, among other journals, are house-room, used Most of all, to sleep, I think that neither the houses of the 'motel' new way, are as small as this type of micro mini homes, if you can call it so.

But back the next issue ... In this topic, houses, leisure? Comes to mind because a question that unbridled capitalism has driven neo friedman post is also enslave the human being minus the time of Hours-Leisure: if you do not believe me, see articles in the great economist Julio Boltvinik, in an article back to the - I think of 2006-2008, can not remember - mention a very important detail about the theft of free time worker to be an inalienable right of guano, is their right to leisure, without this time the man devoted to his personal entertainment , just do not can work, the current work - lease from maquila to professional-level, claiming 12, 14, sometimes up to 20 hours of your life can not be good, and besides that detract from the human capacity to lecture, to analysis, to fully understand your personal situation, WHERE AND HOW TU these situated in the world today, and possible solutions you could do to improve your environment, sometimes not even that but how to try to think like a human being. (because that is what the MAN = The Thinker)

A work that many hours do you spend your life in, where he is not your job where you have to also invest many man-hours move you, and you just have the time necessary for basic: eating (eating half bad) go to the bathroom / toilet, and living with your children / family - if you have it - a time seems a breath, and the sexual act - assuming that only lasted 15 min. the said act - it is NOT worthy of men-women, but rather, animals, and even that it is rather a life SLAVE.

We are slaves of the big multinationals, we know, and the worst of it is that we come to such a degree that we do not care.

To which is what this small human being?? For this we create a civilization? to follow only subsist without glory or triumph, "historical moments come and go," and continue in the same? in a neo-feudal regime, a regime of slave-masters??

* * *

All that I began to think, to reflect , the other day, while watching to urban troubadours, the rockers who sang at the event, with sticks of fire jugglers, dancers .. . that sold organic and artisan products at a time ... at the event on Saturday ...
In that event, not the first nor the last, I have observed, I started to see in big cities like San Diego and San Francisco in past years, and I'm beginning to see in Baja California, the Self-Management people, the so-called 'citizenship' - but was not, so far ...

Capitalism is about extinct, we know; the disaster, the new feudal lords - whether they Conago-governing union-whether they be drug dealers, whether they plutocrats, salt & Cia, (this is only local, international chiefs missing) want, as Pinky and the Brain, trying to take over the world ... until now, with such good results as Pinky and the Brain, I have to say ...

I still recall with nostalgia my teacher Jose Mora Ruiz, who taught us in those late eighties, as the capitalist system would give way to its destruction, the savage imperialism, before decaying, become a socialist-NOT ! - that never happened, through feudalism, stage-feudal lords chiefs, in which we live now it seems.
The accurate diagnosis of my Social Studies teacher is more timely than ever, and realize that we are approaching the final stages of the world economic.

WHAT IS DOING IN OTHER CITIES? (Take, for example. The case of San Francisco, among other cities gringo)

The guys, not all, unfortunately, are also wannabe zombies narcos reggaeton slum - are now taking to the streets, organizing events fundraising, self-help each other, constantly challenging the system.

Vintage Shop in San Francisco, where you can buy / redeem / sell your clothes and other ...

vintage stores have thrived, this in part by nostalgia for a past full of hippie idealism symbolic, in part, by what means instead of continuing to enrich more to transnationals, enriched with some culture, buying / selling your same clothes yan or occupy, and they better buy it or exchange it with more groovy clothes neighbor / a, chance the neighboring think your clothes are cooler than yourself, be not so?

Cafe The Red Victorian San Francisco in Haight-Ashbury, where he also occupies the first floor of an NGO ... (Photo: The New York Times)

NGOs also continue to prosper and swarming in many places, people are more willing to help these various NGOs, which continue to support the same corporations.

View from inside the Red Victorian, cafe-Bed & Breakfast in Haight-Ashbury ...

And the bohemian cafes are becoming the new place to socialize, to organize, to meet fellow causes and common affinities, new cultural spaces ....( And if food is organic or fair trade, so much the better ....)

Y la cultura, bueno, los chavos/chavas, han descubierto el PODER MAS GRANDE, que esta, claro que si, dentro de ELL@S MISM@S.

Not another brick in the wall, of course....

