Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Reality Television Production Proposal

18/Jul/10 Avila of the PRI, WINNER IN BC ... Mexicali

Panchito Tejada Perez jr. to drop you a surprise to win the election for mayor in Mexicali ... (pics: the chronicle BC)

For this post it back to show several things:

  • That the PAN was unusually tall, and too optimistic about their fate in Baja California. - Too many years of PAN, and the hubris of the PAN political class - the height, the mockery of the victims of the earthquake rose from 4 Apr - coupled with the stagnation and great staying power, had done in class local ruling class and not very tolerant rigid. (And in some cases, also traded and Buzzard, and prone to scandals)
  • That WAS NOT DEAD PRI, and not walked out on the town but not by local mass work, work ant in some cases, but work at last, and Panchito jr. channel achieving all the discontent of the population in general, member or non-PRI, especially accomplishing what few thought they could achieve, the youth vote - And if I also gave me a 'touched' free with many groups of electronica Nortec, one of the major national electronics because I tired of laughter, and more if it's free, and more if I have little discretion and less than twenty ... "Carry with cake and soda? Nah, a thing of the past .... what is now drawing Nortec ...
  • MAYOR TO BE A WELL OR HAVE A MAYOR ASI is a shame that we are all loaded, whether PAN or not part of the PAN to be whining now have all the campaign team of Raul Lopez aka 'Padre Amaro 'is precisely a total rage against Rodolfo Valdez, the monkey that put a candidate precisely toe, the lousy job as mayor of Valdez, among its many inadequacies, through the 'wonderful machinery', the building collapsed parking lot after the quake, and many other multiple small detail - but their lapses in speaking in his press conferences as wanted and tasty - have conferred the status of persona non grata in most of the population, and much of the failure PAN, in this election, at least in the case of Mexicali can be attributed to Valdez and performance ...
  • people already had enough of PAN , whatever you give me the shot, and representative cases, as the deputy 'palace' and its abuse scandals alcohol and drugs, but the staying power for years without daring to change things, but the earthquake (in Mexicali and Tijuana) insecurity (Tijuana) and floods (Ensenada-Sn Quintin) all that and the bad performance either general stupidity, naivety or incompetence of either the town hall, the governor, or more likely, the repetition of the same class individuals PAN in power for years and years, brings the conjunction of a disaster long announced for everyone, except for the PAN, blind and deaf to the disaster.

At least in my case, it was no surprise as it was to be the resounding failure of PAN in these local elections of 2010.

What catches my attention, at least as far as I'm concerned, is rather, because it takes both the population of BC, to realize and to overthrow the local PAN where it belongs, ie in the trash.

'm not saying that the PRI is the panacea the solution even less, but the alternations are always healthy, but we already know tricks that vices have and have both one and the other ...

desirable thing, would be a structured political change, by not more than a two-party system in the state, it would be desirable to strengthen the party system, but in reality, a significant change in positions of political, ideological, and substantive change BACKGROUND - lol - would be appropriate; the absence of such a thing, at least it SHOULD try to attack social problems of substance - like the drug, the young cast of crime and drugs, little or no culture in the state and more in Mexicali, paving streets, and Well, simple things are not so many headaches for anonymous boys who have just entered to govern - or not so little boys, and they still do not know that waves ... or chance and come with bad habits, who knows. .. hopefully not be worse than what it was ....

"... and if you steal (the PRI) but at least knew how to govern, not the PAN nomas know and wanting to steal ... and remember the poor"

Overheard a sr. Mexicali ...

any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental. Weekly column


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