Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Lupus Anticoagulant And Normal Range

Javier Sicilia: The profound transformation, spiritual and cultural Mexicali Mexico

Javier Sicilia's dedication to my copy of "The Diary of Stephen Martorius." In his lecture, Sicily lamented the lack of writers / philosophers atheists. I mentioned to Albert Camus .... it is good to find another fan of Camus ...

Camus's philosophy of falling, and getting up again, the famous "Myth of Sisyphus' fits well with modern man, both from the 60's as in Mexico today, and forever ...
and from this moment ... the loss of his son is my loss, and officially adopted as my Father Javier Sicilia ...
Father, your loss is my loss is that of ALL ...

Life in Exile

Javier Sicilia

· The beginning of a genuine and peaceful civil resistance movement citizen

· profound transformation of the country goes through a real spiritual and social transformation

· The real power of the sponsors, the moral authority

· Why this is the beginning of great change expected and announced in Mexico

For Annouck

We wonder often about why more people are not involved in participatory movements, civil resistance, and alternative movements of the Left. The answer is precisely this: MOST of the population in Mexico does not like a 'Left', so, in quotes - as guilty of many evils, including their sectarianism, their individualism (although it may seem ironic, but yeah) indifference, real and true, to the personal problems of the majority.

The majority of the population in Mexico is indifferent to the collective problem-that is, the whole country as a whole - but have been wary of his little personal, daily living elapse of paying rent, utilities, food and care for children, working poor, the daily survival, in a nutshell. The issues of national importance - apart that are hidden under the rug by so-called 'news' cutting between biased and government - more information on the classification of newspaper types, see my article of 2008 on The End of Fairness in the media - are therefore ignored as satirized by the general population, unable to distinguish precisely the bias imposed by the mass media, between half and one part truly impartial, being only in very large and noticeable - such as in the case of censorship the news of Carmen Aristegui, a journalist renowned pro example - where the average citizen - or a car, anyway - obviously indistinguishable from censorship and media bias.

People usually is deaf and blind to anything other than your immediate reality for the average chilango urbanized, the matters more to them as far as Atenco Ciudad Juarez, as well as Baja California and Michoacan and Durango, things seem like science-fiction, belonging to places as far away as Hollywood and Disneyland; is when they appear in their sphere of daily life, when the city apolitizado - this apolitizacion may be forced or naturally imposed - begins, then, to question the so-called 'reality' imposed by the incumbent government in the media, in this administration, which already begins to seem eternal, reality imposed from time PAN is the silent and obey, the reality does not exist, only what they WANT TO SHOW FOR IT. With these sophists and goldfinches organic broadcasters and journalists, they want to do (we) believe the vast majority of the population, both problems are not, as we must get used to the reality that it wants to transmit under the tutelage of the mass media, but they are wrong, by several complex factors, one, that the imposition of Goebbels a message only works for short periods of time-for the same, messages are transmitted over and over and over and over endlessly - but sooner or later, the effectiveness of these messages cease, and the other, despite the indifference of the civilian population to actively participate as social common in social movements, NGOs, and leftist movements - the general population but is indifferent to the political and social issue of the country in general, Not blind, nor deaf, pain and suffering of their fellow men, and sooner or later, this civil resistance, step by step, it begins to be articulated.

* * *

Well? Why all this insistence on the subject, the indifference of the majority of the population to social issues? In what has been happening for a few months in the country, the great shift that is taking overall Mexico, of silent rage and anger suppressed by the population, quite sharp, due to various social actors began to participate as a strong movement 'No blood' called for ... The Chamuco cartoonists! And the civil resistance movement that looks to become a great social movement, organized by the poet and writer of Process, Javier Sicilia.

HOWEVER, why these social actors, if respected, if you have great drawing power, as we're seeing? Because, if anything can be noted from this GREAT - that will become great - movement protest and that also seems to be civil resistance, is that the vast majority of those invited are people naturally Apollites, NOT indifferent to social issues and processes of our country, ordinary people, that mass media , biased and / or conservative, they have instilled the 'fear' or 'hate' social movements plausible, but that convenience has forwarded the idea of \u200b\u200bthe horror, the 'fear' into the same, as is the case of motion peaceful resistance of Peje, Obrador, and his movement from the legitimate government, now called "MORENA" or National Reconstruction Movement, a movement as legitimate as other, as the social struggle of EMS or the people of Atenco, among many others, but for tactical errors of the same movements - or characters, as if Lopez Obrador, or particular individuals of these groups as the people of Atenco, etc - the media have been transformed and its bias become the social support racial and class hatred toward characters, individuals or groups. This works particularly well in groups of middle-class upper-middle or low-DO NOT sympathize with movements that they perceive, as previously mentioned, as a threat or worthlessness, and perceived as open and / or radical suspicion.

