Sunday, July 25, 2010

Schleese Eagle Saddles For Sale

Nestor de Buen, only seventy years

The Day: Only seventy years

This article I found quite good, talk about nostalgia for the sr. Nestor de Buen - who now is an excellent attorney for Labor, the best in the country - and a contributor to La Jornada - and talks about his experiences of exile English to flee France Bombarded by Hitler.

.... Seventy years is the date that the game remembers young ship to Mexico.

.... worth to recall the nostalgia of Mexico ... gone and that we were, of what constitutes being in this nation what REPRESENT YOUR TIME IN MEXICO ... is the way to the cost.

greetings and then we'll get to date with the blog ... enjoy. Weekly column

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Eating Disorder Titles

Article by Rafael Olivera

Right now I'm short of time, sent me his article Prof. Rafael Olivera Avila, who is now very interesting explanation about the 'all the presidents men' of the pines, or are a new cabinet changes Calderon ...

Although it last week, read it, really, this well ...

Greetings and apologies for the lack of time, then we normalize on the blog, enjoy your holiday - those who do not it's raining too much or 'that they are not charging the hot flashes, as in 'jonora' (Fortunately these days has been nice weather in Mexicali) \\

Greetings ...




SUBJECT PRIMERA.-admits committing sin of omission.

The most recent collaboration is dedicated to the changes you made Calderón Hinojosa, in the remainder of his cabinet, is not really showing us how to break the impasse in which he got the failed to declare their war against some drug cartels.

The war also has it within his inner circle of collaboration, it shows the character output is considered too his buddy, Maximiliano Cortazar, who would say "Max", the feature worthwhile to preserve the image of his boss, was the drummer being Timbiriche. Of that size are the credentials of "men of a resident of Los Pinos", and where there were something like intrigues.

The weekly Proceso, in the issue that began circulating yesterday (Sunday), documented in two reports two appointments to referee on Saturday, with some details that show the errors abound and to having been appointed to such office. In the case of Jose Francisco Blake Mora, journalist Alvaro Delgado, crumbling profile that as secretary of State was in the service of J. Blake Guadalupe Osuna Millán and operator failed to impose Calderón's own applications (which were ultimately defeated).

In another appointment, the story is Carlos Acosta Córdova, and just reading the header of the text, we realize where to go, "Economy, good God," the connotation is that obvious with regard to the academic preparation as I mentioned above. However, this is where you also will point out other details were released by Federico Arreola, based on an interview with journalist Carmen Aristegui, making serious accusations, very important, being a public official of the cabinet in a supposedly secular state.

The aforementioned interview was held on Friday and published by Arreola was Saturday, in this sense:

That the new Minister of Economy of the government of Felipe Calderón, Bruno Ferrari, was born in Mexico City and studied at the Instituto Patria.

From a young Ferrari snagged the Legionaries of Christ, the Father Maciel.

Ferrari was sheltered by Father Maciel since I was 15 years old.

The current secretary of Economics specializing in canon law and a master of science in the family became one of the lawyers approved by the ecclesiastical court to arrange annulments of Mexican high society.

Legionaries of Christ was sent, about 20 years ago to work to Monterrey, where he was the Father Maciel liaison with employers. One of his duties was to identify elderly widows or widowers with money that could leave much of their fortunes to the Legion. Used in these financial transactions as prestanombres to seven large and medium entrepreneurs in the capital of Nuevo León.

Bruno Ferrari worked secretly for years designing management schemes with subliminal media to manipulate the brains of young people to those calling for an indoctrination center that the Legionaries have in the Sierra de Arteaga, Coahuila.

This secret indoctrination center was built by order of Maciel with the help of two businessmen in Monterrey for 30 years, these businessmen never learned the fate that was planned for the center.

From there, Bruno Ferrari operated his mind control program. The production of video materials that were used in the indoctrination center was conducted in a private television company an employer of Monterrey, Alfonso Romo, for which Ferrari was working.

The operation of this center was discovered about nine years ago by a group of ladies from another group called the Legion of Fame, which prompted Ferrari to be transferred to Mexico City.

