Wednesday, December 8, 2010

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The most dangerous guerrilla: Julian Assange

Life in Exile

Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks . (Photo The Country of EspaƱa)

El guerrillero mas peligroso del mundo

  • Porque Wikileaks ha cambiado la comunicacion a nivel global
  • Los secretos YA no lo son; Siguiente nivel en la comunicacion
  • Julian Assange: porque es el hombre mas peligroso para los Estados Unidos
  • Los secretos corporativos, militares, financieros y otros vs los ciberguerrilleros

Por Annouck

Como la comunicacion globally is accelerating - not if it is the much-vaunted 2012, the revolutions of the sun or radiation from the Pleiades-you name it - but the speed that the Internet has made global communications, where he spends a war flood, earthquake or ethnic unrest and can not go unnoticed in another distant part of the world, more distant it is: I remember

eg, the cartoon is Jose Hernandez where W Bush caricatured as a shoe, which was sent to the site of Al-Jazeera, the BBC of the Arabs, where Islam is professed know-among other customs and shoes are ugly and rude insults with which they can nominate someone, where it was celebrated with imbalances caricature of our Cartoonist Hernandez, Mexican pa 'plus sign next to angry chants at Arabs and Pakistanis.

This thought-provoking (though the reflection is a luxury, a delicious detail, like a sweet precious treasure with which people have the baby boomers age, as our parents and sixties, but with which our generation X and later we no longer have) on the next step following the global communications, where the internet, and their attachments, such as blogger and twitter, the product became famous for the speed printed communications, the speed limit hundredfold.

lately have been seen as the most treacherous secret can no longer be hidden, and the multiple shelters of information, and loopholes prepared to fight his departure / release of data, are guarded by government departments and state attorneys equipment packs of the most fierce love of locks and proxies and cyber laws.

* * *

The worldwide trend is towards a kind of global anarchy, given that the vast majority of governments - left-right-center, social democratic ( guaraguaraguara ) democracy, bah, anyway, tooodas trends and gather merge into one - and therefore, the people and governments do not respect emanating from the various corporations - whether church / state (s) / local power cliques / corporations / etc, for the same reason, the same worn archaic structures of power are trying to develop alternate ways to conserve what little power they have left, and one of the few powers, which is very important indeed is the power of information.

understood then, the big global hit - especially for the still love the world: United States - I mean the 28th of November in the evening, when it was already 12 am in the meridian Greenwich, and was published in major newspapers around the world the secrets leaked by Wikileaks cables, the Internet organization dedicated to leak classified information secret and even large part, "hence its name: Wiki - by wikipedia / encyclopedia virtual global and leaks or leaks in English - organization dedicated to leak classified information not only from governments of various countries in the world, but also corporate private or a destructive cults like the Church of Scientology.

Unlike what people think - precisely because all the great speed that occur and events are publicized in the world, people hardly have time for reflection and analysis, as I said earlier - Wikileaks is NOT a terrorist organization, but rather, its function - and watching the biography of Julian Assange, can be understood in large measure this - is the filter confidential information that relates to muchsima people in the world, either because data is revealing incriminating information about X or Y politician (s), and certain executives of transnational corporations affecting the common welfare of either hundreds or even millions of individuals ; many secret or classified information in the world refers to either environmental disasters or wars in which the 'collateral damage' is not so, since the death of many innocent civilians many times go unnoticed, until the appearance of some kind of global civil society organizations are beginning to come together to stand up precisely, these civic groups, Wikileaks, with its leaks / download information at different levels either locally or information from different countries with more serious global impact, and even humanitarian, are necessary to know precisely so that the ordinary people that aware of these problems to confront these powerful groups become abusive to the citizens.

Because the mind 'globalization', have only been seen in general, usually benefited large companies, corporations for profit and profit enough, obvious, loggers destroying the forests like the Amazon, the pharmaceutical companies citizens who use X instead of the third world as guinea pigs for 'testing effects' of drugs / vaccines potentially risky, the medical group forests will steal secrets inaccessible to indigenous doctors and then patented in the name of profits of corporation X, polluting factories in n thousand places in the world, nuclear plants, "collateral damage" Purposely product of bloody wars without justification, as one of the cables on the war in Iraq / Afghanistan that Wikileaks did precisely known.