THIS, which is very important to note, is basically the reason for the poor, yet convening power until recently shown by such groups openly leftist or progressive, as the 'perception' shown according to the media, and the same perception of class, they seem like such movements' separatist 'or' pinko 'to such groups in question, for most of the urban or rural, where appropriate. THIS important reason is, precisely why WIN this new citizens' movement, which is growing today.

And another: that structured progressive groups 'of izquerda' apparently no one with fans, not necessarily NOT if there are people in these movements. It is the perception, in the eyes of citizens, what is really important, not so much the quantity or quality of movement itself. This to some extent has been manipulated by the media.

* * *

Briefly, talking about colleagues - who also do cartoon jejeeje still unpublished - of Chamuco, and here we should speak particularly Rius, who was the designer of the logo, simple and impressive, of this movement: "NO BLOOD +" graphic symbol of great impact. Why so successful that began in dribs and drabs, and until it has grown up in the press 'sold', or biased - is spoken and sometimes with horror of the campaign "No blood? do you have the system so afraid? Rius moral authority, our second Father, tod @ s mexican @ s, is unquestionable; Marxist philosopher foot, atheist, naturalist, but above all a man worth as an educator for much of the nation - thanks to a rather impossible to believe, the comic books - has done much work in progress of this season, second in charge, the Voyeur, emcee and entertainer of the great team of colleagues and enthusiastic participants in this change in the country, which has been brewing in recent months.

* * *

OF SICILY IS JAVIER said and written, in recent months, but I would add - and repeat, perhaps again - a few words about , THE GREAT BECAUSE OF THE SAME FORMATION of this citizen movement - a river that threatens to become an ocean of love, transforming the spirits and minds the country - BRACKET, EXACTLY, in worth as a public figure and a human being, just SICILY: I was just to be the Nemesis of Calderon, not political rivals and sometimes surpasses it, or sometimes also shares the same whimsical spirit - AMLO - but the ordinary human being like everyone else, like all of us Sicily represents us, represents us, makes us human, deeply.

reminds us, Javier Sicilia, which is a human being in our environment, our cities, polis, in our Mexico so mistreated, so full of blood, but this blood is the result of the bloodshed earlier, thousands or millions of Mexicans killed the golden calf of the masters viceroys or actual overseas. Those who have smashed and looted prior to Mexico, with their usury and kleptocracy and nepotism.

THOSE referred Sicily, great human being, social activist, writer Process - the Olympus of the writers - poet - and in Mexico is more respectful to a Poet, who MUCHS political and social actors, is perhaps the most respected social member, writers and poets, and artists in general - and therefore, the key player to lead a social movement INTEGRATOR - most characteristic of this movement - and large-scale, which has become and become - as prophesied, and so be it, you'll see - this great social and civil movements. (And profoundly apolitical, and political, at a time)

Sicily represents us all. MEXICO represents us. BEST of Mexico.

represents why we TOD @ S. and that is why we want it.

We love Sicily. Your pain is ours. You are our father and mother.

're one of us, Javier Sicilia.

're one of us. Weekly column

Sunday, April 24, 2011

C230 License Bracket Install


Space : Midfielder

Number of players: 15-22

Time: 2x10 '

Objectives: To improve recovery after completion

Development, held two rounds of 4:1, while the others wait in line. After recovering the ball the player will end in shooting as soon as possible. Players will rotate through all positions. The ending will be the start of another round

Influence: Finzalizar quickly after the theft


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Best Lighting For Bubble Tip Anemones

... (Short film nominated at Cannes)

Life in Exile

Cultural Mexicali, Part I

For Annouck

In this series of articles which we will develop a little, we want to emphasize that cultural activity - the most overlooked, is again slowly making a dent in the state. Without wishing to Barbados to anyone or insult anyone, I think little by little - a little earlier, shortly after the earthquake more or less - cultural issues in our city so forgotten, that have always existed but never had given them the necessary importance, are turning the corner after the rut that we live after the end of the nineties, when SuperFranquicias Maquilalandia and came to lend more to lose in the area, so crammed with the pseudo beer, caguamota between the eggs, and other expected depths of a city that still until the nineties - before Carlos Salinas did m ... ejidos to become new malls and micromini pichoneras, new local and non-real estate.