Acosta Córdova turn narrows it seems that Felipe Calderon will not really interested in the recovery of the economy. At least that is what showed when appointing the head of the secretariat of the Department, in charge of designing the country's industrial policy, to encourage enterprises and promote employment, productivity and competitiveness, and strengthen and diversify trade relations between Mexico and the world.

The most striking of the text by Federico Arreola is clear that he did not tell Carmen Aristegui, whose quote is:

"Back in the Federal District, dabbled in the sector Ferrari public. And with Calderon government began to emphasize responsible for ProMéxico first and now the head of the Ministry of Economy.

What did Bruno Ferrari ProMéxico?

in Davos, Switzerland, rent an entire hotel was not used for anything.

Bancomext He dismissed people with years of experience. Recall that is the source Bancomext ProMéxico.

ProMéxico Open representations in places like South Africa which had been closed by Bancomext.

remodeled my ProMéxico with no clear bid. The businessmen, all of the above, simply does not trust you.

That is now responsible for developing the economy in the Calderon. What a disaster "(SDP 170 710).

In the case of the former speaker of fecal Maximiliano Cortazar, the information contained in the article by Carlos Loret de Mola, talks about how the interior of this closed circle would have a very strong confrontation, even as describing two factions to those categorized as "breakthrough" one, and "facilitators" the other. The newly unemployed Patricia Flores commanded the first and "Max" the ex timbiriche the second. Whose claim on the If Fernando Elizondo's niece, was to shore up the figure of José Ricardo Alonso Lujambio Irazábal for candidacy for President of the Republic by the party immaculate.

Thus, the stage before it entered the back door, it is extremely adverse, since its first ring of related, protected, and who has no dip. Unless invited to collaborate as in Blake (you could call "Blake syndrome") to younger sons, not more capacity or appropriate profiles indeed result from a failure or several failures, that being officially presented to the media would have as a feature distinctive because of their nervousness, jacks or better said: face pot. Maybe soon it will Carlitos Torres Torres. That's all ( yo.analizo @

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Reality Television Production Proposal

18/Jul/10 Avila of the PRI, WINNER IN BC ... Mexicali

Panchito Tejada Perez jr. to drop you a surprise to win the election for mayor in Mexicali ... (pics: the chronicle BC)

For this post it back to show several things:

  • That the PAN was unusually tall, and too optimistic about their fate in Baja California. - Too many years of PAN, and the hubris of the PAN political class - the height, the mockery of the victims of the earthquake rose from 4 Apr - coupled with the stagnation and great staying power, had done in class local ruling class and not very tolerant rigid. (And in some cases, also traded and Buzzard, and prone to scandals)
  • That WAS NOT DEAD PRI, and not walked out on the town but not by local mass work, work ant in some cases, but work at last, and Panchito jr. channel achieving all the discontent of the population in general, member or non-PRI, especially accomplishing what few thought they could achieve, the youth vote - And if I also gave me a 'touched' free with many groups of electronica Nortec, one of the major national electronics because I tired of laughter, and more if it's free, and more if I have little discretion and less than twenty ... "Carry with cake and soda? Nah, a thing of the past .... what is now drawing Nortec ...
  • MAYOR TO BE A WELL OR HAVE A MAYOR ASI is a shame that we are all loaded, whether PAN or not part of the PAN to be whining now have all the campaign team of Raul Lopez aka 'Padre Amaro 'is precisely a total rage against Rodolfo Valdez, the monkey that put a candidate precisely toe, the lousy job as mayor of Valdez, among its many inadequacies, through the 'wonderful machinery', the building collapsed parking lot after the quake, and many other multiple small detail - but their lapses in speaking in his press conferences as wanted and tasty - have conferred the status of persona non grata in most of the population, and much of the failure PAN, in this election, at least in the case of Mexicali can be attributed to Valdez and performance ...
  • people already had enough of PAN , whatever you give me the shot, and representative cases, as the deputy 'palace' and its abuse scandals alcohol and drugs, but the staying power for years without daring to change things, but the earthquake (in Mexicali and Tijuana) insecurity (Tijuana) and floods (Ensenada-Sn Quintin) all that and the bad performance either general stupidity, naivety or incompetence of either the town hall, the governor, or more likely, the repetition of the same class individuals PAN in power for years and years, brings the conjunction of a disaster long announced for everyone, except for the PAN, blind and deaf to the disaster.

