Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Are There Phosphates In Ph Buffer

... "get busy" Article by Rafael Olivera

Life in Exile

Two images of how the country goes ... Juarez ... but massive demonstrations and marches and EMS ... and Government are deaf and blind about it ... not because Wonderboy Salinas and there if they heed ...

Life in Exile

  • Supposedly became angry and Obama ... Pure
  • litigation and no action ... Wonderboy vs. Beatriz Paredes
  • Huipil
  • The country's fundamental problems remain unsolved ... More
  • repression instead of solving social problems ....( Lozano vs. SME)
  • 2010 elections vs the vaunted reform of state ...

(Universal Photo)

Be watching on TV Gerardo Fernandez Noronha, while placing the blanket of a strike by the SME in the chamber, while the other deputies yell - The famous Bronx of the camera - "I Get down Clown" "I started Noronha" "! get to work!" usual laughs and taunts the fine political class, tell us that the real problems of the country, those of FUND, remain unresolved ...

And when someone from the old policy said, in ancient times: How is background, making us think serious about it, that if the loss of form, also with the merits, or as they said in the mathematics: the order of factors does not alter the product, but we see in this case, that order if you alter the product and consequence of the loss of established forms, due to a corrupt background, which in turn corrupts the way even more being that it is quite damaged, and so ... so ... not you remember that phrase "A every action is a reaction? "it is quite certain, in this case ... and the consequences in this respect, whether they are called Newton's law of physics or Karma, are increasingly comprobadisimas.

In short, the deterioration of the once powerful PRI
It is a fracture of the PRI with Cuauhtemoc Cardenas and Munoz Ledo
It is further deterioration of the country, fall in Salinas, devaluation and Zedillo
Zapatistas-assassination-EPR's and other
Sale PRI from power - Sign FOX
1000% deteriorates the country with Fox and the PAN
Sign AMLO in action - Fox
combat the bogus tax calderon is
THEREFORE ... (etc etc etc) Never

I stopped thinking about that fabulous text of La Fontaine, called "The calling frog king "- I've asked several times to the excellent Jose Hernandez made a mockery of me but it has become pathological as has correlation with the times previously described for the reader.
Leaving aside the allegedly autocratic democratic republic, for choosing an alleged 'king of stick' - Fox lease - and a frog are complaining, Jupiter - or rather will not Hades, the god of the underworld? - sent us a king that if, as opposed to moving King's suit of the gilded age of the PAN, according to the Versailles court's past and its lackeys Martita that it was stolen, but nothing did.

say that historical events are repeated, they just see the situation as wish Robespierre comes not one ... if that is not currently in office yet and modern guillotine .... a counterpart of what has always touted the PAN, that all the ills of the world came from the French Revolution that the most desirable state for humans should be the monarchy by the grace of God, this government has had more parallels with the era of the French Terror, I think, than any other time in history ... with King Louis Phillipe including i just wonder .... I mean, how long ... how ...

as ...

* * *

She looks just like with the same cynical side ...

And with all this stuff from the drug, already shot and killed up to consulate staff - Where? guessed: Cd Juarez - now whether the gentleman Obama finally hit the cry which baritone soprano, and it seems that is finally taking action on the matter. counterweight seeing his power, Hillary, who also sounds pretty angry, but not much, we try to make the rule of 3 and conclude that the U.S. will stick to screaming, but it will not move to send a few Marines to the border. .. and ducks take back another time ... to see how much ... or we close the consulate for a while ... which sounds pretty critical ...

People out the consulate after bomb threat Cd Juarez (photos: Day)

critical because more than 80% of the population of Baja California, due in 2010, RENEW your local passport ... (read mica or Laser Visa)

This is SO BUT SO DELICATE - the chilango simply shrug and hat will be worth it, I think, this issue - at the border, they have no idea, dear friends from the south - Bajio pa'abajo lease - and also our dear friends South America we read (viva!) who can not imagine the chaos that ended up being the case, since to understand just a fraction of what is at stake with the closure, so be part of the consulates, which almost everyone here it goes / comes from EU sometime in their life (or in the past fifteen days) for ALL, or most of the product consumed in the U.S. comes BORDER - or China or Europe, via EU-
You: 70% at least, BORDER residents LIVE / WORK in the U.S., so imagine the DESGARRIATE (or are a CAOS) that will go to happen if this comes to be held, let alone standing (God forbid) but at least for a few weeks.

if if the queue to enter / exit Calexico - Mexicali border - is a COLONON almost 3 hours - and that it is much tinier than San Diego is a city - now imagine how to put anger ....

hope not, indeed .... that does not go beyond a few marines - and Masiosare a extranio enemy? guardespaldas bahhh ... get real ...

To give you a slight idea ... not Calexico, Calexico is Mexicali DELEGATION ...

* * *

And while Calderon comes to Cd Juarez - I guess just to get even so-called chop, since there is nothing at all for action, but more bullets more little dead and more dead and more dead ones in the meantime not solve anything, civilians are already dying (And Calderon is doing nothing, except more and more dead soldiers, etc.)

Cartoon Magu.

FURIOUS NOW PEOPLE OF THE SOLDIERS AND HARTA: That the government - until Gomez Mont FOOL only this to cover his eye on the governorship male - must understand ...

it be that, we need more shedding of innocent blood?, As in the case of ABC Daycare - that if ever caught a Molinar loss, hope for the mess the boat lost CRIMINAL negligence and corruption in this as the gallon NOT pay - or how many more innocents must die for the government to ignore?

And do not think it cares about people - it may be too fierce my comment but if it is net, is a citizen upset and angry by what is happening - but because the Americans already have so-called mad ... to see if the anger is serious and call attention now is whether seriously, that the rehabilitation plan of juarez cd go now but seriously if so many innocent people do not die with the guilty and not even know that ... that no ...

People are fed up ... and the rehabilitation plan of the city is ESPECIALLY ALONG AND 100% WITH MAJOR: EDUCATION ...

- I have faults in the network, tomorrow we complete this text, while the public for the draft, so sorry ... sorry

And with Rafa Marquez as a good visual appeal - pa 'recreate the pupil after these short week so heavy - and that is simply because the world - at least an advance to rest in the week ....

Saluditos friend @ s. .. Weekly column


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