Sunday, November 29, 2009

Milking 70 Year Old Cock

Yes, it will seem that there is something that in past times some would have taken for granted that it was the gateway to hell.

In the Karakum desert (Turkmenistan), near the small village of Darvaza, is a crater of about fifty feet in diameter and more than twenty deep, dubbed by locals as "The Gates of Hell" . Inside the well, a blazing fire burning for decades, in a fire that seems endless.

However, Darvaza well not the work of nature but it is the unexpected result of a Soviet prospecting carried out in the 70's. A team of geologists were drilling the ground in search of natural gas fields, when suddenly he ran into an underground cavern that led to the collapse of the excavation and the implosion with a devastating fire, "eternal." All a kind not found in a populated area.

If you come there, do not forget to wear a mask as protection for the gas coming out of the cave.


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