Among the authors, so to call them, these artists Mexicali and no, I have been trying to renew or emphasis as the Stylite in the desert - lol - in promoting art and culture both in our state, as in city \u200b\u200bitself, we have to Ricardo Gomez, a young actor with a career and - Worth the oxymoron - in the city of Mexicali, with enough time acting, driving, and also acting as both plays in their own projects.

to talk briefly about the history of Ricardo Gomez, it would take quite some time, although brief, suffice it to mention that this guy - for those who are chilangolandia or other places or countries, has worked in the conduct of television programs in local channel 66, also in the cultural program of ICBC (Institute Baja California culture) cultural news called 'Shades' and also other less known side of Richard, is the program that features Internet, called' La Vida No Script "program comedy that already has developed with time group of actor friends, with some success.

Program "life unscripted" with Ricardo Gomez-Felipe-Teresina Tututi Vital: made 100% in Mexicali ... and he owed this review to my friend Ricardo ...

As we can see, just to sample the acting work of Ricardo, and his companions, Felipe Tututi, Teresina vital, not only has great talent in the state, but also in Mexicali as always None at the center of the Republic-all going to end chilangos Ensenada, scared of the heat - and Tijuana, always the center of the world, could have much more relevant, if not for the internal vendettas which are so prone Tijuanenses. (She is straightforward, it hurts, but sorry I do)

Well, also because not only acting, but began to have direction in Mexicali, where they are putting a lot of good cultural projects, such as Luv in Mexicali, Miguel Cetto Kramis, who heads Pantomime actors and theater, and also find new and alternative projects, like today at eight, it was the video presentation of a rather novel, in the IMAX theater Sol del Niño Museum.

People entering the presentation of the film "Waiting" today April 13 to 8 pm. There was good turnout of people ...

Because it was the presentation of the film actor and director Daniel Galo, who directed the short film "Waiting", short quite interesting in its proposal ....

Here are some pictures of the event ...

The co-producer and actor Richard Gomez to speak at the presentation of the event ...

actor and co-producer of the film, Felipe Tututi, the microphone ...

Daniel Galo, Director short film "Waiting" to the microphone. Very interesting your vision and analysis of the local situation at the border, and their proposals ...

Just as interesting was that it was named among 5 finalists for Best Short Film at the Cannes Film Festival ....

I say, and I repeat: in Mexicali, NO talent.

We could talk a little more with the Director, Daniel Galo, very handsome indeed, who at his age has a busy career on the social implications of such films. He was quite animated, and many other projects in the pipeline. in this case our good friend Ricardo just participated a cameo in the film and as associate producer, along with another great artist of the border, Felipe Tututi actor, who is fully involved in the film, along with the son of Ricardo and Reyna Bañuelos amateur actress.

We were pleasantly surprised this news, we hope also to be reporting more often, and the like to note that in Mexicali There's history, pretty good stories to tell, the richness of the film, no dialogue, just background music of Moby , is very rich and deep, by addressing complex social issues in the history of documentary: the daily life of a prostitute as an adult, at the border. It addresses several themes in this video: both hard life the middle-aged prostitute, pedophilia, prostitution itself, violence / crime urban daily machismo so common in this border, alcoholism, etc, all subjects seem to come together, and summed up as short minutes it takes this short, rich highly polished, of a quality not just to be on the tour of "Traveling" by Diego Luna and Gael, but also to be where, as competing to win the Cannes award-winning medal.

Hopefully, then, that so, and from here, send a hug again, and congratulations to the participants of this great project.

