Friday, March 13, 2009

Dessert Eagle For Sale

Nihilist "1987-1988" (2005)

This is a testament to the time when the Swedish Death Metal was big ... there were those put forward ill for melody and lyrical female voices to make it all ticket ... The time of the birth of bands like Dismember, Grave, Carbonized, Unleashed and many more who came to create an extreme sound absolutely personal and identifiable, which rivaled the brutality with the bands of Tampa Bay and England ... No doubt many of these songs sound better under the name of NIHILIST that as ENTOMBED.


01. Sentenced To Death
02. Supposed To Rot

03. Carnal Leftovers
04. Deceased Abnormaly

05. Revel In Flesh

06. Face Of Evil

07. Severe Burns
08. When Life Has Ceased
09. Morbid Devourment


Radiation Sickness 11. Face Of Evil
12. But Life Goes On

13. Shreds Of Flesh
14. The Truth Beyond



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