Thursday, October 28, 2010

What Happens If The Left Leg Hurts

dies ... Grief Nestor Kirchner in Argentina and Southern Cone ...

Personally Argentina has always been my favorite countries, a place to which I hope some day to call second home, his people, the great suffering of the Argentine-Luchon, arrogant, sometimes a little crazy and fast, like the people of Mexicali but NEVER rajon - has, along with popular culture - from Mafalda to Fito Paez and Cerati - a country which every Mexican can feel in the background, empathy. while the arrogant and self-sufficient character average Argentine can, in some extreme cases, angry and even upset, never clear, beyond a chilango of bad vibes or a gringo or European sangrona to put some of the finest examples Clarita I have had to do -

Argentina is a brotherly country of Mexico. same, but different, like a little mystery, as knowing a something new, a cousin who did not know, an unknown story of a friend, so, the nation and people of Argentina, so sustained, so Luchon, and so beloved, so hurt now, by dying leader, the man who had managed to raise Argentina, thing in 2001, that seemed tired impossible. (I got to see in 2002 in Mexico City, the number of Argentines who took refuge in a new exile, but economic, now in Mexico)

died yesterday morning Nestor Kirchner, former president of Argentina, who was able to rescue in 2001 Argentina from the bore severe crisis-worse than in Mexico these days - and threatening the entire country to bankruptcy. I well remember those days. Nobody, but nobody gave a weight - and Mexicans, because the Argentines were worse than bilimbiques - for the economy of Argentina. Mexico had just won at Fox, despite his now notorious rave and nonsense, yet at the time, he had a little faith, AMLO ruled the City, with its then polemic views that seemed manias, fads, only to annoy the right-wing Fox administration, on issues not as important then as now working, lower strength issues on the management of Df for example, and in the world, still resented the 11 Sep so recent and serious attack the twin towers - which was also quite noticeable in Mexico City where I resided then in 2002, since there was no GRINGO or not I have seen some gringo in Mexico, clear discounting Dr. John Ackerman or one that another journalist known at that time resident in the Deef. At that time

presidents succeeded one after another, in Argentina, after the De la RUazo: either you are when Fernando de la Rua's term ca ... jetearla slouch in the government, after the chaos left by severe Salinas - sorry - monster of evil - sorry, I'm wrong - Carlitos Menem ... (because there will be Salinas said Menem instead? that rare ....)

Carlitos Menem as Salinas left the economy with pins, and after that , Fernando De la Rua will explode the economic explosion in his face.

diversity presidents passed until I get one, which is not pointed to a long duration - everyone thought that at most would last several months as Duhalde and the others who only lasted a short time - but Nestor Kirchner came to stay.

Saneo Argentina's economy, DROP THE DEBT TO THE IMF - the first country in South America that made him - enacted a series of reforms to try to address extreme poverty in his country, began to make alliances with the various chairs of the left - of different tones and colors - from South America to achieve a common good, a common Mercosur - which can leave the SOLUTION to the macroeconomics of the Latin American countries, starting with South America, - and a great marriage between the various presidents to reform and goals for the South American continent, so rich and full of promise.

Leaving a very different from Argentina which was, when I, Nestor Kirchner will pass the remote to his wife, Cristina Fernandez, monitoring - which would not be unusual for a married couple who share a house and a bed together, the state of the country, Cristina advising, directing the ex-Peronist Peronist party, but rather center-left center -

The Argentines cry so much, also his wife. Argentina love him, love him, I need it and need.

We miss him as much.

Rest in peace, Nestor Kirchner. On the other hand ... who knows ... it will not make that much ...? PD

AMLO is alive. do not forget. Weekly column


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