To see that in Mexicali nomas .... IF you know a thing ... is pleased to be seeking people who are "doing things We only offer no talking "as the good Richard, and I think so, this way, the DO, not just talk, is the secret of success ... for all ...

is good to see that finally, in the state culture is being promoted as it deserves. NOT OF A FREE: many times - I know - you have to cut stones, the artists, knock wall, and is to be so DALE Y DALE Y DALE (thing that Mexicali are very good: we re fools, this is a feature our very own, this is how we get things, and sometimes the gallants, I add hehee)

'll see that lie within a short cultural horizon here in Mexicali. by In the meantime, we began reporting on events / characters in the latest culture and relevant. Positive people, willing to fight and overcome, and succeed, DESERVES TO BE NOTICED, and this humble effort in this blog, it is a little step, little by little, to go in this direction ...

NOTE: This post is duplicated on my other blog "Retrokitsch" for those who DO NOT want to get to this blog, and go straight. Or vice versa ....

Greetings to all the artists / creative Mexicali they are doing something ... keep it up .... Weekly column

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Can U Make A Playerdex

Japan ... Republic

Life in Exile

Volcan in Japan that had erupted weeks before the quake almost 9 degrees Tokyo with epicenter in the city of Sendai, about Tsunami swept back ... (photos La Jornada)


For Annouck

At the head of my bed, among the books that I have hand, is 's book "Hiroshima," testimony from a reporter about the survivors of 2nd World War. The book consists of 6 lurid testimonies of six people, different from each other, they managed to survive the detonation of the Hiroshima bomb. The book has several stages - still not finished - first speech of everyday life in Japan, a life quite different from today's highly technological and industrial Japan, a life in time of war, where the food, and way of life was conditioned by the economy of war, with soldiers patrolling the streets, some still on earth, and the broad green field dominated much of the landscape. the second stage talks about the reaction of the six players in the disaster when the atomic blast literally throws, to various sites that were in a lucky fluke, where fortune accidentally saves them from certain death. in a third step, the book starts to speak - as far as I go - in the testimony of the characters they observe, narrate, comment as they left the city looking after the outbreak, deaths, fires, and the understandable result of high energy outbreak of a weapon, knowing their horrific effects on laboratory tests in the open field was used deliberately by Truman, without any logical justification, Japan had already lost the war and was technically paid - more than the morbid pleasure to try the toy.

Morbido; Truman should, should know. Even so, by ordering the detonation of Fat Man and Little Boy - pumps up with names 'prosaic' members - the president of the United States detonated at the same time, the arms race, promoted the gringo army manipulation of government for their own profit, and exploitation of nuclear energy for other uses, none of them, ultimately, positive.

* * *

After more than 70 years of horrible war, after many years of peace, yet the world continued with the use of nuclear energy energy generation. oil, already in the forties, knew of his next final, and gas was only up power, nuclear energy, the promising future.

to Three Mile Island. the big crash of flight when it melted part of a nuclear reactor plant in Coney Island, in the U.S. in 1979. The horror of the 'possibility' of what could be, was reflected in the now famous film, The China Syndrome "now I think that is a bit forgotten, but at the time was overwhelming, lost B Science Fiction movies and films Catastrophes of terrifying, so popular in the 70's - and you left pretty scary @, I must say.

Extract The China Syndrome, with the then-popular Jane Fonda - as a Left-and Michael's dad Douglas, in his best heyday.

* * *

As the lesson was not learned what happened at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl have come to understand better the consequences of a nuclear explosion.

Indeed, Chernobyl, in Russian, means Wormwood.

Which by the way the Bible is a rather chilling paragraph in the apocalypse that talks about the star called "wormwood" which falls to the ground. in a flash ... Coincidence?

About Chernobyl seems to be everything and that, even so, the consequences of terrible accident were far beyond the borders, since the start of the end of the Cold War, through the wars of the countries of Eastern Europe "in their struggle against the autocratic rule of then-Stalinist to acid rain and spread radioactive of the toxic cloud by several European countries - I think I get to France, a country that should have been chastened by the horror of Chernobyl, to say nothing of the explosion of Hiroshima / Nagasaki, but there has its nuclear Plantota, along with their wines;! the environmentalists!

* * *

After 9 earthquake in Japan, among the dead, injury, destruction, and economic destruction that will follow, lasting this once power in recovering the economic level they once had-role already being subtracted from China, more pragmatic and better economically than Japan (not for nothing was the birthplace of Confucius and Lao-Tse, among other philosophers).

