Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hacking Internet Modem In Vietnamese


Is the U.S. a land of passionate and fervent believers, fear God and avid readers and followers of the Bible?
Some will say yes (I think so), others say it is exaggerated.
Well here is another example to illustrate the debate.

In the impoverished state of Kentucky, famous for its whiskey, among other things, it turns out that their governor, Democrat Steve Beshear, is determined to promote with generous tax incentives in its construction of a replica of Noah's Ark is as faithful as possible to the original.

Beshear's motivation is to save the various animal species from extinction by an impending flood, but revive the economy of one of the states that have flooded the unemployment crisis.

managers to carry out the project of "Ark Encounter" ("The meeting with the Ark"), will be the same developers who built also in the Kentucky Creation Museum, a controversial center that defends a literal interpretation of the Bible, and tries to prove that the Earth is only 6,000 years old, and that men and dinosaurs lived at the dawn of time.

Although the museum has generated all kinds of mockery, in its three years it has attracted more than 1.2 million people, mostly families of evangelical religion, and scholars enrolled in schools in this confession. It is precisely these figures that persuaded the Governor Beshear to provide up to $ 37 million to the project.

promoters "Ark Encounter", which are linked to a religious group, ensure that your investment will amount to $ 150 million, and estimated that it will create 900 permanent jobs, bringing in its first year only 1.6 million visitors. Because only find about 65 kilometers from Museum Creation, the expectation is to create a tourism corridor evangelical "to attract visitors for stays of two to three days.

Halfway between a zoo and a live nativity scene, the "Ark Encounter" will feature actors and the presence of several animals such as giraffes. Of course, for the sake of the credibility of the Ark, are all puppies. "We believe that God probably sent young animals that had not yet fully grown to have more space ... This is an opportunity to present accurate Biblical information, "explains Mike Zovath, vice president of Answers in Genesis, the religious group behind the project.

addition of the Ark, with extensive cover equivalent to 35 tennis courts, the museum will include a Tower of Babel of about 35 meters, and a tour of the most notorious episodes of the Old Testament, as the 10 plagues of Egypt or the opening Red Sea by Moses. And all for the price of 30 euros per adult, with discounts for children.


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