Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Will The Hair Grow Back On My Dogs Scar

... get to work! 16-17/Mar/10 - 2nd PART

Life in Exile

While the repression of the SME is the note hidden agenda, demonstrations and marches and plants are growing in various parts of the country .. . In Baja California does not, because nothing ever happens here ... right?? (Photo: Martin Esparza talking-El Universal)

  • Pure litigation and no action ... Wonderboy vs. Beatriz Paredes
  • Huipil
  • The country's fundamental problems remain unsolved ... More
  • repression instead of solving social problems ....( Lozano vs. SME)
  • 2010 elections vs. the vaunted reform of state ...

Ps where we were?

D eciamos yesterday - it was night and I was failing quite the network, so I had to forward the post q was writing - to see ... that we remained pending in the pipeline ... mmm .... We said

a very, very important detail is that NOT doing anything because of the mentioned reform of the state, and now - and at quarter to twelve - and now no choice, now do! are moving extremely fast to pass what remains of the Reform - lease try to build a parliamentary republic in place of the monarchy sexennial PAN or PRI, remains the same, but with more discredited and their vaunted kings worse than the post-monarchical era - to Republic of terror includes a-lo-Robespierre .... that's what we have ... Why will

historical events are repeated? Sera that Marx was a kind of seer-prophet Nostradamus as lied? or what? you would know something the matter?

Anyway ... we said now if you are moving to approve: re-election of deputies!
(name. .. if in case you do not leave the ball there CORRUPTAZOS useless as Diego (guacala!) Pablo Gomez - which one you atina two c. .. ajetea with rave verbose - Creel - chamba ideal for someone so warm - Manlio - or mr. Corleone, vox populi dixit - Cesarito Nava aka Pinocchio, among the many high etceteras the orita gogol that I forget ... and sooo many are dispensable, almost everyone.

.. bah ... now ... imagine? Diego ad infinitum have there? or Molinar? or many thousands of union bosses? PUAAAAJ ....- permitenme that guacaree ...

which is being renewed political life with the re-election of these so and so? Simon as not: ask the user to our neighbors the gringos, which is useless SUPPORT mummies will only lift the finger and warming the bench, as lots of Republicans and pussy but there are, re-elected ad infinitum, or until there are parts of transplants for bionic do not run out ... to be only warming the seat, supporting corrputisimos lobbies or pressure groups - which in Mexico are already getting some pretty harmful as Monsanto's lobby or Tobacco-and the truth, not everyone is Edward Kennedy - the least piorcitos, make yourselves account the equivalent of Pablo Gomez ... until he cried when he died .... but they are a lot worse ...

NAME! if you had a Fidel Velazquez and Guera Rodriguez, what we want is that I DO NOT FOLLOW sizes odds ...

And if they are good elements in Congress, do not hurry; reelection reelection or not, people can remember, and if they are good, I remember ... Remember

Javier Corral ...

* * *

And since we mentioned Cesarito Nava, remember as the circus and theater rope so tasty that it has become Congress - which equates to the level of soap opera channel, with the advantage that it is a soap opera live, real-time and real life ... (I think even the Canal Congress has moved to telenovelas rating these days ...)

The question that Paredes-Nava are fighting - and wearing politically, is pretty silly of this lady, PRI politicians cartridges less burned, that's left of run-see-and-tell - that does not fit in its intended role of feminist woman and a fighter - the beating of dejadota old drums and handled the PRI of the various states, walking with his alleged 'partnership' with the PAN - which we all know are tricks and ruses to the PRI does not remove the bone, the few bones that are in states -

I think Beatrice is looking bad and VERY M AL, the few women who admire or admired PRI, Beatriz Paredes political picture of worth, are being left disappointed that the state government idiocy in their fight against abortion and marriage or cohabitation companies - wrongly called gay marriage. the truth, I can not believe that is so left Beatriz Paredes and behave in a pusillanimous, at times, so that hate it, but it reminds me of when left Peje - the politicians who have committed errors Lopez Obrador, is left of commitments politically risky situations, there is nothing wrong! Marcelo already see that is not afraid and there is, is doing enough well ...

some people will love or hate Marcelo for his political positions - often made of pure tease nomas, of confrontation, but WILL NOT IGNORE people who ....

Beatriz, the truth you are looking Pessimism of run-see-and-tell of Wonderboy: you do not see that you are eating the groceries! and you're leaving manipulate, in addition to Peña Nieto, of Salinas?

