Tuesday, June 15, 2010

How Much Clearance Does Recessed Lighting Need

more mini notes today ...

Well, completing notes d day d day this week, not to mention farmers d q the valley eg mxli fought c / Genaro Lopez deleg. X Sagarpa their support Stuven very pichicatos:

mentions *- mr. Miguel Angel Lino writer chronicles d bc, poverty, language d q d Univera boys are inclusive, and ume that "the boys of private universities, having them resources, how may be possible that poverty of speech, abusing the word "guey" and other high-sounding? As! Q

First of all, according to the sr. Lino d La Cronica BC - nothing to do with Lino Nava q d q La Lupita stating "IF YOU PROMOTE READING young people, even college, and economic status, sr.Lino-no-Nava HAS NOTHING TO DO, POVERTY D LANGUAGE IS THE SAME: I have seen even worse: stan wealthy parents busy as much as the poor, and lacking attention XVARI sexenios d, d ls children, and zero Fomento A readingand-out guerrilla q is not the son, or not really stûv pensandoladerecha q x years n this country, has created a Frankenstein unleashed q we have now, avid d telenovelas reagueton sex, and drug and alcohol tambe x misfortune
The sr. Lino put the sore finger n, x true: no money, but bad, bad, education ... and no parents interesads d in putting even a dictionary to read q, the son-a.

YOTRA NOTE C THAT WE WILL CLOSE, q tambienmenciona the master elsr well together. Lino-Alfonso Lizárraga, aq see no ideology q q q worth in this regard is the great national problem, and that m. .. qnarco ajaderias, TRUE AND REAL PROBLEM IS THE LACK EDUCATION AND READING: Alfonso Lizárraga says

q d lack leisure time is great cause of national decline, the severe poverty that Mexican d, d q tene time nada.señala type d q q entertainment it provides is sterile, packed d d alcohol offers and services, junk food, and is a worthy leisure time d q-society sinks to nothing against the fut, also love the world, evil is lapublicidad q andthe lack d what is considered alimentopara the spirit, reading . Left and right coinicden x end: education is needed to return the Mexican ... X

way, apologies for spelling errors and details annexes, abbreviations, etc.. I'm on a cel with mobile internet, the vdrdad, it is difficult to manage their fingers in this thing. Technologies beyond us, but there will be q q lacultura address, country development axis shall not perish ... there is where the left and right n the country - as Don Lino, and Don Lizzárraga-joint solutions can unite ...
(and I'm going q is time to eat ...) Interestingly, this 3G gadget ... Then I put the pictures, I could not send them, I'll do then ... and much good .... Saluditos Weekly column

Mikomi Webkamera Driver

ultra-brief notes ... Mexicali and tremor, earrings ...

Well as I mention, are ultra-brief notes 3g cel ...

*- THE EARTHQUAKE: Well insist q is 5.7 (haha) thing sga d q still doubt, there were reports of 5.9, 6.5 and others: ok, we will beneficiod the doubt, but these effects are sinteron sesinteieron q as d untemblor d 6grados x at least n so ... As proto

, have on hand medicine cabinet, batteries, and will not let us entrust q live in the city, not the Mexicali Valley d q ment there can rely ... come a big ...

D *- MEXICALI VALLEY, because finally, so far, after more than 40 years, realizing stan d d needs mexicli Valley, the serious deterioration of the same: q if most of the ejidos Vallelado stan rented (80% according to the first Castro Trenti) q if the channels have serious deterioration and not to mention the drains, q if there is high water x the grietasde Perida channels, that if that if that if ... More info
read "La Voz da Border" d today, if q Obtain for us to decipher something from the grayness of the newspaper ... "They ignored us and changed the design a bit this tome peroigual d sei yet still looks a lot like" Granma "in its design - just look for him, is d loq everyone, his section over the field d La Voz is very good ... and almost the only q talks about the valley ... X *-

now, disfrutense these photos of the corner d blvd. Justo Sierra and Street Upholsterers the bldg. The old offices d isstecali end the 70's, a time q NO again: (Since the 70's gold and longed for ..) Q

enjoy them .. Weekly column

Monday, June 14, 2010

Brazilian Wax I Bergen

tremor n Mexicali, but d 6 degrees ... Frei Betto

Right now, I encuentrovia mobile, and q just shake again very loud in Mexicali, twitter is saturated and the other via encuenta faster qThis d communicate what happening to you, that this ladel blogger.

So far not reported No serious damage, but right now enters to a home to check. The tremor found me outside the house and I could see my house swayed very loud.

On how he felt ha d Habers richter about 6 degrees minimum.

keep you informed, it promt x Mexicali climate has been very strange lately, climate and outdated muyvariable season (apparently a decisive factor when a strong earthquake will come) and had already shaken em these days.

keep you informed as we can ... greetings and do not forget to take precautionary measures, I know you can re q shudder ... Weekly column