Friday, December 11, 2009

Violet Red Hair Colour


high season begins in Cuba and tourists passing through the streets of Havana Vieja. Many lunch at one of the twelve iconic restaurants known guide recommends a gringa or Cuban tourist such as La Bodeguita del Medio and La Floridita. Both sites were visited by the legendary American writer Ernest Hemingway.

Meanwhile, ordinary citizens are queuing up to sit in the Cafe Havana, the only restaurant you can still eat and pay with local currency.

Many do not mind having to wait a couple of hours to sit for lunch. Apparently the quality of food and how good the prices are really worth the wait. The site is located on the street corner with Bitterness Merchants. From outside the Cafe Havana appears to be any other restaurant in the same street with its colonial architecture and tropical tones, which in this case the walls are painted lime green. It only betrays the crowd of Cubans and tourists alike quietly waiting his turn as the restaurant only has six tables. Eating at any restaurant
use in the city represent 20% of salary for a meal.

The house specialty is fried eggs to the nest for a modest price of 8 pesos, or $ 0.34 / € 0.20. The menu is varied with the option to take several soups including cream cheese for 6 pesos (0.26 USD / 015 EUR). As a main dish is the fried chicken 'pio-pio' to 11 pesos (0.47 USD / 0.30 EUR). The combined more 'luxury' of the establishment is the pork steak and chips to 15 pesos (0.65 USD / 0.50 EUR). It can cost up to $ 4.50 (3 EUR) in any of the local tourists.

As read in the official salary Grannma Cuba is on average about 415 Cuban pesos, or about 19 USD (15 EUR) per month. This means to eat in any restaurant in the city would be about 20% of salary for a meal.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Pericings Good Or Bad


It had been some time since he took a flight from a English airport a few days ago on a domestic flight between Barcelona and Madrid, I took a considerable disappointment to see that the WIFI connection at the airport Madrid was fully paid while the Catalan airfield could only access a free 15-minute connection.

In an era of Internet and the slogan "always connected", here in Spain instead of taking steps forward, we are only just like the crabs back. If not the government are institutions and if the management companies, or "conspiracies" between the three.

As I researched on line is that the great idea for our tourists and businessmen are "comfortable" in Spain began to Bilbao airport, followed by the Seville, Gran Canaria, Palma de Mallorca , Vigo, Granada, Valladolid and A Coruña and finally the two crown jewels, Barcelona and Madrid.

Each of these terminals will be equipped with wireless network and connect to them we will have to do with a prepaid card and said cost from 6.50 to 12 euros for a period of between 1 and 24 hours.

One only becomes aware of the provincialism that surrounds us and the reduction of vision of our leaders when they visit other countries and realize that at airports such as Las Vegas, Charlotte, Atlanta, Singapore, Sydney, Hong Kong (to name a few) is free WIFI connection.

I can not ask much of our leaders, because where there can not be removed and ask for a friendly face for tourists suffered too much to ask.

Here it is a good initiative (AT LARGE) for an application that allows users to make known to others that airports have WiFi, what is their cost, which is the quality of the signal and if available to the mains socket if the notebook battery runs out. In addition to establishing these qualifications, we may publish texts related to the wireless connection there.

The site lets see which is the highest rating and airports which have more entries posted.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Milking 70 Year Old Cock

Yes, it will seem that there is something that in past times some would have taken for granted that it was the gateway to hell.

In the Karakum desert (Turkmenistan), near the small village of Darvaza, is a crater of about fifty feet in diameter and more than twenty deep, dubbed by locals as "The Gates of Hell" . Inside the well, a blazing fire burning for decades, in a fire that seems endless.

However, Darvaza well not the work of nature but it is the unexpected result of a Soviet prospecting carried out in the 70's. A team of geologists were drilling the ground in search of natural gas fields, when suddenly he ran into an underground cavern that led to the collapse of the excavation and the implosion with a devastating fire, "eternal." All a kind not found in a populated area.

If you come there, do not forget to wear a mask as protection for the gas coming out of the cave.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Influenza Shot And Nausea


The Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in Toronto and is an impressive Hindu temple located north of the city.

This magnificent temple, built almost entirely of white marble, rose in a year and a half, and opened in mid-2007, thanks to the work of more than 400 volunteers.

What is striking about the book is that it has no scrap metal or metal inner structure of any kind, as well as fastening screws or similar means, everything was assembled like a huge puzzle pieces they were about 24,000, developed as works of the first Mandir in India, more than 2,000 years.

All prints and sculptures were made in India by 1,800 skilled craftsmen and then transferred by ship to Canada.

The 40 million dollars it took the work were funded entirely by donations from Hindus around the globe and carried out by BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha organization that works to promote Hinduism, and to perform social work in and outside La India.Todo an example of religious plurality.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Infant With Blisters On Gums


Posta 1: Driving to cone (seeing that there is no option to move forward) step and go back and give the partner is giving us the solution from the post 2. Then, make a frequency skiping before rotating to the post 2
Posta 2: When I see the post player 1 turn, performed a movement of support back to the other cone, warning the name and the word "support" where he indicated the solution, when receiving the ball performed a control-oriented partner calls me the ball and is distinguished in the band and give him a long pass, immediately afterwards and before going to the post 3 performs a frequency motor underwriting year in hoops.
Posta 3: After seeing the player 2 controls, initiates a deselect the player telling him to pass by the name calling and telling him a long ball, "Mike Long, a After receiving the ball relaizar oriented control frontald the area and a shot at goal. Take tars ball shot and goes to the post 1 to begin the sequence

Romanian Driver Licence


A Japanese airline took this unusual step to save fuel. I guess the environmental awareness and global economic uncertainty encouraged this decision.

All Nippon Airways implemented on October 1 this new way of saving fuel in their airplanes. The company asks passengers to urinate before boarding, so that the weight of their bladders is reduced and the aircraft is lighter at takeoff.