Because in reality, this is the main problem: that Beatriz is to be - or makes it very comfortable - the bully boy wonder the gallant supposedly the 'Seagull' - bah - and if it is WRONG Beatriz Paredes, Ganon will Peña Nieto and the main winner saline bald ...

which will be a sad, to say at least, for those who choose not to be a handsome young artist's face joligud Televicentro, but who controls it: a being horrible, evil dwarf control more worthy of film remake of Nosferatu ....( A as it has sucked the blood bald beggar, it sounds plausible)

- and pay the cost, it is not so ... Beatriz, Beatriz?

O that's really what you want? For

end up being a nullity, and tell your aspirations Babalu for 2012 now if ...
woman because there will be no vote for you ... (as babas are some who will prefer to Peña Nieto nomas by supposedly guapote ...)
And watching you so warm, they are not missing women, PRI and no, right ...

* * *

And this lawsuit is reminding us - along with Gerardo Fernandez Rollot Noronha SME support the strike along with the bench of the PT and other militants of the RCP - which IS NOT DONE NOTHING more than PANCHOS in Congress lately, okay, okay to lift the fallen rating channel congress! Congratulations! but fundamental problems remain unsolved ..

like problems?

Such as these ....

Or this ....

Or these other ...

has been wasting time in sterile suits in Congress, and while there have only stado REGRESSIVE pushing for reforms in all areas, to go no further, this pearl SEE who want to push on labor as the Frankenstein Lozano: (Frankie with that of q nobody wants, I think he wants to q or alone ... anyway)

There is hunger in the country, people in parts of the republic and is stealing GRAIN of falling off the railways, with some people despair, another much, unfortunately, not so sane, you're getting into the drug ...

The drug is mainly a social reflection of the lack of a good educational plan for the so-called gene. And, and all the people in general since its heyday in the eighties-years in which the spawn of evil Salinas went into action doing shit all it touches, as usual - leaving your education at Gordon ....

And without getting into eleven staff shirts, suffice to say that to go to a party association, the majority of officials, teachers, members of the supposedly new alliance, OR DO NOT HAVE DONE NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, since the educacio and several presidential administrations to date ...

Protest against Gomez Mont in Unam ...

Or what? do 'something' means electronic whiteboards - the mentioned enciclomedia-take exams useless and stupid as the test link, which is good for no m. .. AIZ, certifications that serve only to make useless waste of time and cheerfully to teachers, making them tooodavia lose class time and more time to prepare really?

USED OR COURSE OF SNTE USELESS? I have put some articles of the maestro Rafael Avila Olvera, to see if I look any more to say something about it ...

In my opinion, these courses, people are not prepared, they are not means nothing, and only serve to make you lose your time in the same ...

No that teachers are saying .. but sure most will agree with me ... besides, most regressive educational policies lately, you pity the student instead of reprimanding - modern psicopedagogical bad policies - not to induce them students to the effort, but they suggest is the easy way ...

Among the easy way, the NULL read / stimulation at home, but the idiot box, we have a perfect formula for making ... drug dealers and addicts, and other fringe ....

name ... because if so this country is a disaster, people like the so-called boy wonder Peña Nieto, only indulging in his big EGO and looking in the mirror, tooodos politicians fighting against all - so than the usual state reform - originally planned to hit the tower cauldron and reduce his powers - need to be left - will be just a pipe dream of Muñoz Ledo ...

Say ... So that is actually used this thing for State Reform? How you eat? Will they make alliances against nature with the left and right? "Or should serve a minimum for the parties to agree? (Chuayfett pics of preventing the passage of the left Encinas-La Jornada)

the choices ... election time, bad time for this ...

will happen? Manlio and their lackeys if they are lucky, is bounded on the conference, maybe just a little, the exaggerated presidential powers, which would serve well, as the next president - if it happens to be another - to get along with Congress and not confront, such as the present case ... if that's the case, the person who comes to power will be rather hampered by the "parliamentary republic"? lawsuits will be daily thing at the conference? it all depends ...

that politicians put aside their ambitions, which are so hungry for money and power, and Work Related to try to put the good of the country ... What would become of us do not even have a Congress more or less way? remember, and we are not sure which is the only power that is working ... so far .... Calderon

... and it gives a deaf ear to any demand - which is not put more soldiers to Balak narcos ... and not the net ... and we do not want that ....

And as the judiciary or jodicial .. ... bah .... just enough to remind the Court that we Tremenda ...

Everything now depends on whether the congress. and that are made now, if you agree, aunquesea once in a lifetime ....

We do not have time. Weekly column


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