Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Mikomi Webkamera Driver

ultra-brief notes ... Mexicali and tremor, earrings ...

Well as I mention, are ultra-brief notes 3g cel ...

*- THE EARTHQUAKE: Well insist q is 5.7 (haha) thing sga d q still doubt, there were reports of 5.9, 6.5 and others: ok, we will beneficiod the doubt, but these effects are sinteron sesinteieron q as d untemblor d 6grados x at least n so ... As proto

, have on hand medicine cabinet, batteries, and will not let us entrust q live in the city, not the Mexicali Valley d q ment there can rely ... come a big ...

D *- MEXICALI VALLEY, because finally, so far, after more than 40 years, realizing stan d d needs mexicli Valley, the serious deterioration of the same: q if most of the ejidos Vallelado stan rented (80% according to the first Castro Trenti) q if the channels have serious deterioration and not to mention the drains, q if there is high water x the grietasde Perida channels, that if that if that if ... More info
read "La Voz da Border" d today, if q Obtain for us to decipher something from the grayness of the newspaper ... "They ignored us and changed the design a bit this tome peroigual d sei yet still looks a lot like" Granma "in its design - just look for him, is d loq everyone, his section over the field d La Voz is very good ... and almost the only q talks about the valley ... X *-

now, disfrutense these photos of the corner d blvd. Justo Sierra and Street Upholsterers the bldg. The old offices d isstecali end the 70's, a time q NO again: (Since the 70's gold and longed for ..) Q

enjoy them .. Weekly column


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