Thursday, October 7, 2010

Wal-mart Plan B Cost In Oregon

Notes October ... Mini

Life in Exile

October Notes and the everyday ...

or The world on the verge of a nervous breakdown .. 19

or Osuna III and nothing new under the sun ..

or Calderon admits his mea culpa and dangerousness towards mexico ...

or philosophize more ...

For Annouck

Fesca but is a very sunny morning in Ensenada, and the little sun came after several days of very foggy haze and sadder, entering the month of October, with jaloguins and more Witches people who walk everywhere .... "For now, what else can we say? It's another October, it looks pretty nice day today here in Ensenada, where even though you feel the cold, there is still sunshine and something pleasant, despite the rain and areas that already suffer pollution, as parts of Ensenada, where besides seeing the greasy mantecotas who are entering the spring - they'll do with those 'fats' black are pretty ugly to enter the dock area to the city? Do expect to sell as 'trans fat' or something? For now has over 3 years that these fats are dredging the port outputs, and nothing has been done ... nothing has been said about their possible risk factors, if contaminants or, well, I hope to post the photos soon mantecotas the port horrendous to see ... and it appears that is not fat liposuction 'Pancho' - the seal or sea lion local pet rather gordote by the way ...

* * *


quite frightening, apart from that is still to sign the possibility of a 3rd world war - do not tell them? The pen ... tontotes NOT be removed! - Because they already minita out its 'golden'-black at least, though who knows how contracts are now Shiism in Iraq - now that they were "supposedly - the gringo soldiers in Iraq, because they are not enough for the mercenaries of Blackwater and other paramilitary forces of the 21st century globalized and want to continue watching where you put, and well, as Israel remains a country that gives them plenty of pretexts for going to annoy others countries, see if what is happening now, or chewing to let go - not cigarettes, and heavy smokers are the Arabs - the Gaza Strip, which remains as someone called it, the world's biggest prison children and widows including:

Netanyahu and Obama by becoming pen ... n thousand fools talk of 'peace' to high gogol ... (Photo: La Jornada)

but SOMETHING SOMETHING SERIOUS coming, an attack by Israel against Iran or possibly excessive provocation against it, we know that Netanyahu will separate the coconut slouch patina of Israel's most bellicose and more emphatic in its settlement policy and to put more and more and more settlers east of Jerusalem, although he has said and said this is a provocation, this sr. Sovereign is worth a straw and on, and will continue because the Israeli Zionists have their xenophobic idea of \u200b\u200bthe BIG Jerusalem - all to re-build a temple and ruins everything done ... .. mmm ... no more oil well below Palestinian territories? I really do not know, better ask Alfredo Jalife, - q sta certainly here the link to your new site n internet - but excuses about: changes also in the White House, I gral. Controlled to a greater or lesser extent by pro-Israeli lobby, and the output of the powerful former secretary Rahm Emanuel - pro Israel - does not bring anything good memory, because it sounds rather that the rats are coming out of the boat ... before sink ... something will know ...

Neither is there any good because we know that although we have tried to control a lot, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is not someone say quietly, but rather challenging and loves to ride cukando the rule, so it would be very good that the president of Iran was more to calm his people, which is quite unhappy after its messes and his post-election course electoral fraud would be nice ... and to try to negotiate and did not dissent to the same as Calderon AMLO you doing here in Mexico ....

* * *

And speaking of Calderon and AMLO, would be good to remember the sentence week, or is he finally accepts his mea culpa Calderon and wanting to provoke - like Ahmadinejad - is set to brincoy states what we all knew that but thought that X or Y reason, had not already said: that Lopez Obrador is "! A danger to Mexico!"

... ... ... ... ... ... ...


(or also room for mucus spreads virtually virtual ones, for those who still doubted the power neuronal sr. blackfish)

Well, after this revelation as convincing as when he appeared to Moses the burning bush in Sinai - WOOOOOOHHHOO!! - For nothing more pleased to see how the view published, pa 'who still doubted - Ah, RW?! DO YOU CAE?! - See how public opinion is united .... But against Him! - Against sr. boilers, which says it is still president of Mexico, you see??