This measure will be tested for a month in 38 domestic flights (including Tokyo, Sapporo and Okinawa) and four international flights (Tokyo and Singapore ).

boarding rooms were equipped with information screens that ask travelers who remember going to services before boarding the plane.

is estimated that if 50% of the total passenger flights abide by this advice, the reduction of gas emissions carbon would be 4.2 tons per month.

The company assumed as part of a pilot program called "e-flight." Other initiatives such as the substitution of glass wine bottles for other plastic lighter and even the use of recycled wood chopsticks for eating have already been implemented.

Monday, October 5, 2009

How Long Will Gingerbread Men Dough Keep


The UNESCO has just published an updated list of the Intangible Heritage of Humanity, that is, everything that we are pleased the senses and can not play with our hands.

Argentina and Uruguay - Tango - The tradition of the tango in Argentina and Uruguay, known today in the world, was in the basin of the Rio de la Plata, between the popular classes in the cities of Buenos Aires and Montevideo. In this region, where the mix of European immigrants, the descendants of African slaves and native (Creole), there was a range of customs, beliefs and rites that became a distinctive cultural identity. Among the expressions of that identity features include music, dance and poetry of tango that are, at once embodies and encourages diversity and cultural dialogue.

Azerbaijan - The art of Azerbaijan ashiqs - The Art of comprises Azerbaijan ashiqs poems, stories, dances, songs and instrumental music in a traditional stage performance is a symbol of the culture of the Azerbaijani people.

Azerbaijan, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Turkey and Uzbekistan - The Novruz or Nowrouz, Nooruz, Navruz, Nauroz Nevruz - The Novruz , also known as Nowrouz, Nooruz, Navruz, Nauroz Nevruz , marks the beginning of new year and spring in a vast geographical area that includes, among other countries, Azerbaijan, India, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Turkey and Uzbekistan. Is held every year on March 21 target date originally based on astronomical calculations.

Belgium - The procession of the Holy Blood in Bruges - Every year in spring, between 30,000 and 45,000 people come to the center of the Belgian city of Bruges to witness the procession of the Holy Blood, on day Ascension, forty days after Easter. The origins of this brilliant solemnity back to the thirteenth century.

Bulgaria - Nestinarstvo - Messages from the past: Panagyr of St. Constantine and Helena in the village of Bulgari - Nestinarstvo, rite of the fire dance is the highlight of Panagyr, the annual celebration of religious feasts of St. Constantine and St. Helena (3 and 4 June) to be held in the village of Bulgari, in southeastern Bulgaria, the Monte Strandzha region. This holiday ritual is intended to provide the villagers being and fertility.

China - The Chinese art of seal engraving - The art of seal engraving is a very important element in Chinese art. Initially, the seals were used as signature and symbol of authority, but then its use spread among all social classes and spread to much of Asia. China

- China woodblock technique - woodcut technique traditionally used in China requires the collaboration of a half-dozen artisans who know perfectly the art of printing, having a great manual dexterity and are imbued with a strong spirit of teamwork.

China - China calligraphy - Chinese calligraphy has always been more than just a communication tool, since it has an artistic dimension that enhances their practice, even in the era of pen and computer.

China - The Chinese art of paper cutting - Present in all China and in different ethnic groups, the art of paper cutting is a popular art of great importance in everyday life. Primarily female, this art is transmitted from mother to daughter for an extended period that begins in childhood. It is widespread in rural regions.

China - Chinese crafts related to the traditional architecture with wooden frames - symbols characteristic of the architectural culture of China, the wood frame construction can be found throughout the country. His columns, beams, rafters, lintels and brackets are joined together by pin assemblies which form a flexible and resilient to earthquakes.

China - The craft of Nanjing Yunjin brocade - In the traditional Chinese art of weaving brocade Nanjing Yunjin, two craftsmen manipulate the top and bottom of a large loom to manufacture highly complex tissue-thin materials provided with feathers peacock and silk and gold thread.

China - The Dragon Boat festival - The Dragon Boat festival begins on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month and is celebrated by various ethnic groups in China and the world, especially in regions of the middle and height of the Yangtze River.

China - Dance of the peasants of China's ethnic Korean - Members of the Korean ethnic group in the province of Jilin and other provinces in northeast China gather in camps and villages during community festivities to offer up a sacrifice to the God of traditional Earth, thus paying homage to nature and beseeching good fortune and bountiful harvests.

China - The Gesar epic tradition - The Tibetan ethnic communities, a phone and settled in western Mongolia and northern China share in common the legend of King Gesar, a hero of old sent to heaven to defeat the monsters overthrow the powerful and help the poor, while heterogeneous unified tribes. The singers and storytellers who preserve the tradition of the Gesar epic recount alternating prose and verse, different episodes, called "pearls strung" - in this vast storytelling with many regional variations.

China - The great song of the Dong ethnic group - A proverb of the Dong people, settled in southern China, Guizhou Province, said that "rice nourishes the body and soul songs." The tradition of this ethnic group in relation to the transmission of culture and knowledge of music is exemplified in the great song of dong, played into several parts and without instrumental accompaniment or director.

China - hua'er - In the provinces of Gansu and Qinghai provinces, and across the north-central China, members of nine different ethnic groups shared musical tradition called hua'er, emanating from a vast repertoire of songs with names of ethnic groups, cities or flowers.

China - The Manas - The Kyrgyz ethnic minority, concentrated in the region of Xinjiang, western China, is proud to be a descendant of Manas, a hero whose life and lineage are exalted in the epic of the same name, which is one of the most popular oral tradition of this people. Traditionally performed by a manaschi without musical accompaniment, the performances of this epic take place during the celebration of social events, community festivals, betrothal, funeral ceremonies and concerts.

