Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Pericings Good Or Bad


It had been some time since he took a flight from a English airport a few days ago on a domestic flight between Barcelona and Madrid, I took a considerable disappointment to see that the WIFI connection at the airport Madrid was fully paid while the Catalan airfield could only access a free 15-minute connection.

In an era of Internet and the slogan "always connected", here in Spain instead of taking steps forward, we are only just like the crabs back. If not the government are institutions and if the management companies, or "conspiracies" between the three.

As I researched on line is that the great idea for our tourists and businessmen are "comfortable" in Spain began to Bilbao airport, followed by the Seville, Gran Canaria, Palma de Mallorca , Vigo, Granada, Valladolid and A Coruña and finally the two crown jewels, Barcelona and Madrid.

Each of these terminals will be equipped with wireless network and connect to them we will have to do with a prepaid card and said cost from 6.50 to 12 euros for a period of between 1 and 24 hours.

One only becomes aware of the provincialism that surrounds us and the reduction of vision of our leaders when they visit other countries and realize that at airports such as Las Vegas, Charlotte, Atlanta, Singapore, Sydney, Hong Kong (to name a few) is free WIFI connection.

I can not ask much of our leaders, because where there can not be removed and ask for a friendly face for tourists suffered too much to ask.

Here it is a good initiative (AT LARGE) for an application that allows users to make known to others that airports have WiFi, what is their cost, which is the quality of the signal and if available to the mains socket if the notebook battery runs out. In addition to establishing these qualifications, we may publish texts related to the wireless connection there.

The site lets see which is the highest rating and airports which have more entries posted.


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