But beyond economics, the devastation of the country more technologized the world, the Japanese collective consciousness, a people day and night in his sleep late comics and manga, breathing worlds apocalyptic nightmares torn apart by a thousand and one circumstances, reflected in dreams of his comic opiates beautiful and nubile cyber princes, princesses and super-powerful the thousand and one monster, turned to arm a million and one times, going from Godzilla to the subconscious terrors of Final Fantasy, all monsters over and repeated thousands of times, just add the one and only one monster, the thing that I touched, the only nation to which he has played this horrible monster - so far:

The monster of the Holocaust and nuclear radiation.

I recommend for now, to review the blog of my esteemed Mario Bogarin , an expert on Japanese collective dreams, sure now, will have something interesting to say about it. (If you understand, of course, hopefully this article comes a little more clear for us neophytes in Japanese) Waiting for your next article, Mario ... see you'll have to say about it.

Hopefully next is the reconstruction of Japan ... that nothing bad happens .... but an embrace of solidarity to all the Japanese people from this place in exile ...

PS I tell my friends-macrobiotic health food of a good support Ensenada-in addition of iodine, prevention has proven effective against radiation, as in the case of Chernobyl for example - that if they can take something called Pasta Miso, Seaweed besides. According to the macrobiotic

, Miso was largely what the symptoms cured of exposure to radioactivity in the case of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in some people exposed. Miso is a fermented paste of soybeans - their effects are similar to yogurt, which is Saladita as soy sauce. taken at a soup with tofu and seaweed, or added to foods. is added before serving so that digestive enzymes are not damaged by heat.

Marine Algae on the other hand, help in cases of exposure to radiation, and a nice addition, dietary supplements, because they contain high doses of trace elements, minerals, and one that MAS is the iodine-contain and be within sea, I guess.

so if you have chance, to bind to the seaweed and miso, my dear ... Column

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Some Gay Men Cruise Public Toilets

date palm ... drop Mubarak in Egypt and more relevant Notes

Egypt's army was a fundmental factor in preventing further bloodshed in this region, from the early twenty-first century revolutions be coupled to that of Tunisia, organized largely by social networks and triggered in part by the scandal of Wikileaks files.

People in Egypt
various celebrations, after the fall of autocratic military regime of Hosni Mubarak, which lasted in power 30 years after the murder of another military leader, Anwar el-Sadat in 1981. (More pics: El Universal / La Jornada)

Life in Exile


date palm · No bananas, but in the Middle East Dates

· The fall of autocratic Arab regimes, Tunisia and Egypt, the first

· Internet and Social Networking, the key Wikileaks, the tip of the iceberg ...

For Annouck

past, these countries as allies of Washington in those years of prosperity and abundance post-war, and before that had dictatorships with cartoon villains - Pinochet even after they remove the picturesque this bunch of subjects, countries rich in natural resources but lack the skilled manpower and technology to develop them, they were called 'banana republic' because most of these countries were, guess where! In Latin America, where its main product in general are bananas, bananas, and people could live, live - in an apparently virginal, rich, that the gringos technologized saw the signs of pe $ o $-dollars $ $, to immediately planting his hands on the rich so rich product of these countries. (Apart from oil, of course)

Worldwide, this type of dictatorial republics with U.S. allies with dictators ranging from the folkloric to the gore-vr. Papa-Baby Doc in Haiti, abounded, and still abundant in some areas. Latin America, after lightning century, are notorious rebellions, guerrilla or spontaneous pre-fabricated and now narcoexportaciones has been generally rising for post many progressive leaders are taking charge of natural resources in their own hands; however, there are still many of these autocratic governments scattered all over the world,

Hosni Mubarak angrily talking days before stepping down in official TV. (More pics: Universal / The Day)

and the Middle East is no exception, but rather, the rule - and with this paper safety pin and do not give me visa to go to the pyramids, or mode. Anyway ...

As no bananas in the blazing desert heat, but as in Mexicali Dates "I think the term 'Republic of date palm' more appropriate to describe the past government of Hosni Mubarak military kingdom from Nasser.

Egypt has similarities with other Arab countries in the region, ranging from extreme nationalism convenenciero-Ruled by military regimes, and Islamic regimes with less or more marked trend towards fundamentalism (the law becomes the sharia or Islamic law followed the convenience of the system, or the convenience of the male gender,

women becoming an object of use-simple decorative or sexual slave) regimes like the military ' left 'or right so dear to the U.S., are totalitarian in short, human rights violations, and being Egypt the largest and that sets the trends in the Arab world, with more reason.