China - The Mazu cult and its rituals - Mazu, the goddess of the sea's most influential, is the central character of many beliefs and customs, in particular oral traditions, religious ceremonies and folk practices spread across all coastal regions China.
China - The khoomei, Mongolian art of singing - called khoomei Mongolian Art ("song throat ") or hooliin choir singing is a way in which the interpreter simultaneously emits two voices, a sharp (harmonic) and other ongoing serious (bass), causing the latter to the throat.

China - The nanyin - The nanyin is a fundamental musical art in the culture of the people of the Minnan region, south of Fujian province in the southeast coast of China, and the populations of that region scattered in other countries.

China - regong Arts - In the monasteries and villages Longwu River Basin, located in Qinghai Province, western China, Buddhist monks and folk artists of the Tibetan and you maintain the tradition of art known by the generic name of regong: thangka paintings and murals, and sculptures barbola patchworks. The influence of these artistic expressions are extended to the neighboring provinces, and into the Southeast Asia countries.

China - The Chinese sericulture and silk handicrafts - The sericulture and silk crafts practiced in the provinces of Zhejiang and Jiangsu, near Shanghai, and Sichuan Province in Chengdu, have a long history. The manufacture of silk, a task traditionally undertaken by women in the economy of regions rural, includes the cultivation of mulberry, raising silkworms, reeling and spinning of silk, the design of fabrics and clothing.

China - The Tibetan opera - In China, traditional opera's most popular ethnic Tibetan opera is an art that includes folk songs, dances, stories, chants, stunts and religious rites.

China - traditional cooking technique of the Longquan celadon - The city of Longquan, located in the coastal province of Zhejiang, is renowned for its celadon ceramics and cooking technique traditional gives it its distinctive glaze. This glaze, which is composed of golden purple clay and a mixture of calcined feldspar, limestone, quartz and plant ash, is prepared with procedures, which are transmitted from generation to generation by master craftsmen or from parent to child.

China - The traditional handicrafts manufacturing Xuan paper - The extraordinary quality of the water and the mild climate Jing District, located in Anhui province, eastern China, are two primary factors Art Xuan paper manufacturing, still flourishing in this region.

China - The set of wind instruments and percussion Xi'anm - The set of wind instruments and percussion used for more than a millennium in China's ancient capital of Xi'an (Shaanxi Province) includes drums and instruments wind and, on occasion, a male choir. The musical repertoire essentially saved the life and relationship with local religious beliefs and musical performances take place mostly in acts of a religious nature such as fairs and funerals held in the temples.

China - Yueju opera - opera in China Yueju converge traditional vernacular of the opera Mandarin and Cantonese dialect use. Rooted in Cantonese-speaking provinces of Guangdong and Guangxi, located in southeast China, the Yueju opera is characterized by a set of strings and percussion as well as for the refinement of dress and makeup of its actors.

Colombia - Carnival of Blacks and Whites - Emerging from native Andean and Hispanic traditions, Carnival of Blacks and Whites is a major festive event that takes place every year, from December 28 until January 6 in San Juan de Pasto, southwest of Colombia.

Colombia - The Holy Week processions Popayán - Held since colonial times, the Holy Week processions in the city of Popayan is one of the oldest traditions in Colombia. From Tuesday until Saturday before Easter take place, between 20 and 23 hours, five processions devoted respectively to the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ, the Holy Cross, the Entombment and the Resurrection, walking a path of about two miles through the center of the city.

Croatia - March of the region campanilleros Kastav in the annual carnival l - Carnival In January, campanilleros groups tour the villages scattered around the Kastav region, located northwest of Croatia. Sheepskin dressed and wearing hats decorated with sprigs green features, the parades are strutting their bells at the waist in groups of two to thirty, following in the footsteps of a guide carrying an evergreen tree.

Croatia - The Feast of St. Blaise, patron of Dubrovnik - On the eve of the Feast of San Blas, in the afternoon, put in a flight all the bells of churches in the precincts of the city of Dubrovnik (Croatia) and released flocks of white doves, symbols of peace, when the faithful gather to celebrate a ritual of healing of sore throat designed to preserve of disease. On 3 February, the official date of the feast of the city and its patron saint, the bearers of the parishes, festooned with folk dresses, flowing into the city and head to the central plaza to attend the climax of the festivities, a procession to the attending bishops, ambassadors, civil authorities, invited guests and all the people of Dubrovnik.

Croatia - The manufacture of lace in Croatia - Today persist in Croatia three different techniques, at least, for the manufacture of lace. This craft is concentrated in the cities of Pag, located on the Adriatic coast of Lepoglava, the north, and Hvar, on the Dalmatian island of the same name.

Croatia - The procession Za Krizan (Way of the Cross) on the island of Hvar - After the Mass of Holy Thursday, before the Christian festival of Easter, each of the six towns of the Dalmatian island Hvar, located south of Croatia, appoint a group of neighbors to go in procession to the five remaining villages and return to your starting point, making a journey of fifteen miles in eight hours. Each of the groups in this ordeal is organized by communities headed by a cross bearer, relentlessly marching barefoot or in socks.

Croatia - The procession of the Ljelje Spring / Kraljice (queens) of Gorjani - The Procession of Queens is held every year in spring and involves young people of Gorjani, located in the region Slavonia, northeastern Croatia.

Croatia - Manufacturing traditional wooden toys Hrvatsko Zagorje - The inhabitants of the villages dotted along the pilgrimage route to the shrine of Our Lady of the Snows of Marija Bistrica, in the region of Hrvatsko Zagorje, the northern Croatia have developed a manufacturing technique traditional toys Wood that has been passed from generation to generation. The men of the family gathered in the region willow, linden, beech and maple, and dried, cut, cutting and carving using traditional tools. The women then apply a paint compatible with the protection of the environment to draw floral or geometric giving free rein to your imagination.

