Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What To Say Inside A Wedding Card

coming year ...

Life in Exile

year ...

  • optimism-not! - Pessimism coming year ...
  • Headlines In Mexico, more than the sr. 'President' wants ... (Aristegui)
  • International Notes Wikileaks-lease-with relevance to international and national levels
  • The Egiptazo: goodbye to Pharaoh Mubarak ... in Mexico does NOT pass something, " Why?
  • The death of Bishop Samuel Ruiz ...

For Annouck

As my Televisa as many of you, we remove the channel CNN in English on 100% hand for PC and I do not see a Carmen Aristegui, one of the few journalists remaining that are not 'biased' or 'selling out - I have fond International notes the BBC. It is true, also have some bias, the former Victorian empire-commonwealth, one might expect - but certainly something better note, nothing, just as in Mexico. (Above, OBVIOUS-Televisa, which trained lapdog to, former teachers, using reporters-as-thugs-View case vs Loret de Mola. Kalimba latest - and struggling very hard, indeed, as struggling - NO news to give:)

can not be, that the most relevant news to occur, whether international, proving this, that the situation of the country, of being already in tatters, just becomes increasingly and more pathetic;

Cartel against violence against women, published in protest against censorship by the government of Calderon to Carmen Aristegui. (Photo poster: Internet, Social Networks)

AND BY THE WAY, this article written PLANNED BEFORE MEGACENSURA direct x dedazo Calderon - Carmen Aristegui, wondering innocently (!) If "you think Calderon is alcohol? you. call us and discuss!" and NOT read a prepared apology ex-teachers in the pines, leaving the news of Carmen Aristegui, the highest-rated nationally - y. .. you. knows it is the highest-rated? Contestenos at no cost ... we know, then, that the TRUTH is the most valuable thing is a journalist, and the prestige earned by Carmen Aristegui, as a journalist who tells the truth, though PAIN - along these 4 years of regime ' facto' ( facto means, 'in fact', in Latin, a language that almost no one taught in schools) - is what has made valuable along of these last years.
And that, like blankets Noronha, it hurts ...
But do not think that much, because for the PAN, a year ago, before losing at length announced, and began its year (s) from Hidalgo ...

* * *

When viewing a BBC news, notes how ARE AWAY from God and so close to the United States - or Televisa mafia, so close to Peña Nieto-Salinas and so little to tell the news ecuanime;

The BBC, with years of experience, SI is proud to be a press more-or less-more balanced in regards to notes of the world, except for the commonwealth, and obvious notes of Ireland are conspicuous by their absence, not to harass or make the government look bad Irish or ex-colonial governments that are not compatible with their interests, as the BBC's journalism stands out for its coverage, a greater risk it, except reporters 'embedded' that are in Iraq or Afghanistan, and notes from now, if almost everyone (Latin America remains, despite everything, shining by their absence: the backyard backyard remains gringo Gringo, and GB still does not fit there.)

Coverage of the reports in Egypt, for example, is notable for the completeness and reporters on site, and panoramic shots of the matter: (then do some shallow analysis on the situation in other countries of the world we observe - Originated in part by the notes filtered through Wikileaks in part by the global recession with totalitarian overtones observed, and subsequent rebellions by lack employment-democracy almost everyone -)

Here we can see, as the case of Wikileaks is more and more across borders, is a cork that has been removed, and evil geniuses Pandora box disperse non-stop emerging as the great empire that has conspired against all up against the British as an ally, has been "removed dictators, evil governments fostered, poverty, pollution and global recession, all this, in order to maintain their profits and to keep selling things dumping prices , or even richer than they are, large oligopolies forever.

Wikileaks has become the spearhead against authoritarianism and the power of the media-sold-and the corrupt capitalist system in its degenerative phase, ie, the imperialist phase. The movie V for Vendetta, symbolic representation of the struggle against the power established ...
Demonstrator for Julian Assange, in the photo.

And as always, we confirm in contrast, the current poverty of means that we have, and how the information needs of the people are not satisfied, people - especially the youth / as - have turned other innovative means to know what happens, lease the internet ... especially with today's new Internet tools, the mentioned social networks, which enable and facilitate instant communication with others:
Now if nothing can remain hidden. NI censorship Carmen Aristegui.

This will cost you. I only offer them notice.

* * *

Among the notables, among so many news media and bordering on sensationalism often voluntary-involuntary "because so many red notes, the death of Tatic, Don Samuel Ruiz Garcia, an apostle of the dispossessed so many centuries, the indigenous people of Chiapas:
one person ever told me, a resident of San Cristobal, which until 1994 the Zapatista uprising, the Indians were forbidden to walk on the same side of the curbside, a ladino, or mestizo, are many, but so many years, centuries, an almost infinite contempt for the natives in Chiapas, with media reports of inhuman conditions of slavery net, than to need a new Bartolome de las Casas, a Basque Quiroga, but present a character who truly follow the tenets of the Church of Christ incarnate Don Samuel Ruiz all that and much more, in his apostolate Bartolome de las Casas Center, anointed many Indians as deacons, something once unthinkable. The application of the gospel Samuel Ruiz earned him many enemies, who tries to disable sending you a bishop coadjutor, proving to be Raul Vera, his coadjutor, as radical as, in his will and serve the people of Chiapas, and especially its indigenous peoples Chol, Tzeltzales, Tojolabales and other ethnic groups in the diocese of San Cristobal.

Rest in peace, a man really loved by his people, a man now mourned by his people, the indigenous people of Chiapas, which at last found someone willing to follow the commandments of Christ ... death of Samuel Ruiz, among so many great people last year in Mexico - Carlos Montemayor, Monsivais, Gabriel Vargas, among many other great modern heroes, makes their work is remembered and reaffirmed, so necessary at this time of wars ... .
Recalling that the indigenous cosmogony remains in place, philosophy is not fought with the Gospel, the Sermon on the Mount, which can still modern heroes ... like Don Samuel.
Adios, Don Samuel, bye Monsi , bye Carlos Montemayor, Don Gabriel Vargas, goodbye so many heroes .... so necessary at this time ... we need them.
It is good to remember them and their work.

NOTE: for work I have neglected a little the work of the blog, hoping to catch up ... there will be days, weeks can not post often, there will be weeks to try to post what this occurring between the various local news, national and international, with the touch of the authoress of course ...

For now, Twitter is for reference and as an auxiliary tool, will also try keep posting news notes in the same gadgets and other aids as delicious. For now, many thanks for everything, friends as readers. A year earlier embrace of loving-if it is February already, sorry! - To all of you.

Embrace of friendship ...


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