Monday, October 18, 2010

Church Donation Request Sample Letters

The response to globalization ... (Part I)

We must try to think of another way of life very different from the savage capitalist system today, if we are not only able to live decently, but elementary justice and for the survival of Planet Earth ... (Photo: La Jornada)

Life in Exile

Response to Globalization
(Or "The NO-LOGO-Reloaded-Revolution XXI century-
Or when the revolution is about virtual and global ... you name it)

For Annouck

'm currently listening to a boy is playing his bongos in the cafe where I usually come , this guy plays for 'cooperacha' and is not having a desire to join the system, but I see well dressed despite their anarcho-punk outfit, as well as, I can see how little by little kids - especially here in the Lower Rating of alternate-punks or anarcho-punks-are challenging the system, and determined to NOT work in Chamba gov. set - apart from the net, Chambas NO! - And are dedicated to second or to live the 'art' or the chatter that sell or buy / sell in second or crafts that make ...

What is happening? That fault lies in the system, such a degree that there is NO turning back? Sera
these youngsters may have found the crack end, unbridled capitalism?

days ago I went to an alternate event in the Plaza Villa Mexicana in Ensenada, a mall that was opened in the nineties and never 'hit', the place has usually been rented and evicted several months, for a variety of tenants, until some of the last tenant decided to revive the site, and to organize events to pull people to them.
Let's face another big disadvantage of unbridled, is the lack of LEISURE and RECREATION: people are neurotic, to an extreme point of madness, by slave labor hours: 9-6, the most common time of work for most - with one hour for lunch - and nothing but nothing fun.

* * *

minimicro pichoneras The houses are, and if I believe, give him a look blog post here at my friend Salvador, where an analysis of the problem of these micropichoneras , and since this type of scam - because if they are a scam - can also promote pathological and harmful behaviors among its residents because of overcrowding, the stress of living in such homes, and also the great time spent in quality of life in moving the work to the periphery of the city, where most of these subdivisions are located;
Now if, as an old man, said an article in the magazine New Yorker, among other journals, are house-room, used Most of all, to sleep, I think that neither the houses of the 'motel' new way, are as small as this type of micro mini homes, if you can call it so.

But back the next issue ... In this topic, houses, leisure? Comes to mind because a question that unbridled capitalism has driven neo friedman post is also enslave the human being minus the time of Hours-Leisure: if you do not believe me, see articles in the great economist Julio Boltvinik, in an article back to the - I think of 2006-2008, can not remember - mention a very important detail about the theft of free time worker to be an inalienable right of guano, is their right to leisure, without this time the man devoted to his personal entertainment , just do not can work, the current work - lease from maquila to professional-level, claiming 12, 14, sometimes up to 20 hours of your life can not be good, and besides that detract from the human capacity to lecture, to analysis, to fully understand your personal situation, WHERE AND HOW TU these situated in the world today, and possible solutions you could do to improve your environment, sometimes not even that but how to try to think like a human being. (because that is what the MAN = The Thinker)

A work that many hours do you spend your life in, where he is not your job where you have to also invest many man-hours move you, and you just have the time necessary for basic: eating (eating half bad) go to the bathroom / toilet, and living with your children / family - if you have it - a time seems a breath, and the sexual act - assuming that only lasted 15 min. the said act - it is NOT worthy of men-women, but rather, animals, and even that it is rather a life SLAVE.

We are slaves of the big multinationals, we know, and the worst of it is that we come to such a degree that we do not care.

To which is what this small human being?? For this we create a civilization? to follow only subsist without glory or triumph, "historical moments come and go," and continue in the same? in a neo-feudal regime, a regime of slave-masters??

* * *

All that I began to think, to reflect , the other day, while watching to urban troubadours, the rockers who sang at the event, with sticks of fire jugglers, dancers .. . that sold organic and artisan products at a time ... at the event on Saturday ...
In that event, not the first nor the last, I have observed, I started to see in big cities like San Diego and San Francisco in past years, and I'm beginning to see in Baja California, the Self-Management people, the so-called 'citizenship' - but was not, so far ...

Capitalism is about extinct, we know; the disaster, the new feudal lords - whether they Conago-governing union-whether they be drug dealers, whether they plutocrats, salt & Cia, (this is only local, international chiefs missing) want, as Pinky and the Brain, trying to take over the world ... until now, with such good results as Pinky and the Brain, I have to say ...

I still recall with nostalgia my teacher Jose Mora Ruiz, who taught us in those late eighties, as the capitalist system would give way to its destruction, the savage imperialism, before decaying, become a socialist-NOT ! - that never happened, through feudalism, stage-feudal lords chiefs, in which we live now it seems.
The accurate diagnosis of my Social Studies teacher is more timely than ever, and realize that we are approaching the final stages of the world economic.

WHAT IS DOING IN OTHER CITIES? (Take, for example. The case of San Francisco, among other cities gringo)

The guys, not all, unfortunately, are also wannabe zombies narcos reggaeton slum - are now taking to the streets, organizing events fundraising, self-help each other, constantly challenging the system.

Vintage Shop in San Francisco, where you can buy / redeem / sell your clothes and other ...

vintage stores have thrived, this in part by nostalgia for a past full of hippie idealism symbolic, in part, by what means instead of continuing to enrich more to transnationals, enriched with some culture, buying / selling your same clothes yan or occupy, and they better buy it or exchange it with more groovy clothes neighbor / a, chance the neighboring think your clothes are cooler than yourself, be not so?

Cafe The Red Victorian San Francisco in Haight-Ashbury, where he also occupies the first floor of an NGO ... (Photo: The New York Times)

NGOs also continue to prosper and swarming in many places, people are more willing to help these various NGOs, which continue to support the same corporations.

View from inside the Red Victorian, cafe-Bed & Breakfast in Haight-Ashbury ...

And the bohemian cafes are becoming the new place to socialize, to organize, to meet fellow causes and common affinities, new cultural spaces ....( And if food is organic or fair trade, so much the better ....)

Y la cultura, bueno, los chavos/chavas, han descubierto el PODER MAS GRANDE, que esta, claro que si, dentro de ELL@S MISM@S.

Not another brick in the wall, of course....

La SOLUCION AL FUTURO, al HAMBRE, a la POBREZA, a la falta de OCIO y TIEMPO LIBRE, a la falta de CONVIVENCIA SOCIAL - sustituida pobremente por el 'feisbuk' y demas redes sociales, donde aprendemos a soƱar a nuestros amigos con caras de iconitos del mesenger por la falta de sociabilizacion - esta en LAS CALLES.

first call, my friends, the first call .... sounds the war to your door, we should stop ...

We can do it. If TOD @ S @ S. Quereme

sorry, but most try to connect the camera, hopelessly SOMETHING bug me - I suspect I'm wrong cable and bought the little camera cord else! ...- poof owe them photos of the event on Saturday ....

continue talking about this in the next issue ...

What can be done about it further, to try to fight the monster within?
I would love that people who read this blog - apart from Baltasar and Poncho, I guess I should be 2-3 more, I think, could answer, and write something about it: send your comment .. ..

Thank you for your attention.


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