La SOLUCION AL FUTURO, al HAMBRE, a la POBREZA, a la falta de OCIO y TIEMPO LIBRE, a la falta de CONVIVENCIA SOCIAL - sustituida pobremente por el 'feisbuk' y demas redes sociales, donde aprendemos a soñar a nuestros amigos con caras de iconitos del mesenger por la falta de sociabilizacion - esta en LAS CALLES.

first call, my friends, the first call .... sounds the war to your door, we should stop ...

We can do it. If TOD @ S @ S. Quereme

sorry, but most try to connect the camera, hopelessly SOMETHING bug me - I suspect I'm wrong cable and bought the little camera cord else! ...- poof owe them photos of the event on Saturday ....

continue talking about this in the next issue ...

What can be done about it further, to try to fight the monster within?
I would love that people who read this blog - apart from Baltasar and Poncho, I guess I should be 2-3 more, I think, could answer, and write something about it: send your comment .. ..

Thank you for your attention.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Wal-mart Plan B Cost In Oregon

Notes October ... Mini

Life in Exile

October Notes and the everyday ...

or The world on the verge of a nervous breakdown .. 19

or Osuna III and nothing new under the sun ..

or Calderon admits his mea culpa and dangerousness towards mexico ...

or philosophize more ...

For Annouck

Fesca but is a very sunny morning in Ensenada, and the little sun came after several days of very foggy haze and sadder, entering the month of October, with jaloguins and more Witches people who walk everywhere .... "For now, what else can we say? It's another October, it looks pretty nice day today here in Ensenada, where even though you feel the cold, there is still sunshine and something pleasant, despite the rain and areas that already suffer pollution, as parts of Ensenada, where besides seeing the greasy mantecotas who are entering the spring - they'll do with those 'fats' black are pretty ugly to enter the dock area to the city? Do expect to sell as 'trans fat' or something? For now has over 3 years that these fats are dredging the port outputs, and nothing has been done ... nothing has been said about their possible risk factors, if contaminants or, well, I hope to post the photos soon mantecotas the port horrendous to see ... and it appears that is not fat liposuction 'Pancho' - the seal or sea lion local pet rather gordote by the way ...

* * *


quite frightening, apart from that is still to sign the possibility of a 3rd world war - do not tell them? The pen ... tontotes NOT be removed! - Because they already minita out its 'golden'-black at least, though who knows how contracts are now Shiism in Iraq - now that they were "supposedly - the gringo soldiers in Iraq, because they are not enough for the mercenaries of Blackwater and other paramilitary forces of the 21st century globalized and want to continue watching where you put, and well, as Israel remains a country that gives them plenty of pretexts for going to annoy others countries, see if what is happening now, or chewing to let go - not cigarettes, and heavy smokers are the Arabs - the Gaza Strip, which remains as someone called it, the world's biggest prison children and widows including:

Netanyahu and Obama by becoming pen ... n thousand fools talk of 'peace' to high gogol ... (Photo: La Jornada)

but SOMETHING SOMETHING SERIOUS coming, an attack by Israel against Iran or possibly excessive provocation against it, we know that Netanyahu will separate the coconut slouch patina of Israel's most bellicose and more emphatic in its settlement policy and to put more and more and more settlers east of Jerusalem, although he has said and said this is a provocation, this sr. Sovereign is worth a straw and on, and will continue because the Israeli Zionists have their xenophobic idea of \u200b\u200bthe BIG Jerusalem - all to re-build a temple and ruins everything done ... .. mmm ... no more oil well below Palestinian territories? I really do not know, better ask Alfredo Jalife, - q sta certainly here the link to your new site n internet - but excuses about: changes also in the White House, I gral. Controlled to a greater or lesser extent by pro-Israeli lobby, and the output of the powerful former secretary Rahm Emanuel - pro Israel - does not bring anything good memory, because it sounds rather that the rats are coming out of the boat ... before sink ... something will know ...

Neither is there any good because we know that although we have tried to control a lot, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is not someone say quietly, but rather challenging and loves to ride cukando the rule, so it would be very good that the president of Iran was more to calm his people, which is quite unhappy after its messes and his post-election course electoral fraud would be nice ... and to try to negotiate and did not dissent to the same as Calderon AMLO you doing here in Mexico ....

* * *

And speaking of Calderon and AMLO, would be good to remember the sentence week, or is he finally accepts his mea culpa Calderon and wanting to provoke - like Ahmadinejad - is set to brincoy states what we all knew that but thought that X or Y reason, had not already said: that Lopez Obrador is "! A danger to Mexico!"