Croatia - Singing and music in two voices in Istrian scale - On the peninsula of Istria, western Croatia, the Croatian community, Romanian and Italian-Istrian are keeping alive various forms of singing and music for two voices Istrian scale. This musical style is characterized by power and the slight nasality of voice.

Cyprus - Lefkara laces or Lefkaritika a - Lefkara lace making, a village southwest of Cyprus, is a traditional activity dating from the fourteenth century at least. Inspired by local crafts as well as embroidered courtiers of Venice, which established his power in Cyprus since 1489 - and in geometric patterns of ancient Greece and Byzantium, Lefkara lace are made by hand and combine four main techniques: hem, cutting, filling satin stitch and trimmed with needlework.

Spain - Mediterranean Irrigators Courts English : the Council of Good Men of the Huerta de Murcia and the Tribunal de las Aguas de la Huerta de Valencia - The courts of the English Mediterranean Irrigators are customary legal institutions of water management dating back to the days of Al Andalus (IX-XIII centuries). The two most important, the Council of Good Men of the Huerta de Murcia and the Tribunal de las Aguas de la Huerta de Valencia, are recognized by English law. Members of these two courts, which enjoy great authority and respect, are democratically elected and settle disputes through oral proceedings characterized by speed, transparency and impartiality.

Spain - Silbo Gomero, whistled language of the island of La Gomera (Canary Islands) - The whistling language of the island of La Gomera (Canary Islands), called Gomera whistle, whistles reproduces the language spoken by the Islanders: English. Transmitted from teacher to pupil over the centuries, is the only language the world whistled fully developed and practiced by a large community (22,000 people).

Estonia - The Leela, polyphonic singing traditional village hedge - hedge to the village nestled in the southeastern district of Estonia and Petchory (Russian Federation), The Leela, ancient polyphonic singing, is now a cornerstone of their identity. The singers perform their ancient songs in the traditional dresses. This song is characterized by the alternation of voices: a lead singer sings a verse and the chorus is returning to the last syllable of it to sing then the entire line.

France - Aubusson tapestry - Handmade Aubusson Tapestry is a centuries-old traditional art of weaving is an image, according to the procedures used in this and other localities in the French department of Creuse.

France - Maloya - The Maloya is a style of music, song and dance native to the island of Reunion. Blood from the beginning, the Maloya is a creation of the Malagasy and African slaves in the sugar cane plantations, which then endorsed all the inhabitants of the island.

France - the traditional route of French construction carpentry - The purpose of the design of timber frames is to run with the design expertise of the three dimensions of a building complex in wood. This traditional technical knowledge, which runs counter to contemporary standardization, enhances the role of the constructor of the building, printing the structures of this creative character.

Hungary - Feast of divers of Mohács: masked carnival traditional end of winter - the carnival of divers of Mohacs, a town in southern Hungary, take place in late February to celebrate the end winter. They get their name from the divers, frightful characters in costumes, usually men, who wear wooden masks and large woolen blankets.

India - Raman: religious festival and ritual theater of Garhwal Himalayan region - Every year in late April, the villages Twin of Saloor-Dungra, located in the State of Uttarakhand, northern India, celebrate the Raman, a religious festival in honor of the local tutelary deity, Bhumiyal Devta, in whose temple is celebrated most holidays. The rituals of this event are complex and consist of the recitation of a version of the epic of Rama and various legends, as well as interpretations of songs and dances with masks.

Indonesia - The Indonesian batik - techniques, symbolism and cultural elements associated with fabric batik-dyed cotton and silk hand-mark the existence of Indonesians from birth to Death: young children are transported in batik decorated with kangaroos symbols designed to bring good luck, and the dead are shrouded in shrouds of batik.

Iran (Islamic Republic of) - The Iranian music radif - The radif is the traditional repertoire of Iranian classical music is the essence of Persian musical culture. It has more than 250 melodic units, called Gush and organized in cycles, and has a basic modal substrate becomes the backdrop to which is added the most diverse melodic motifs.

Japan - Akiu Taue no odori - The Akiu Taue no odori dance is a simulator of the rice transplanting chores running Akiu neighbors, a city in northern Japan, to implore a good harvest. Danced since the late seventeenth century by communities throughout the region, this dance is executed today in festivals held in spring and autumn.

Japan - chakkirako - Located in central Japan, on a peninsula in Kanagawa Prefecture, washed by the waters of the Pacific, the city of Miura was developed around a naval base and port where civil passing boats anchored. Inspired by the dances of other cities, learned through Sailors coming from other ports, the population of Miura created chakkirako ritual dance to celebrate the New Year and implore prosperity and abundant fisheries in the coming months.

Japan - daimokutate - Yahashira In the sanctuary, located in the city of Nara in central Japan, community youth Kami-Fukawa, dressed in samurai and placed in a semicircle, are held upright with individual bows in their hands. One by one they are occupying the center of the semicircle at the behest of an old man who is pronouncing the name of each of the characters in the stories about the feud between the Genji and Heike clans. Japan

- The bugaku of Dainichido - According to legend, itinerant artists bugaku, ritual performance and dance music of the Imperial Palace in the city acted Hachimantai, north of Japan in the early eighth century, in times of Dainichido reconstruction of the temple flag. Hence the name of Dainichido bugaku used to describe this artistic expression that, over time, evolved considerably enriched with indigenous inputs transmitted to the young by their elders in the heart of local communities Osato, Azukisawa, Nagamine and Taniuchi. Every year, on the date of January 2, members of these four communities come together in precise locations before marching in procession to the shrine. Once there, running from dawn until noon nine sacred dances, which are so many prayers to implore for happiness for the New Year.

Japan - Gagaku - Characterized by its long slow songs and mime choreography, the Gagaku is the oldest traditional performing arts of Japan. Is represented in the feasts and ceremonies of the Imperial Palace and in theaters around the country.