And while Egypt is not the only country with these winds of change, BUT your opinion weighs the factors outlined above, and also to other autocratic governments - Islamic or not they have reached their time of change, and even in the once revolutionary and democratic Iran things are not going so well, that is, over allegations of alleged electoral fraud in Iran, do not forget, as in a banana republic under U.S. and above Guatemala - and young people have been, as in these new popular revolutions, the winds of hope and change.

As we are seeing is a process very similar to that experienced in the late nineties, I still remember when the Soviet Union ceased to be, in post-Gorbachev, and Stalinist dictatorships-misnamed 'communist' began to fall apart and replaced by democratic governments - unfortunately not all positive and many operated by Washington - but in some cases, falls from dictatorship did not end peacefully, but in some cases there was anger and repression in between, and in some cases popular fury angry with the drop of the bloody regime Chaushescu in the land of vampire Vlad in Romania with his wife murdered by the mob angry for so long d injustices.

Then we can see, in course of few months, weeks even, as some of this former dictatorships in the Arab world, one of the most repressed people, and where human rights violations and especially women, go directly proportional sense, ignorance, poverty and chiefdoms local - as happens in any town bike rack in Mexico, dominated by either the church or church-Protestant / Christian duty.

Arab governments in general, urban populations are more educated, very large young populations, and these young people are those who have been organizing peaceful civil resistance movement, largely influenced by the mass media films, such as the now famous V for Vendetta, where a masked crusader against a world dictatorship and leads the rebellion of that post-apocalyptic world, and above all, the organization in so-called social networks, which nisiquera a autocratic as the Chinese government has been able to suppress efficiently.

The tendency, then, is a "domino effect, partly because of the chicanery that have been coming to light after the mega scandal WORLD Wikileaks in part because young people throughout THE WORLD IS NOT WORKING, myself included at times, and refugees in the homes of their parents, the internet as a double-edged tool has allowed them to organize against the real world dictatorship: the money and power.

This phenomenon, which is unstoppable, running from the date palms of Middle Eastern dictatorships, from by the inefficient and corrupt post-Arafat Palestinian regime, monarchies cartoon in some emirates, and the regime of the Taliban nehanderthalesco in Afghanistan, most illiterate countries in the world, even more than Mexico that is to say.

For his part, Alfredo Jalife, our # 1 analyst of geopolitics and the Arab world, tells us in his series of articles - the ire gradually posting this post, be patient and re-check the post on Monday, I leave an excerpt, here goes this Wednesday:

But we can see remnants of that struggle to seek, not socialism, but the most elementary human justice, among the young Englishmen who demand free education, the French can not find work - as in Mexico - the Italians are up to the mother of Berlusconi and corrupt entity that after

scandalous personal sexual life pales to Televisa and Peña Nieto - until you find another scandal to Wonderboy Televisa, of course.

And so, we see many, many governments, even those who call themselves democratic, which can result in a serious problem because the once great world power, the United States are about to be disengaged by the far-right movement of the Tea Party, who is see Obama as worse than the devil and the antichrist together, without knowing, curiously the ultra-conservatives who extreme left and extreme right, touch, and all end, and in some ways, its principles Puritans have a point, because if there is a worldwide central government wants to take over the world as a world dictatorship, yes, they are absolutely right it:

already among us. Since the beginning of time.

is the power of money. Of men money and power.

This world government, the plutocrats without limit, is about to be torn down, destroyed faster than we can notice and observe who we are only to record events that occur;

just need the push, but the truth, the rows of falling dominoes have estadose.

When stop? Who knows ....

The 2012 is very close. Let's see what happens. Weekly column

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Does Duofem Ferrous Fumarate Tablets Work



midfield players No.: 14-22

Time: 2x10 '

Objectives: Work orientation changes to look for progression in the game

Development: distribute to players as shows the graph, with specificity for a post.

Action always comes from the wide player (right or left side) and start a movement that can be side-interior-central or central midfield, central or lateral-half center-interior-side or side-interior-side .