Oh, yeah? Say, and if Calderon, had no such zillion thousand pefepos, guards and police, and army guys, I say, would be just as proud and as salsa, say? level Calderon's popularity - even among some PAN, Manuel Espino and say - is tending to zero, or minus one, if we had negative numbers a level of popularity that is very close to Carlos Salinas - who has yet to win on discontent, our reigning ...


Reigning yet, but very close to the level of Chocheverria, who will soon no longer governed and their children, no grandchildren yet reached ... almost no one pays attention, the country is a 'black dinner' as some would say, all against all, as in the era of the 'ball' or 'river bandits cold '.... hm ... x true, PC, and saw this movie? They are highly recommend, is very timely .... Looks like I'm watching the news rather or program type the Reality Show MTV ...

See it ... this good ...

* * *

And speaking of PAN, Osuna millan seems that you are loading all the dog fleas, and good, because although the state is not to rest on his laurels , we must recognize that the poor will play the raffle tigre, has done what may, at least, without much trouble, or rave as other PAN of his caliber, eg. Rodolfo "sympathy" - for 'nice' - Valdez, who twisted after the scandal of the landfill - which pals of his and his government were happy to grant the landfill and transport, or fit as they transported the waste recycling to its center - it only knows how to babble about it, while missing both of his government, Who will cover? Unless you already have agreed Panchito Tejada Perez jr. and ...

Osuna has not qualified as objectionable compared to other governors, Mario Marin, the governor beautiful - or Ruin Ulysses, or the verbose and demagogue Fidel Herrera, or even the Wonderboy Atlacomulco Jimmy Neutron: Baja California as being forgotten God and so close to downtown and United States, we see that Osuna has tried at least not to sink .... and scandals do not ... at least for that part, its performance has been good ...

Tlacotalpan after floods ... German Dehesa if still alive is the courage to die again, I like ...

Well, it could have been worse, could have been Elorduy - when they unleashed the narco in the state - or could have been much worse: Rodolfo Valdez could have been the governor ...

De panzaso passes the governor at least (forgive the redundancy because if the plump half sr) ... but if you appreciate more quickly to the anger of natural disasters, we know that not all the blame in this case is the gobers - but IF when the ca ... jetean slouch as Fidel Herrera of Veracruz with his demagoguery instead of pantries , there is the case of spoiled groceries in Veracruz ...

And while politicians fight, and Manuel Espino Calderón - and muuucho ignore it - the grandson Wonderboy Peña gaviotescas continues its frivolities, and meanwhile the country is over sink, drown, or shot to pieces after the well-orchestrated chicanery Salinas & Cia. Because waiting for us to leave, at least a little better than the coyote in the roadrunner every time you lose:

And lest we end the week so sad, there are going ps Drawer visual appeal ...

Iker the galanguau leader of the English ... wow wow and more ... arf ... hehee ..

For girls only ... (guys, sorry but this time with Lindsay Lohan entretenganse to see if they left the boat this time ...)

Incidentally we send a big hello and affectionate hug our good friend the poet Agustin Jimenez, wishing him speedy recovery of his health, we do not know anything about him for quite a while ... and CONGRATULATIONS on your BIG project, the old lib "La Torre de Lully" ... wishing to continue many more years ....

And while we miss the flowering of the Jacaranda, with its intoxicating aroma, like Germaine items Dehesa to mention here too ... of course there are some plants in Ensenada Jacaranda ... uh ... and they are blooming ....

Rico aroma ... provechito with your meal and an afternoon coffee and people Chilangos South alla ... it was mid-afternoon over there ... greetings to all ... byebye .... Smell

jacaranda for me ... stop a moment amid the noise and stress ... oh how nice aroma and it falls ... greetings ...


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