... ... ... ... ... ... ...


(or also room for mucus spreads virtually virtual ones, for those who still doubted the power neuronal sr. blackfish)

Well, after this revelation as convincing as when he appeared to Moses the burning bush in Sinai - WOOOOOOHHHOO!! - For nothing more pleased to see how the view published, pa 'who still doubted - Ah, RW?! DO YOU CAE?! - See how public opinion is united .... But against Him! - Against sr. boilers, which says it is still president of Mexico, you see??

Oh, yeah? Say, and if Calderon, had no such zillion thousand pefepos, guards and police, and army guys, I say, would be just as proud and as salsa, say? level Calderon's popularity - even among some PAN, Manuel Espino and say - is tending to zero, or minus one, if we had negative numbers a level of popularity that is very close to Carlos Salinas - who has yet to win on discontent, our reigning ...


Reigning yet, but very close to the level of Chocheverria, who will soon no longer governed and their children, no grandchildren yet reached ... almost no one pays attention, the country is a 'black dinner' as some would say, all against all, as in the era of the 'ball' or 'river bandits cold '.... hm ... x true, PC, and saw this movie? They are highly recommend, is very timely .... Looks like I'm watching the news rather or program type the Reality Show MTV ...

See it ... this good ...

* * *

And speaking of PAN, Osuna millan seems that you are loading all the dog fleas, and good, because although the state is not to rest on his laurels , we must recognize that the poor will play the raffle tigre, has done what may, at least, without much trouble, or rave as other PAN of his caliber, eg. Rodolfo "sympathy" - for 'nice' - Valdez, who twisted after the scandal of the landfill - which pals of his and his government were happy to grant the landfill and transport, or fit as they transported the waste recycling to its center - it only knows how to babble about it, while missing both of his government, Who will cover? Unless you already have agreed Panchito Tejada Perez jr. and ...

Osuna has not qualified as objectionable compared to other governors, Mario Marin, the governor beautiful - or Ruin Ulysses, or the verbose and demagogue Fidel Herrera, or even the Wonderboy Atlacomulco Jimmy Neutron: Baja California as being forgotten God and so close to downtown and United States, we see that Osuna has tried at least not to sink .... and scandals do not ... at least for that part, its performance has been good ...

Tlacotalpan after floods ... German Dehesa if still alive is the courage to die again, I like ...

Well, it could have been worse, could have been Elorduy - when they unleashed the narco in the state - or could have been much worse: Rodolfo Valdez could have been the governor ...

De panzaso passes the governor at least (forgive the redundancy because if the plump half sr) ... but if you appreciate more quickly to the anger of natural disasters, we know that not all the blame in this case is the gobers - but IF when the ca ... jetean slouch as Fidel Herrera of Veracruz with his demagoguery instead of pantries , there is the case of spoiled groceries in Veracruz ...

And while politicians fight, and Manuel Espino Calderón - and muuucho ignore it - the grandson Wonderboy Peña gaviotescas continues its frivolities, and meanwhile the country is over sink, drown, or shot to pieces after the well-orchestrated chicanery Salinas & Cia. Because waiting for us to leave, at least a little better than the coyote in the roadrunner every time you lose:

And lest we end the week so sad, there are going ps Drawer visual appeal ...

Iker the galanguau leader of the English ... wow wow and more ... arf ... hehee ..

For girls only ... (guys, sorry but this time with Lindsay Lohan entretenganse to see if they left the boat this time ...)

Incidentally we send a big hello and affectionate hug our good friend the poet Agustin Jimenez, wishing him speedy recovery of his health, we do not know anything about him for quite a while ... and CONGRATULATIONS on your BIG project, the old lib "La Torre de Lully" ... wishing to continue many more years ....

And while we miss the flowering of the Jacaranda, with its intoxicating aroma, like Germaine items Dehesa to mention here too ... of course there are some plants in Ensenada Jacaranda ... uh ... and they are blooming ....

Rico aroma ... provechito with your meal and an afternoon coffee and people Chilangos South alla ... it was mid-afternoon over there ... greetings to all ... byebye .... Smell

jacaranda for me ... stop a moment amid the noise and stress ... oh how nice aroma and it falls ... greetings ...