Friday, July 2, 2010

Brent Everett Gaywatch

Summer ... D

Life in Exile

Mexicali Summer

or Candidates and Candidotes and is not even one in 2010 ...

or Colosio Reloaded ... ... Tamaulipazo

or Symbolism, par.V: Emerging nations, as above so below (South Africa 2010)

Well, will be the closing bell, and as always a @ writing shortly before closing when it is almost time to vote, who cares we can say that pc do not know!

For now, if you do not feel it, but I'm sure some, like me, yesterday and today felt dazed, stupefied, just feeling revived, when the sun dropped to about seven and half pm. Trying to pending cases, when outside, the wind is moving, and burned. Burning the air outside, as if was on fire outside the city burning. And all the inhabitants' summering 'to paraphrase the late and missed, and appreciated - Jorge Arturo Freyding, inventor of the term "season" aestivation "' instead of 'hibernation'. Term to describe the lifestyle of a city. Noctambulant city deserted.

114 F recorded. In the shade. Today, it was possibly more.

is the thing to live in Mexicali. And outside, just! Are 80 degrees Fahrenheit. This tells us, just a little, of what is to be in Mexicali, 110 degrees in the shade in the summer average.

To say 'DO NOT hot! A chilango unprepared, while infarcted with 'only' 85-90 degrees Fahrenheit (about 30-35 C) is not presumption: it is a way of life.

Trying to crawl, and not to walk, while you look like your hand, pocked streets, impossible to pave, "brea breathe 'while you can literally see STREET AS melts before your eyes.

Because HAPPENS IF! Believe me or not, PASA. ONLY HERE.

In part, this explains the gross indifference to the time of voting. The fact that Mexicali, so used to the summer - especially those who can not afford to flee to Ensenada, Rosarito or Tijuana or rumors at times lost the summer - have this character bronco, gone, wild quasi able to while to trace the fiercest obstacles that seem obtuse, which is, in short, Mexicali and Cachanilla, much more afraid of an earthquake of 7.2 Richter, capable of doing that if the evacuation of people, like new Diaspora, but now not chilangos chicalis diaspora throughout the republic aunquesea only the sister republic of Tecate, people quarrel over who is afraid, that if the earthquake, rather than the narcos.

PAN's glories are almost non-existent ... at eleven forty-five just remember that the city needed more culture ... and remember that good ....

Vacant Lot in downtown area of \u200b\u200bMexicali, BC One of many ...

That makes chicalis, while disappointed, while harsh and fierce, try to survive in spite of its politicians, despite sympathy Rodolfo Valdez , which promised to cover the potholes with the mind "wonderful machine" a so-called wonder expressly designed to destroy the few well-made pavement of the city and replace them with even more impaired. How much was the little machine? A good deal for some relatives and close friends.

Of all the candidates, one might say that ALL IS NOT ONE-known as the old saying; cartridges burned like Lolita Méndez, the former militant Panista of the old guard, and believe me I am, but not enough, talking about the best games ....

Between PRD almost shattered, broken up in both halves of each brain hemisphere Abraham Correa - so as I say something else - and a PAN and PRI now if act not as brothers but not as stepchildren or parents are, say ancient cousins \u200b\u200bof the same blood ....

bases Chicali PAN of the shirt well placed in this election ...

Who's pessimistic view in these elections - in addition to soulless and pathetic - and the worst campaign I've seen that in itself is pretty pathetic in that still more Mexicali State - IS TO CHANGE THE PAN who does not conform to putting a finger vile candidate: the famous Raul "Father Amaro" Lopez, saw was very bad when the children of the hosts PAN were 'supposedly' handing out food to victims Mexicali Valley by the earthquake, not satisfied with that, they were making fun of them, the same victims, yes, the very people they were supposed to co-opt.

WRONG, WRONG! Has been the PAN. And therefore this seems to be the last election - and therefore the most bitter and compete - and all, but ALL are throwing lots NAP, get it now if you lose ... which is difficult because of all the tricks he learned the new ruling party ...

The PRI, on the other side is not bad singing rancheras, to the great absence of a party almost dismantling in the municipality be added to total or near total absence of pictures, - if we understand political cadres young people under Sixty years ... so I say, not having more choices to make, they decide to wash the coconut to Francisco Perez Tejada ... jr ...

And by the way: advertise in the concert Nortec as a strategy, it is VERY good marketing strategy ... not having specific message - as in the peak of PRI that Cantinflas was the official language of the candidates - Nortec and You Tube, are great ways to engage masses .... masses of young people, this is ...

SE is HARD, or at less close, this election, even to candidates - or candidotes - young as Gallego - by the PEBC or state of Baja California partidito we know that the party is the state of Baja California in case we forget, nomas Eeehh state? - Have been hard and solid tupiendo the PAN, and the slogan seems to be all against Raul Lopez, or are, all against the PAN ....

PAN is already half full of worms, moldy and quite old and unappealing for so long to be stuck with the udder of power ... and personajazos illustrious as the famous 'deputy Palace' (O Dip. Gonzalez Ortega pa 'plus sign) as it does not help mucho a su buen nombre…donde esta este sr.? ¿en la cárcel donde debiera estar? ¿en el descredito total? No que va; ahí sigue, en el congreso, y para nada se ve venir su renuncia…este si que es un verdadero caradura que dirían los hoy tan estigmatizados argentinos…


Behold, the Tamaulipas gubernatorial candidate, Rodolfo Torre ...

Diego disappeared, and the political battles do not stop, the new estates of power is reset, and the mafias of power continue to earn as always, is the same pig that tumbled ... nomas.

As always ...

something interesting this past world is seen, the parallelism of the big changes we can see how ancient giants such as France, England or even Italy have collapsed like a house of cards in the game, and as the nations say, 'little' and emerging economies, like Uruguay, Netherlands, Ghana, among others , have started to 'lift' in this new world cup.

AS ABOVE SO BELOW, we can see many parallels between the defeat of the euro economy, just surviving, swaying together and defeated the dollar, Euro symbol of a developed first world economy, also just about to collapse, dropped and the dream of tinsel that was the famous 'free trade' in goods, but not people, prisoners still in the golden cage that is immigration, also called the house of laughter and madness ... for extreme conditions cause and cause in the world ....

emerging nations, so called, rises from the ashes are welcome Brazil, new giant despite the apparent drop, welcome Uruguay, Ghana, Holland, all are welcome other forms of see the world, other colors and flavors ... smells.

Welcome Africa, enthusiastic and open in their new union and recovery .... The people singing in the streets, the excitement of feeling center of the world, all Africa is again a world illusion ... maybe? Maybe not?

Moral: globalphobics = 3 = 1 privatization

Let's see how is the score ... the real crown of this world which is not to play ball but with a coin, a golden calf ...


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