Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Revenge At Sleepovers

Summer fast notes ... Article

Life in Exile


For Annouck

One phrase that has excited me at first read After the delicious Juan Rulfo Pedro Paramo - delightful and magical book - was that of August canicula. Well, ignoring the word, and not because it relates to 'cane, or are a' can ', dog, to find in the dictionary or asking someone - anyone born before 1960 is understood, or are a baby boomer - we find used to describe this 'streak' or season of extreme heat, burning dry wind, typical of the summer season, which the Americans also sometimes called Indian Summer or blizzard that streak SOL heat and dry, hot, it burns everything around it, in Mexicali, formerly was in August that season, the season when they have nobody on the streets, even the dogs to sleep, the slumber of the streak or season extreme heat, while the cicadas come out of hibernation, and sound, sound with his humming, after 17 years remain hidden on the ground, and sound, and giving an alarm, for some reason they only know.
these days, the cicadas, again out of his sleep, sounded like an Indian summer - that really is burning in much of the world things, as in Russia, which is in the midst of wildfires, and summers almost 40 degrees - that for too Rusita; because hardly bear about 23 Celsius in other parts of the world, are only floods, global warming disaster long foretold; or perhaps the earth's axis, following a series of earthquakes in Chile chain-Oaxaca-Mexicali-Alaska, Indonesia, etc have something to do? Could be, but also firmly believe that the gringos - and also the chicalis bearing the Hummer to go to oxxo or 7-eleven, as he would say Badbit, has much, much to do .... and gasoline consumption, up to any nonsense, while the average gringo - and the average Mexicali - are fattening and fattening ... but nobody remembers now, to walk ....

* * *

Other serious problems seen in door, too, like an alarm, a warning, a run-run or a loud roar that sounds just yet, is the fact that they just turned a new ANNIVERSARY OF MAJOR DISASTER AND CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY EVER MADE, OR YOU ARE AGAINST THE HIROSHIMA ATOMIC Bombing, that is, on the 7th of August, just celebrated another anniversary of the greatest genocide ever perpetrated; thousand or million people die, the first - the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - an atomic bombing, used only because Truman wanted to try your toy and show their t. ... esticulos atomic against which the left, and intimidate more the countries of the axis, being unnecessary wear and tear the demonstration of the atomic weapon, the greatest power on earth, designed to DESTROY exprofeso power. (And kill people)

are multiple horrors of war, I recommend if you have stomach, the book "Hiroshima" which is quite strong and I could not finish by the same, and equally as many books that talk about most stupid ever created by man. there are millions and the dead, but the thousands and thousands who added each year, the dead are not just for the impact or the direct effects of radiation, but also indirect - either genetic or the last survivors of the atomic holocaust still affected by the aftermath of radiation, as in the case of Chernobyl - the atomic threat, do not forget, is still hanging on humanity like a sword of Damocles, and remember that the bulbs also now not only get on the black market by some fundamentalist fanatics, but also there is a government that follows insisting on the use of force, no, but two, which are being yourself: the United States and Israel (which Israel has been its appendix, although some rather regard it as the 'tail' of the dog - By that title of that movie 'Wag the dog' or 'shaking the dog' gringa movie on how to make a war on purpose)

Fidel Castro, who say some who know more The old Diablo by Diablo, has seen the greatest rise and fall of governments and world leaders. but enough is enough years, and especially a lot of old tricks that have allowed it to hold onto power for over fifty years, since the time that Kennedy was alive. It long ago, and therefore we should not underestimate the alarm that is giving a man who takes longer in power all the current rulers. Regardless their political fault or not, their intransigent positions or not, Fidel Castro knows what he's talking, and being Castro talking lately, in his sudden public appearance after his recovery, should not be underestimated, it is noteworthy that does not seem typical 'bluff' that Castro loose against "Yankee imperialism" every time the wind blows or when he wants to defend xoy slogan of the revolution, no: this seems to be quite serious, and world leaders - especially the United States, plus Israel and Iran (do not count because there if North Korea is ruled by a madman and a fool is very difficult to reason) should act immediately to smooth things over in a hypothetical new world war, that could result in third war (atomic) hanging behind the scenes on the world, as if Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not enough.
The hero of "hope" or hope, Obama, can become either a new hero or villain in the world, it all depends if you both make a public opinion - now quite unfavorable to Israel after the assassination of humble Ong's trying to assist the Palestinians, and has lost his little theater to the 'chosen people' - that is against new world wars, and although the mass media is unfavorable to Iran in the U.S., not also agree to get in eleven staff shirt, a new conflict, which, if not by Obama could also give the megalomaniacal coba Netanyahu, one of many rulers of Israel, artificial country created by UK-EU, they will not stop until I build the 'Greater Israel' and knock down all the Palestinian-Palestinian country, until the whole world the prevent ...

Here too I pass the text version if they can not translate the English and Cuban Fidel least that is already big ...

But the devil knows that old devil, and be good to pay attention, at least in this, the old Fidel ...

* * *

Well, as I was saying a while but I delete the text thunderstorm was saying that this computer Blof last Calderon on a 'public consultation' will be worth the cheese is smeared because Calderon appear much they want a dialogue, it is TOO LATE, van loads of journalists were killed - a salute to our colleagues - to go investigating question of drug trafficking WILL NOT END, unless LEGALIZE drug trafficking and an amnesty for drug traffickers and their families to finish the root problem sounds a fantasy I propose, but what they sound like pure proposed I hesitated, because in reality the government is not listening:

Or, because then we'll learn things how are you? Pefepos A lot of that stop their middle in Cd Juarez because, according to them reported, are THEY, middle managers - and also assume some senior - are stuck in the drug, and they get to charge cannon fodder, like their fellow ... or do not read the note to see:
For if the government wants to listen to Deem, voices are already heard more about the benefits of legalizing drugs, mainly because so CRIMINALIZES NOT THE PROBLEM, and you leaves public health care for addicts and the sale to the public, and regulated, drugs, hard to soft ...

* * *

Actually, this is not the problem of the country, and enough to listen to AMLO know, is, as it says and say it again, and say, and say, is the mafia that took over, as he says, the presidency, and they DO NOT want to give in to their sinecures and corruption, and that So, for that main reason, the country is like this and suffering suffering ....

"How much longer, it will allow the sacrifice of the country? And while the world about to catch fire, as in the dog days of August ... Recalling

missile crisis was a September ... another crisis that led to the September 11th - you name it, any of the 3 September 11 there was -

grass the world is about to ignite, as the California wildfires and Russia ...

We must not allow ...


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