Japan - The kagura of Hayachine - Between the fourteenth century and the fifteenth century, the population of Iwate Prefecture, north of the main island of the archipelago of Japan, Mount Hayachine worshiped by considering a divinity. This devotion gave rise to kagura, a folkloric representation today still encourages the Grand Festival Hayachine Shrine, held the first day of August each year in the city of Hanamaki.

Japan - Hitachi furyumono - The procession called Hitachi furyumono takes place in this city, located in the central part of Japan in the Pacific coast. Held every year in April, during the Cherry Blossom Festival, or every seven years in the month of May, While the Great Festival Temple of Kamine. Each of the four local communities, Kita-machi, Higashi-machi, Nishi-machi and Hom-machi, manufactures a float that serves as a place of worship to a deity and at the same time, conveys a theater puppets several stories high.

Japan - The feast of Koshikijima Toshidon not - According to a popular Japanese belief, then begin a new period is coming to visit our world a god bringer of blessings. The festival of Koshikijima not Toshidon, held New Year's Eve in Shimo-Koshiki Island, located southwest of the Japanese archipelago, has por objeto celebrar la llegada de una de esas divinidades en visita, llamadas raiho-shin.

JapĂłn – Ojiya-chijimi y echigo-jofu, tĂ©cnicas de fabricaciĂłn de tejidos con ramio en la regiĂłn de Uonuma (prefectura de Niigata) – Los textiles ligeros y de gran calidad fabricados con la planta del ramio son ideales para los veranos cálidos y hĂşmedos del JapĂłn. Nacidas en la regiĂłn de Uonuma (prefectura de Niigata), al noroeste de la isla principal del JapĂłn, las tĂ©cnicas de fabricaciĂłn de tejidos con ramio denominadas ojiya-chijimi y echigo-jofu llevan la impronta del clima frĂ­o de esa regiĂłn, caracterizado por las precipitaciones de nieve invernales.
JapĂłn - The ritual no oku-noticed aenokoto - The oku-aenokoto notice is not agricultural ritual passed down from generation to generation by the rice in Noto Peninsula, north of Ishikawa Prefecture in the central part of the island Honshu, the largest of the Japanese archipelago. Held twice a year, this ritual impetratory of good harvests is unique among all those in Asia. Its peculiarity is that the heads of families invite the deities of the rice fields to their homes and driven as if the invisible spirits of these were actually present.

Japan - manufacturing techniques Sekishu-Banshi role in the region of Iwami (Shimane Prefecture) - The toughest part is manufactured in Japan under-Banshi Sekishu techniques that are unique to their gender. Papermaking with these procedures has been carrying out since long time ago in Iwami region, located in Shimane Prefecture. At first, it was an additional income generating activity for farmers.

Japan - ainu traditional dance - The Ainu are an indigenous people living today, mostly on the island of Hokkaido, northern Japan. Their traditional dance is presented in public in the course of ceremonial events and banquets, as well as the cultural context of newly created festivals, or run privately on several occasions of everyday life.

Japan - The procession of yamahoko, floats from the Gion Festival in Kyoto City - July 17 each year, the Gion Festival, held in Kyoto city, located in the center of Japan, culminating in the grand procession of yamahoko, floats decorated with tapestries and wood and metal ornaments. They are so refined that they have been given the name "museum street".

Mali - The Charter of Mande, Fuga KURUK proclaimed in - In the early thirteenth century, following a major military victory of the founder of the Mandinka Empire, the sovereign and the Areopagus of scholars, gathered in assembly in KURUK Fuga, proclaimed the Charter of the new command, which gets its name of the territory of the Upper Niger River located today on either side of the border between Guinea and Mali. This letter is one of the oldest constitutions in the world, but there is only orally. It consists of a preamble and seven chapters that claim: the social peace in diversity, the inviolability of human beings, people's education, the integrity of the country, food security, the abolition raid of slavery and freedom of expression and trade.

Mali - When repairs to the roof of the seven-Kamablon, Kangaba sacred house - the Malinke and other towns in the region of the Mandan, located southwest of Mali, meets every seven years in the village to celebrate Kangaba the installation of a new thatched roof in the Kamablon, "the house of the word." Built in 1653, this remarkable circular building houses objects and furniture of great symbolic value to the community and also houses the village council.

Mexico - Places of memory and traditions the Otomi live-Chichimecs of Toliman: Peña de Bernal, guardian of a sacred territory - The Otomi people-chichimeca, seated in the semi-desert area of \u200b\u200bthe State of Queretaro, in central Mexico, have developed a range of traditions attest to its unique relationship with the topography and surrounding environment.

Mexico - The ritual of flying - The ritual ceremony of the flyers is a dance associated with fertility that are running various ethnic groups in Mexico and Central America, particularly the Totonac Veracruz state, east of Mexico . Its purpose is to express the respect shown towards nature and the spiritual universe, and harmony with both.

Nigeria - The parade of the mask ijele - In many communities in Anambra State, south-east of Nigeria, ijele mask parade takes place at parties, funeral ceremonies and other special events held in the dry season to implore fertility and abundant harvests. This mask has four meters high and the magnitude of its size means that it takes six months to a few hundred men to prepare and build a shelter where they keep up their parade.

Republic of Korea - The cheoyongmu - The cheoyongmu is a former court dance is now the subject of stage performances. In the beginning was intended to avert evil spirits and guarantee tranquility or royal banquets during exorcisms performed New Year's Eve of obtaining the good luck.

Republic of Korea - The ganggangsulla e - The ganggangsullae is a seasonal ritual to implore good harvests and fertility, which is very popular in the southeast of the Republic of Korea. It takes place mostly during the eighth lunar month, during the Chuseok holiday, the day of Korean Thanksgiving. In the glow of the full moon, dozens of young people form a single village circle to sing and dance all night, led by a lead singer.

