Thursday, March 11, 2010

How Long Does 'plan B' Stay In Your System

Avila Mar / 7 / 10 Indigo

Sale Items Teacher Rafael Olivera Avila of Tijuana, this is a bit about the stupidity of Lujambio - and that is the case for the next post we are developing -

Greetings to all and as this article goes, it goes : (as the chilangos ... greetings Df x true compas ..)





We are suffering a setback in what is called State democratic, with a tightening of the repressive apparatus of the state, specifically the Army's intervention in matters which are closed, as seen on Tuesday, 9 February, when we observe a kind of "generals" to hear the intervention of the holder of the SEDENA, Guillermo Galvan Galvan and his exhortations to support the proposed "political reform" of Calderon Hinojosa, forgetting his role, unrelated to any partisan tinge.

We have found above, to hear speeches by officials embedded in the current government, whose role should play are not well defined, leading then to a kind of usurpation of functions, to a confusing jumble of claims, statements and assertions that are not under their authority. Since nobody knows who holds the Interior, who Education, who the army, or who is in charge in Los Pinos.

This observation has been widespread in recent days, with a number of examples already mentioned, in which the characters have participated in the government payroll charge, backed by the grace of their employer , blatantly subverting the provisions of the Constitution, causing desgarriate, with which we no longer know who is ruling this country, or if indeed there are traces of government to citizens to say that we live in ensuring full democratic normality of both governments boast emanating from the political party which claims to strive "for a homeland orderly and generous."

pretext of falsehood (as has been the norm of this misrule) that the reforms proposed by Felipe del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa, is the panacea to alleviate all the ills of this country, insisting that the reform policy "is the mother of all reforms, "we want to" sugarcoat "(next day), and has used it who charge as the Chief Executive of exaggerated media campaign, and the worst of their subordinates whose duties are very different and yet there brings official and unofficial spokesmen, to the degree that has interfered with the Secretary of Defense in these matters, it is pathetic and grotesque behavior. As if there were not enough to have kept the hostages in a failed war fools, who has no rhyme or reason, they have lost it since its inception.

Al charge of domestic policy, bring a "witness of honor" to sign agreements in the shadows, with the leaders of political parties, to swap between the approval of tax increases of any kind, although a disadvantage only impoverished social classes of this country, and failure to make unholy alliances with other political institutions, whether it allegedly contrary options. Well, following his resignation from the immaculate party, maintains in office, "most of desire forces" inside wanting to do the same with the case by holding, in which he acts is really multifaceted Lujambio. Literally is in charge of two ministries, evil-minded even say that the SEP regentea nothing less than "the corrupting of mentors."

Thus, he had already referred to reader friendly (no need to clarify genera), which the author are intellectual? of the proposed political reform fecal is none other than José Ricardo Alonso Lujambio Irazábal (do not understand why they hide their real names should give them identity), who wasted no platform, participating as an event to proclaim the good news of political reform, attributing characteristics nor by announcing merolicos Tlacote water, or a priest "Streaky" with his elixir Medical ingested by Karol Wojtyla, praised both.

recently Irazábal Lujambio, who ought to talk about what education needs to leave the huge crater it is, the unsurpassed educational backwardness that has been reached, the point that we have fallen behind schedule , the general malaise in education that overcomes, the incredible power you have given in the SEP, the trembling hand that rocks the cradle, rather than address the issues inherent in his position, come to serve as his unofficial spokesman protector Calderón Hinojosa, with extremely vulgar speech. If in the previous administration and we admired the distinctive features that characterized him, as was the banality, frivolity, impunity, cynicism, ignorance, the unbalanced psyche of that misgoverned with his pathetic presidential couple, "the current" no wrong sings rancheras "(whether the child disobedient).

this was roughly what happened with the restless and rude owner of Interior (I apologize for the slip) I wanted to write to Education:

" While attending Reform Policy Forum, organized by local and federal deputies Action Convened by the national and local MP Parra Gustavo Noriega, the federal official discussed some of the 10 points of the proposed President's Political Reform, including the election underscored a row, independent candidates, the citizens' initiative to empower the citizen; well as the preferred care initiative, reducing the size of the congress of the Union and the second round. In the auditorium of the Instituto Tecnologico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Campus Toluca, when questioned that although it is called "straight choice" in the end will be "re-election" and there are several examples like that of Antonio López Santa Anna, Porfirio Diaz, among others, Lujambio Irazábal recalled that Santa Ana was president of Mexico, but not always for re-election, "there were coups (030 410).

politically incorrect thing was the expression he displayed, and paint it as it is,

"In Mexico we wasted political capital and no democracy, our democracy, let me put well, stupid, stupid is a democracy because it uses its political capital, because it leverages its human capital, because it wastes every three years we all learned. "

With the brilliant logic of dolphin faeces, had not prospered the movement of the Mexican Revolution, Francisco I. Madero, would not have ventured into the anti reelection, and his slogan "Effective Suffrage No Reelection" would precisely been the sustenance of democratic normality. Without democracy "silly" the wise Lujambio, at best, or worst, would still be in Los Pinos, one as grim as "Nameless", or had not come on top of their ills, the deranged Vicente Fox, and Furthermore, there would be perched on the chair presidential Fecal himself, who pulled the cabinet in place of Juan Camilo arropadito (by virtue of succession).

is seen that "what natura non da, Salamanca non lender." For Lujambio, which natura non da, SEP non provided. That's all ( yo.analizo @


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