At least in my case, it was no surprise as it was to be the resounding failure of PAN in these local elections of 2010.

What catches my attention, at least as far as I'm concerned, is rather, because it takes both the population of BC, to realize and to overthrow the local PAN where it belongs, ie in the trash.

'm not saying that the PRI is the panacea the solution even less, but the alternations are always healthy, but we already know tricks that vices have and have both one and the other ...

desirable thing, would be a structured political change, by not more than a two-party system in the state, it would be desirable to strengthen the party system, but in reality, a significant change in positions of political, ideological, and substantive change BACKGROUND - lol - would be appropriate; the absence of such a thing, at least it SHOULD try to attack social problems of substance - like the drug, the young cast of crime and drugs, little or no culture in the state and more in Mexicali, paving streets, and Well, simple things are not so many headaches for anonymous boys who have just entered to govern - or not so little boys, and they still do not know that waves ... or chance and come with bad habits, who knows. .. hopefully not be worse than what it was ....

"... and if you steal (the PRI) but at least knew how to govern, not the PAN nomas know and wanting to steal ... and remember the poor"

Overheard a sr. Mexicali ...

any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental. Weekly column

Friday, July 2, 2010

Brent Everett Gaywatch

Summer ... D

Life in Exile

Mexicali Summer

or Candidates and Candidotes and is not even one in 2010 ...

or Colosio Reloaded ... ... Tamaulipazo

or Symbolism, par.V: Emerging nations, as above so below (South Africa 2010)

Well, will be the closing bell, and as always a @ writing shortly before closing when it is almost time to vote, who cares we can say that pc do not know!

For now, if you do not feel it, but I'm sure some, like me, yesterday and today felt dazed, stupefied, just feeling revived, when the sun dropped to about seven and half pm. Trying to pending cases, when outside, the wind is moving, and burned. Burning the air outside, as if was on fire outside the city burning. And all the inhabitants' summering 'to paraphrase the late and missed, and appreciated - Jorge Arturo Freyding, inventor of the term "season" aestivation "' instead of 'hibernation'. Term to describe the lifestyle of a city. Noctambulant city deserted.

114 F recorded. In the shade. Today, it was possibly more.

is the thing to live in Mexicali. And outside, just! Are 80 degrees Fahrenheit. This tells us, just a little, of what is to be in Mexicali, 110 degrees in the shade in the summer average.

To say 'DO NOT hot! A chilango unprepared, while infarcted with 'only' 85-90 degrees Fahrenheit (about 30-35 C) is not presumption: it is a way of life.

Trying to crawl, and not to walk, while you look like your hand, pocked streets, impossible to pave, "brea breathe 'while you can literally see STREET AS melts before your eyes.

Because HAPPENS IF! Believe me or not, PASA. ONLY HERE.

In part, this explains the gross indifference to the time of voting. The fact that Mexicali, so used to the summer - especially those who can not afford to flee to Ensenada, Rosarito or Tijuana or rumors at times lost the summer - have this character bronco, gone, wild quasi able to while to trace the fiercest obstacles that seem obtuse, which is, in short, Mexicali and Cachanilla, much more afraid of an earthquake of 7.2 Richter, capable of doing that if the evacuation of people, like new Diaspora, but now not chilangos chicalis diaspora throughout the republic aunquesea only the sister republic of Tecate, people quarrel over who is afraid, that if the earthquake, rather than the narcos.

PAN's glories are almost non-existent ... at eleven forty-five just remember that the city needed more culture ... and remember that good ....

Vacant Lot in downtown area of \u200b\u200bMexicali, BC One of many ...

That makes chicalis, while disappointed, while harsh and fierce, try to survive in spite of its politicians, despite sympathy Rodolfo Valdez , which promised to cover the potholes with the mind "wonderful machine" a so-called wonder expressly designed to destroy the few well-made pavement of the city and replace them with even more impaired. How much was the little machine? A good deal for some relatives and close friends.