Republic of Korea - The rite Yeongdeunggut in Chilmeoridang (Cheju Island) - The celebration of the rite in the temple Yeongdeunggut Chilmeoridang (Cheju Island) takes place during the second lunar month. Its purpose is to ask the gods to the sea remain calm and crops and fisheries are abundant. The ritual ceremonies performed in the sanctuary of Chilmeoridang, in the village of Gun-rip, are representative of those that are organized everywhere in the Korean island of Cheju.

Republic of Korea - The nori Namsadang - literally: "theater men strolling players "- is a traditional folk show with multiple facets, which used to be represented once in Korea for traveling artists, and is now kept alive by professional troupes. The show consists of six parts.

Republic of Korea - The Yeongsanjae - An essential element of Korean Buddhist culture, the ceremony called transmission recalls Yeongsanjae Lotus Sutra by the Buddha on the Vulture Peak (India), through which are expressed philosophical and spiritual message of Buddhism and promoting self-discipline of their followers.

Romania - The doina - Named in various ways in Romania, is a lyrical chant doina solemn, improvised and spontaneous. Essential element of Romanian folklore, the doina was until 1900 the only musical genre present in many regions of the country.

Turkey - Traditional art âşıklık (minstrelsy) - Traditional art âşıklık (minstrelsy) remains in Turkey with itinerant minstrels called âşıks. Dressed in traditional attire and strumming a stringed instrument called the saz, the âşıks usually act at weddings, cafes and public holidays of all kinds.

Turkey - Karagöz - The Karagöz is a Turkish shadow play in which puppets of characters and objects, called tasvirs and skin made of camel or ox, stay with chopsticks to a light source to project their silhouettes on a cotton screen.

Uruguay - Candombe and cultural space: a community practice - Sundays and many holidays, calls Candombe drums echo in the Southern district of Montevideo and in two southern districts of the Uruguayan capital and CordĂłn Palermo, home to a population of African origin. Before the commencement of the parade of Candomble, the participants gather around bonfires to tune their drums and fellowship. Uzbekistan

- The bluish Katta - Katta ashula literally the "great song" - is a traditional way of singing that is integral to the identity of several towns in the Fergana valley in Uzbekistan, where they also live Tajiks, Uighurs and Turks, and some regions of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan. Katta ashula The original is a genre that unites the performing arts, singing, instrumental music and oriental poetry and some rites sacred.

Viet Nam - The folk songs Quan Ho Bac Ninh - In the provinces of Bac Ninh and Bac Giang, north of Viet Nam, many villages are twinned and have strengthened its links with social customs and Quan Ho folk songs. These songs consist of songs sung in alternation by two women from one village to sing in unison and two men from another village who will respond with similar melodies, but different letter

is emblematic

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The All Nighter Wood Stove


Three faces Russia. One that looks to the West, St. Petersburg. Another, pointing to the East and is the Tatar capital, Kazan. And Moscow, which is in the middle.

But if the former imperial capital and the current Russian capital are well known tourist destinations in Europe, the emerging Kazan, capital of the Russian republic of Tatarstan, has just emerged from the shadows as a thriving metropolis with ambition to become the largest European center of the Muslim world.

Earlier this year, the mayor of Kazan won the right to use the nickname officially trademarked third largest city in Russia. That, it is hoped, will overcome the current figure of about one million hits year tourist attracting more European travelers. An additional argument to achieve this would be the fact that Kazan is the first stop on the famous Trans-Siberian railway, which crosses part of Moscow in 15 days across the country to reach Vladivostok.

's ambitious promotional campaign of Kazan as the third largest city in Russia has received a new impetus. Has left the European stage as the new focus of Russian football. The local team, Rubin, who last year won for the first time the Russian championship, will play in the same group of Barca's Champions League.

Anything goes to get attention. In 2005, Kazan held with pomp the thousand years of its foundation, opened the first subway line and finished building the largest mosque in Europe. The Qul Sharif mosque, built following a Turkish architectural model has four minarets is 57 meters high and a large blue and white dome 39 meters high.

But perhaps the highlight of Qul Sharif is to be lifted in the very heart of Kazan Orthodox faith, within the white walls of the local Kremlin in 2000 was declared a Unesco World Heritage Site. That neighborhood, which has no analogues in Russia, is a symbol of Kazan in the two major living religions officially recognized Russia: Islam and the Orthodox faith.

The surprising combination of the two cultures that alternates huge domes of medieval Orthodox cathedrals, elegant minarets is the key to the unforgettable charm that has this city. Kazan-marking. Who once looked down the hill from the Kremlin to the dizzying panorama of the vast Volga River will remember forever.

The difference with other Russian cities note upon arrival. All signs and posters are written in Tatar and Russian. No wonder, since the Tatars and Russians make up almost equal halves of one million local people. In addition, there are neighborhoods where there are only written in Tatar. But even in these Russian zones or language does not cause rejection. At first glance, one gets the impression that Kazan, before the Muslim capital is a metropolis of tartar. The local style is best noted in the numerous clubs and national cuisine, much like the Asian.

adopted Islam as a religion in 922. In the thirteenth century, the Golden Horde, formed by the Mongols, conquered the present Tatarstan. Later, the Golden Horde was divided into several states, of which the largest was the Khanate of Kazan. In 1552, Ivan the Terrible conquered it for the Russians.

In this last and final conquest born the main architectural symbol of the city, Suyumbiké tower, which was named after the last queen of Kazan. According to legend, Tsar Ivan fell in love with the beautiful tartar and asked her hand. The woman said that this was built in just seven days, the tallest tower in the city. After one week, the building was complete. The queen went up "to see the big picture," but suddenly he leaned down to not belong to the conqueror. The Tsar ordered moved to call the tower Suyumbiké. Interestingly, the Cathedral of St. Basil, associated with the Kremlin in Moscow, was built by Ivan the Terrible to commemorate the conquest of the Khanate of Kazan.

the early 90's, most of the downtown was composed of wooden buildings. But during the last decade, 100,000 people have been relocated to new quarters in the context of a municipal program. In this forced exodus followed the disappearance of a large part of the architectural heritage. Many old buildings were destroyed, and then lifted into place modern copies.