The action continues with a shift with two options, either to incorporate inside the opposite field or for breaking the front. If it is to incorporate the opposite field inside the action with a pass just behind the striker and there is again at the beginning, if change is to break the front end with a player left the band to accompany the action to return at the beginning. Influence


real life experience of the whole exercise even when I'm playing without the ball, lateral closed when the shift is performed by the central or central midfield, central support activities provided they have no ball inside acompñara action while the action is being carried by opposite field, etc etc etc


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What To Say Inside A Wedding Card

coming year ...

Life in Exile

year ...

  • optimism-not! - Pessimism coming year ...
  • Headlines In Mexico, more than the sr. 'President' wants ... (Aristegui)
  • International Notes Wikileaks-lease-with relevance to international and national levels
  • The Egiptazo: goodbye to Pharaoh Mubarak ... in Mexico does NOT pass something, " Why?
  • The death of Bishop Samuel Ruiz ...

For Annouck

As my Televisa as many of you, we remove the channel CNN in English on 100% hand for PC and I do not see a Carmen Aristegui, one of the few journalists remaining that are not 'biased' or 'selling out - I have fond International notes the BBC. It is true, also have some bias, the former Victorian empire-commonwealth, one might expect - but certainly something better note, nothing, just as in Mexico. (Above, OBVIOUS-Televisa, which trained lapdog to, former teachers, using reporters-as-thugs-View case vs Loret de Mola. Kalimba latest - and struggling very hard, indeed, as struggling - NO news to give:)

can not be, that the most relevant news to occur, whether international, proving this, that the situation of the country, of being already in tatters, just becomes increasingly and more pathetic;

Cartel against violence against women, published in protest against censorship by the government of Calderon to Carmen Aristegui. (Photo poster: Internet, Social Networks)

AND BY THE WAY, this article written PLANNED BEFORE MEGACENSURA direct x dedazo Calderon - Carmen Aristegui, wondering innocently (!) If "you think Calderon is alcohol? you. call us and discuss!" and NOT read a prepared apology ex-teachers in the pines, leaving the news of Carmen Aristegui, the highest-rated nationally - y. .. you. knows it is the highest-rated? Contestenos at no cost ... we know, then, that the TRUTH is the most valuable thing is a journalist, and the prestige earned by Carmen Aristegui, as a journalist who tells the truth, though PAIN - along these 4 years of regime ' facto' ( facto means, 'in fact', in Latin, a language that almost no one taught in schools) - is what has made valuable along of these last years.
And that, like blankets Noronha, it hurts ...
But do not think that much, because for the PAN, a year ago, before losing at length announced, and began its year (s) from Hidalgo ...

* * *

When viewing a BBC news, notes how ARE AWAY from God and so close to the United States - or Televisa mafia, so close to Peña Nieto-Salinas and so little to tell the news ecuanime;

The BBC, with years of experience, SI is proud to be a press more-or less-more balanced in regards to notes of the world, except for the commonwealth, and obvious notes of Ireland are conspicuous by their absence, not to harass or make the government look bad Irish or ex-colonial governments that are not compatible with their interests, as the BBC's journalism stands out for its coverage, a greater risk it, except reporters 'embedded' that are in Iraq or Afghanistan, and notes from now, if almost everyone (Latin America remains, despite everything, shining by their absence: the backyard backyard remains gringo Gringo, and GB still does not fit there.)

Coverage of the reports in Egypt, for example, is notable for the completeness and reporters on site, and panoramic shots of the matter: (then do some shallow analysis on the situation in other countries of the world we observe - Originated in part by the notes filtered through Wikileaks in part by the global recession with totalitarian overtones observed, and subsequent rebellions by lack employment-democracy almost everyone -)

Here we can see, as the case of Wikileaks is more and more across borders, is a cork that has been removed, and evil geniuses Pandora box disperse non-stop emerging as the great empire that has conspired against all up against the British as an ally, has been "removed dictators, evil governments fostered, poverty, pollution and global recession, all this, in order to maintain their profits and to keep selling things dumping prices , or even richer than they are, large oligopolies forever.

Wikileaks has become the spearhead against authoritarianism and the power of the media-sold-and the corrupt capitalist system in its degenerative phase, ie, the imperialist phase. The movie V for Vendetta, symbolic representation of the struggle against the power established ...
Demonstrator for Julian Assange, in the photo.