* * *

Although NO is an organization that is dedicated specifically to empty information on States government, particularly the United States, has become important precisely for this reason: because their past leaks (The most notable: the video the death of Reuters reporter - at the hands of soldiers deliberately killing him tripping gringos and several civilians in Iraq "that gringo army would not let go, and the wires on the war in Afghanistan / Iraq that hits really hard to image the Pentagon - if you could burn more) All this, before the cables that seem highly subversive, the BIG news from Watergate: filtration, more than 250,000 documents on Wikileaks and subsequent simultaneous publication on Sunday night 28-29 November by 5 of the world's most prestigious newspapers (Le Monde, El Pais in Spain - Das Spiegel of Germany-The Guardian in the UK - and The New York Times) is indeed the story of the century.

Since this series of CABLES FILTERED the U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT recorded, in addition to the United Nations - to ALL THE WORLD GOVERNMENT THAT HAS BEEN RELATED still has not fully analyzed the potential of this powerful filtration of the story, the revelation of the secret to voices, the great global powers that be.

* * *

For several years, since the mid-nineties over here, they started to piece things together in various groups of left and progressive diversity, we found that the real 'villains' of the history are the large corporations that profit from the profit and progress at the expense of human collective welfare, Seattle, spearhead the restructuring of alternative groups (NGOs) that began to emerge in those moments, as currently in this alternative summit organized by various NGO's worldwide in Cancun.

The findings of various experts, from Chomsky to Vidal, to Naomi Klein, Giovanni Sartori, Howard Zinn, and many others, from the Nineties to here, to discuss the new global situation of the world, reached the same conclusions, various forms and explanations, this is NOT against capitalism itself, but the savage neoliberal capitalism in its extreme destructive phase, corruption coming at the hands of money, which passes over the rights of peoples, nations, communities ancient and indigenous, and the rights of various minorities.

Because the world has become local. Globalization has made the private public, and men in Mexico can not be disconnected from the man in Timbuktu, or in Nepal, Lhasa, or men - and women - in Thailand or Iran or Russia, or South Africa.

For us, to paraphrase Mark Sub, we are everything. Everything for everyone, for us all.

The village collective, not just demands of a capitalist who refuses to leave their Victorian stage - which is already nearly destroyed the neoliberal phase Savage so characteristic of the EU - also has its own requirements, in the same community begins to organize itself in many forms, whether peasant ecologists Jose Bove in France, either with strong indigenous peasant communities in Oaxaca and Chiapas and Bolivia , and is otherwise more advanced, the resistance started with ex-hackers children of the nineties, new resistance organizations, sometimes tending to a kind of anarchic self-government, as Wikileaks, or Avaaz, for example, local and global, because the local is global, and global is also local.

begins the phase of resistance against corporations and their demands neoliberal detrimental to the individual. Also the freedom of press is seeing the game. Allowing an attack on Julian Assange, - who also started this fight Wikileaks by his own personal history by fighting within their families destructive sects and learn to flee and live hand to mouth (has experience) on this, see more information in the newspaper El Pais in Spain - would be like allowing an attack on the very heart of the resistance, the same human community begins to organize themselves to defend their rights. Given that knowledge is power, they should fight this, and the United States will look very bad - especially the most harmful of the gringo government is the military department as fan are of little wars without rhyme or reason and pro-war think tanks - if you intend to arrest Assange for excuses we all know are baladi and purpose-made to attack the weak press freedom left in the world, because we already know that the vast majority of journalistic gringo corporations - to Murdoch's News - that are corporations, nothing more. Like almost everything in the world.

Thinking that this will have a happy ending after all, since the government gringo is completely evident in the case of Assange, and the net will look really bad if they continue to catch and stick a guantanamazo or anything, really. In case the emperor is naked ... you know ....

What "Freedom" proclaims both the United States? Where is it? What is, is that, if they stop to Julian Assange, ten (or hundred) will come to take his place.

* * *

Throughout the history of the twentieth century and so far this running, I had never been a case whose implications had journalistic repercussions for the entire planet. Are we seeing the emergence of a new type of government? "Government now if, for most, of the majority? Would this possible, and avoid catching Assange, alone at the obvious falseness of the charges, which means the same? We closed

twentieth century, the century of "Lightning" as he called Adolfo Gilly for being so moved and chaotic, with this news, the news that could revolutionize communications, and therefore, economic and political systems at Global, after this The Telepathy seems quite possible. Telepathy

Collective and individual, then.


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