The few surviving houses are concentrated in Bauman Street. This pedestrian zone is a deliberate copy of the Arbat street in Moscow where there are many souvenir stands outside.
Written by Dmitri Polikarpov in elPeriodico

Friday, September 4, 2009

What Is Half A Head Of Highlights


Just sixty kilometers southwest of Hanoi, Hong Chua, The Perfume Pagoda, is a sacred place, amidst a splendid nature, full of magic and enchantment. Each year attracts thousands of Buddhist pilgrims who flock during major festivals of spring, between March and April, and all weekends.

Almost without realizing it, passes a morass of traffic in Hanoi to the ocean of rice fields stretching to the horizon in any direction. Is a rest stop that is lost sight of the endless endless rice paddies, green and yellow, dotted with colorful human figures, in that little Volcano straw to protect from the sun (and rain) the Vietnamese. The fields around us are only interrupted, but rather matches the endless line of the road.

In the distance, a long chain of whimsical forms a backdrop sets the landscape. At the foot of the hills, a town choked by the sea that surrounds rice, pressed home defensively as if he feared being swallowed up by the stems to lick the walls. Horizontal cloud, mysteriously suspended in the air, sets the brightness of the whiteness of the polychrome parched rice paddies.

Sorolla is as if he had added the magic of his birth to a painting of Van Gogh. I say the town is called Van Son ('Cloud Mountain'). No objection, except that the road passing through it are completely covered with sheaves of rice drying in the sun like an era. Needless to say, the driver left his vehicle rolled on the mound as if such a thing, reminding me of my childhood in the tracks of Castile.

did not even need to ask. Seeing my astonished face, the driver was quick to explain that in Vietnam all the space available for growing rice. The streets of towns and roads are the only place where you can put out the harvest to loosen the grain. As we move forward, I'll understanding. Until the markets have to be in bridges with the vendors sitting dangerously on the railings.
Feeding seventy million people should not be easy. Finally, we reached the important town of My Duc, where the river port. From here, many pilgrims continue to walk along the river, but others prefer to come to the Pagoda by boat. Tourists are encouraged to make this trip, inevitably do in the light iron boats crowd on the pier. The ride over an hour in the calm waters of the river that run partially between the limestone walls of the Huong Tich Mountain is a true delight.

The shirts are all women, whose husbands, children or parents were martyrs who died or were maimed during the war in Vietnam. They get a salary but not to transport passengers, while other members of his family farm the land or are engaged in beekeeping.

The Perfume Pagoda is actually a complex of pagodas, which include Thien Chu (Pagoda that leads to heaven), Oan Ciaia Chu (Pagoda of Purgatory), where devotees believe that the deities purify their souls, heal their suffering and ensure offspring to childless households. The heart of the resort, however, is the Huong Tich cave, with signs of having been inhabited for more than two thousand years. The downside is that it is on top of a hill, whose ascent is strenuous, especially if the floor is wet from the frequent rains.

Once aloft, you find yourself with lots of vendor booths with souvenirs, stamps, food and water, and in all places of pilgrimage in the world, Buddhist or not. Having passed this test, one must descend a long stairway to the mouth of the cave, inside which is the sanctum sanctorum, a simple altar where the faithful kneel and pray with unction, resulting in highly emotional scenes.

Up the stairs back to what one takes up almost inevitably forced to pause to regain strength in any of the tables that offer food and beverages. But that's where vendors await you to harass your resting with his indefatigable persistence. Patience, brother. After declining by mechanical means and cross over a number of courtyards and pagodas and sellers, the smile of my barquera to reach the river I found the meeting with the seraphic angel welcomes you to the gates of paradise.

much I can count the return journey, except it was a peaceful journey down the river (upstream Or was it? The truth is that the power failure plunged into doubt me), really enjoying the scenic beauty and tranquility of the surroundings, and no pilgrims. Then another two hours threshing rice by the people and roads of the granary of Vietnam.

The tour is very pleasing to the leg. Things are constantly being discovered, through interesting villages, enjoying the field work, etc. The back usually gets a bit tired because there is little energy. But it's worth the effort.

not required but highly recommended is to give a tip to the boatmen. They are very friendly and do work very hard.
Text: Francisco Lopez-Seivane in eight leagues

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Knightsbridje Collection

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Monday, July 20, 2009

How To Make A Libertines Jacket

More than 15 million English each year traveling around the world have a new tool to keep your vacation into a nightmare. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation opens this summer a system for sending messages to mobile phones for those who surprised an emergency situation at your destination.

This service, which took off last Wednesday, is designed to send information and specific recommendations to English that have been previously registered in the Ministry of Travelers, but yes, "only in situations of crisis" as an attack, natural disaster, a coup or riots.

In such situations, allow SMS messages more quickly notify the English who are in a given country to "avoid a particular area" where they can be at risk "or are directed to a certain point to be made saved. " Foreign

took some time thinking about introducing this system already operates in other European countries, recognized the officer, who indicated that it was not until this summer when the software development necessary was completed to bring the service up.

To benefit from this service need only register in the Register Traveler web page of the Ministry and provide a mobile number and email address where you want to receive messages, and personal data, information on the country and places to be visited, where they will host one, how family members would travel and to whom to contact in case of emergency.

This will facilitate the work of the consular services in case they have to come into contact with the English who have traveled abroad and seeks two objectives: to prevent a hazard warning of what areas to avoid and, if the traveler is already in a state of emergency, "to facilitate their attendance."

Although not officially mentioned, these messages allow mobile Affairs to step out of the criticism about lack of information and poor coordination that will lead tourists usually irritated because an emergency situation has ruined their holiday.