And as always, we confirm in contrast, the current poverty of means that we have, and how the information needs of the people are not satisfied, people - especially the youth / as - have turned other innovative means to know what happens, lease the internet ... especially with today's new Internet tools, the mentioned social networks, which enable and facilitate instant communication with others:
Now if nothing can remain hidden. NI censorship Carmen Aristegui.

This will cost you. I only offer them notice.

* * *

Among the notables, among so many news media and bordering on sensationalism often voluntary-involuntary "because so many red notes, the death of Tatic, Don Samuel Ruiz Garcia, an apostle of the dispossessed so many centuries, the indigenous people of Chiapas:
one person ever told me, a resident of San Cristobal, which until 1994 the Zapatista uprising, the Indians were forbidden to walk on the same side of the curbside, a ladino, or mestizo, are many, but so many years, centuries, an almost infinite contempt for the natives in Chiapas, with media reports of inhuman conditions of slavery net, than to need a new Bartolome de las Casas, a Basque Quiroga, but present a character who truly follow the tenets of the Church of Christ incarnate Don Samuel Ruiz all that and much more, in his apostolate Bartolome de las Casas Center, anointed many Indians as deacons, something once unthinkable. The application of the gospel Samuel Ruiz earned him many enemies, who tries to disable sending you a bishop coadjutor, proving to be Raul Vera, his coadjutor, as radical as, in his will and serve the people of Chiapas, and especially its indigenous peoples Chol, Tzeltzales, Tojolabales and other ethnic groups in the diocese of San Cristobal.

Rest in peace, a man really loved by his people, a man now mourned by his people, the indigenous people of Chiapas, which at last found someone willing to follow the commandments of Christ ... death of Samuel Ruiz, among so many great people last year in Mexico - Carlos Montemayor, Monsivais, Gabriel Vargas, among many other great modern heroes, makes their work is remembered and reaffirmed, so necessary at this time of wars ... .
Recalling that the indigenous cosmogony remains in place, philosophy is not fought with the Gospel, the Sermon on the Mount, which can still modern heroes ... like Don Samuel.
Adios, Don Samuel, bye Monsi , bye Carlos Montemayor, Don Gabriel Vargas, goodbye so many heroes .... so necessary at this time ... we need them.
It is good to remember them and their work.

NOTE: for work I have neglected a little the work of the blog, hoping to catch up ... there will be days, weeks can not post often, there will be weeks to try to post what this occurring between the various local news, national and international, with the touch of the authoress of course ...

For now, Twitter is for reference and as an auxiliary tool, will also try keep posting news notes in the same gadgets and other aids as delicious. For now, many thanks for everything, friends as readers. A year earlier embrace of loving-if it is February already, sorry! - To all of you.

Embrace of friendship ...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Crown Highlights Half Head


The subway system in New York was officially opened on October 27, 1904 in the (old) City Hall station . It was the last stop for the IRT Lexington Avenue train No. 6. It is located in Park City Hall. Its ornate design was for the occasion of the times in which we situabamos. I was eleven candles lit inside the station (one of the chandeliers subsequently disappeared) and stained glass skylights also helped bring light to the station. The underground success ultimately led to the disappearance of the seasons. The sizes of cars to handle increased additional passenger load. The station platform had to be very curved to allow trains could turn around and able to go out again in the opposite direction. This platform had the tightest bend radius of the entire network. The curve at the South Ferry station ranked second. The station could not absorb longer trains to the station. The Brooklyn Bridge station is located just north of this station. On December 31, 1945 was officially closed. The entrances to the station were sealed but the lighting of the station remained on. The station can be seen today to take the express train number 6 from Brooklyn toward Lexington Avenue.

núemero 6 The train is still going through on their way to the north City Hall station reversing the direction using the loop for the return trip to Bronx. In fact, to reach the station City Hall, must be mounted on a train number 6 out of service. To exit, the driver opens a door at the end of the car to allow visitors to step carefully on the platform. There visitors will find a station that still shines with their old windows.

During the centenary celebrations of the New York subway in 2004, the station was cleared and an exit was reopened as an emergency exit. After the centennial, the output is again closed with an emergency door alarm activated. The New York City Transit Museum, one or two times a year, organizes a special train called "The Jewel in the Crown: Old City Station Hall. These trips are only available to members of the museum. Visitors can actually discover one of the true hidden secrets of New York.