Of all the candidates, one might say that ALL IS NOT ONE-known as the old saying; cartridges burned like Lolita Méndez, the former militant Panista of the old guard, and believe me I am, but not enough, talking about the best games ....

Between PRD almost shattered, broken up in both halves of each brain hemisphere Abraham Correa - so as I say something else - and a PAN and PRI now if act not as brothers but not as stepchildren or parents are, say ancient cousins \u200b\u200bof the same blood ....

bases Chicali PAN of the shirt well placed in this election ...

Who's pessimistic view in these elections - in addition to soulless and pathetic - and the worst campaign I've seen that in itself is pretty pathetic in that still more Mexicali State - IS TO CHANGE THE PAN who does not conform to putting a finger vile candidate: the famous Raul "Father Amaro" Lopez, saw was very bad when the children of the hosts PAN were 'supposedly' handing out food to victims Mexicali Valley by the earthquake, not satisfied with that, they were making fun of them, the same victims, yes, the very people they were supposed to co-opt.

WRONG, WRONG! Has been the PAN. And therefore this seems to be the last election - and therefore the most bitter and compete - and all, but ALL are throwing lots NAP, get it now if you lose ... which is difficult because of all the tricks he learned the new ruling party ...

The PRI, on the other side is not bad singing rancheras, to the great absence of a party almost dismantling in the municipality be added to total or near total absence of pictures, - if we understand political cadres young people under Sixty years ... so I say, not having more choices to make, they decide to wash the coconut to Francisco Perez Tejada ... jr ...

And by the way: advertise in the concert Nortec as a strategy, it is VERY good marketing strategy ... not having specific message - as in the peak of PRI that Cantinflas was the official language of the candidates - Nortec and You Tube, are great ways to engage masses .... masses of young people, this is ...

SE is HARD, or at less close, this election, even to candidates - or candidotes - young as Gallego - by the PEBC or state of Baja California partidito we know that the party is the state of Baja California in case we forget, nomas Eeehh state? - Have been hard and solid tupiendo the PAN, and the slogan seems to be all against Raul Lopez, or are, all against the PAN ....

PAN is already half full of worms, moldy and quite old and unappealing for so long to be stuck with the udder of power ... and personajazos illustrious as the famous 'deputy Palace' (O Dip. Gonzalez Ortega pa 'plus sign) as it does not help mucho a su buen nombre…donde esta este sr.? ¿en la cárcel donde debiera estar? ¿en el descredito total? No que va; ahí sigue, en el congreso, y para nada se ve venir su renuncia…este si que es un verdadero caradura que dirían los hoy tan estigmatizados argentinos…


Behold, the Tamaulipas gubernatorial candidate, Rodolfo Torre ...

Diego disappeared, and the political battles do not stop, the new estates of power is reset, and the mafias of power continue to earn as always, is the same pig that tumbled ... nomas.

As always ...

something interesting this past world is seen, the parallelism of the big changes we can see how ancient giants such as France, England or even Italy have collapsed like a house of cards in the game, and as the nations say, 'little' and emerging economies, like Uruguay, Netherlands, Ghana, among others , have started to 'lift' in this new world cup.

AS ABOVE SO BELOW, we can see many parallels between the defeat of the euro economy, just surviving, swaying together and defeated the dollar, Euro symbol of a developed first world economy, also just about to collapse, dropped and the dream of tinsel that was the famous 'free trade' in goods, but not people, prisoners still in the golden cage that is immigration, also called the house of laughter and madness ... for extreme conditions cause and cause in the world ....

emerging nations, so called, rises from the ashes are welcome Brazil, new giant despite the apparent drop, welcome Uruguay, Ghana, Holland, all are welcome other forms of see the world, other colors and flavors ... smells.

Welcome Africa, enthusiastic and open in their new union and recovery .... The people singing in the streets, the excitement of feeling center of the world, all Africa is again a world illusion ... maybe? Maybe not?

Moral: globalphobics = 3 = 1 privatization

Let's see how is the score ... the real crown of this world which is not to play ball but with a coin, a golden calf ...