This software application is the most prominent new feature of the fourth edition of the campaign 'Your embassy can help you' , the Government released every summer since 2006. Minister Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Miguel Angel Moratinos, presented last Thursday at Terminal 4 of Barajas Airport (Madrid) and the new Terminal 1 at El Prat (Barcelona).


Moratinos stressed that the campaign aims to inform more than 15 million English people who travel each year around the world, but also the million and a half of English citizens living permanently in the foreign embassies that the 129, 187 consulates general and honorary consulates 375 English can do for them, but also what they can not do.

Among other things, services Consular officers can issue passports or laissez-passer in the event of expiry, loss or theft, to report medical services and legal education in the country, provide assistance to prisoners; forward, in an extraordinary way, the money necessary for any needs, including repatriation, make entries in the registry office, powers and issuing affidavits or legalization of documents.

can not do functions instead of a travel agency, get a job abroad, to guarantee in a hospital or in prison better treatment than that accorded to nationals of that country, guarantee, loan money or pay fines or make interpreter, guide or social.

The minister encouraged the English who are traveling abroad to consult before starting travel recommendations contained in the website of the Ministry to see if they plan to move to a troubled country, which is the current situation in that country and if There is "some difficulty".

Affairs has distributed to travel agents and the five airports with international flights in the country on the campaign brochures.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Facebook News Feed Unblock Farmville


The only airline in the world only to pet, Pet Airways, has already made its maiden flight.

Company initially operate five U.S. cities: New York, Washington DC, Chicago, Denver and Los Angeles, but plans to spread across the U.S..

The company president, Dan Wiesel, he argued the need for the company to the fact that pets traveling by air are carried in the hold and are treated as baggage. "The experience is terrifying for pets and could cause serious physical and emotional damage, even death, "Wiesel has said, adding that most pet owners do not want to subject their pets to this experience, but so far had no other option. "

An option in which the founders of Pet Airways have been able to detect your business opportunity, since, with the promise that your pet is safe and comfortable in the flight deck, not in charge "are heading to a market of more than 70 million cats and dogs so far flying with their owners in the U.S. each year.

Pet Airways has started its operations using at the moment Beech 1900 aircraft, with capacity for 19 passengers, where pets fly in the main cabin and not charging, which is fully lit, climate controlled, with good circulation of fresh air required for pets. "Later, the company plans to offer health services, food and water, if necessary, for the scales.

During the flight, a trained animal handler continuously monitors unique to the passengers, who, on arrival are not left in a warehouse or on a ramp, but are delivered in an area specially designated as "pet room" directly to their owners or the person authorized by them.
The rates offered are not particularly cheap, and that from 299 USD to fly from Los Angeles to New York one way it seems expensive, but of course the type of customer using these services certainly do not think like me.
The airline also has its presence in social networks and FACEBOOK TWITTER .

Friday, July 10, 2009

Minelva Velba Cogiendo


French tourists are the worst in the world ... or so saying the 4,500 professionals in 27 countries according to a survey by Internet travel agency Expedia.

Your arrongancia, his stinginess and bad use of languages \u200b\u200bother than your own are some of the reasons that make French holidaymakers in the least desirable of the hotel services in the world.

The fact that the Gauls do not speak the local languages \u200b\u200bmakes them reckless in the eyes of hotels in various countries worldwide. "Mainly it is the fact that they speak little or no English when they go abroad and do not speak the local language," says Timothee de Roux, director of markets for Expedia, the radio station France Info

Roux explains that the 90% of French travel on their country because they have a magnificent view and excellent tourist areas. However, when they come out of France "may be a little nervous" when not being used to certain habits and "may lead them to ask for things in a way that can be considered a bit arrogant." In

Roux also said that they are not used to leave big tips in their country, where the service is included in restaurant bills, and for this reason can be seen as "stingy" in comparison to other nationalities. Unlike the Americans and British are the most wasteful.

The Japanese ranked first in the Best Tourist survey in the polls, along with the British and the Germans selected the best among the Europeans.

For its part, the English occupied the twenty-sixth position as the best tourists. The English hoteliers themselves believe that their countrymen are the most common complaint, which, together with the French, he ranks as the least popular tourists in their own country.

The report states as the final conclusion that the British, Australians and New Zealanders "are highly regarded" the English tourists, because, among other things, and appreciate the effort to understand the local language.

The English, as in previous years, are the visitors from around the world spend less on holiday, followed by French. Although hoteliers in Germany and the United States have a preference for English tourists (although the majority of workers in establishments considered that the English, with the Italians, are the visitors noisier) and Asians are opting for the English because they leave more tip waiters and room service staff.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Convection Oven Pros And Cons


rotate OF THE POSTA 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 1
5m POSTA 2: 4 multihop FENCES + 10 m Vmax WITHOUT BALL + 10 m + CENTRE WITH BALL Vmax

Friday, May 15, 2009

Mesh Practice Jerseys

INCUBUS-Serpent temptation -1996


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hand Embroidery Designs For Sarees

Autopsy-- dead as fuck- 2004


What To Write Your Boss Birthday

Slayer -French connection 2009 !!

is not a bootleg I still do not take as an officer
weno pa over any aki passing by Kerra this album ..
for the rest not lost anything new ...
more of the same
have a biss of hauntig of chapel / the antichrist that if .. (Best of album) jajaj XD


Monday, April 27, 2009

Sample Wedding Charts

Cryptopsy-Whisper Supemacy 1998

Another record to wait for the Titans of grind .. in my opinion this album does not compare to the None So Vile and the Blasphemy made flesh. which are undoubtedly genuine gems of the genre without fear
lower arm .. but surely kick your skull! Download

Xblades Change Resolution

Midnight - Farewell To Hell-(2008)

He who knows knows ... Black / thash sound old school ... directly from USA! Escenerio
which often share with Toxic holocaust