Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Lupus Anticoagulant And Normal Range

Javier Sicilia: The profound transformation, spiritual and cultural Mexicali Mexico

Javier Sicilia's dedication to my copy of "The Diary of Stephen Martorius." In his lecture, Sicily lamented the lack of writers / philosophers atheists. I mentioned to Albert Camus .... it is good to find another fan of Camus ...

Camus's philosophy of falling, and getting up again, the famous "Myth of Sisyphus' fits well with modern man, both from the 60's as in Mexico today, and forever ...
and from this moment ... the loss of his son is my loss, and officially adopted as my Father Javier Sicilia ...
Father, your loss is my loss is that of ALL ...

Life in Exile

Javier Sicilia

· The beginning of a genuine and peaceful civil resistance movement citizen

· profound transformation of the country goes through a real spiritual and social transformation

· The real power of the sponsors, the moral authority

· Why this is the beginning of great change expected and announced in Mexico

For Annouck

We wonder often about why more people are not involved in participatory movements, civil resistance, and alternative movements of the Left. The answer is precisely this: MOST of the population in Mexico does not like a 'Left', so, in quotes - as guilty of many evils, including their sectarianism, their individualism (although it may seem ironic, but yeah) indifference, real and true, to the personal problems of the majority.

The majority of the population in Mexico is indifferent to the collective problem-that is, the whole country as a whole - but have been wary of his little personal, daily living elapse of paying rent, utilities, food and care for children, working poor, the daily survival, in a nutshell. The issues of national importance - apart that are hidden under the rug by so-called 'news' cutting between biased and government - more information on the classification of newspaper types, see my article of 2008 on The End of Fairness in the media - are therefore ignored as satirized by the general population, unable to distinguish precisely the bias imposed by the mass media, between half and one part truly impartial, being only in very large and noticeable - such as in the case of censorship the news of Carmen Aristegui, a journalist renowned pro example - where the average citizen - or a car, anyway - obviously indistinguishable from censorship and media bias.

People usually is deaf and blind to anything other than your immediate reality for the average chilango urbanized, the matters more to them as far as Atenco Ciudad Juarez, as well as Baja California and Michoacan and Durango, things seem like science-fiction, belonging to places as far away as Hollywood and Disneyland; is when they appear in their sphere of daily life, when the city apolitizado - this apolitizacion may be forced or naturally imposed - begins, then, to question the so-called 'reality' imposed by the incumbent government in the media, in this administration, which already begins to seem eternal, reality imposed from time PAN is the silent and obey, the reality does not exist, only what they WANT TO SHOW FOR IT. With these sophists and goldfinches organic broadcasters and journalists, they want to do (we) believe the vast majority of the population, both problems are not, as we must get used to the reality that it wants to transmit under the tutelage of the mass media, but they are wrong, by several complex factors, one, that the imposition of Goebbels a message only works for short periods of time-for the same, messages are transmitted over and over and over and over endlessly - but sooner or later, the effectiveness of these messages cease, and the other, despite the indifference of the civilian population to actively participate as social common in social movements, NGOs, and leftist movements - the general population but is indifferent to the political and social issue of the country in general, Not blind, nor deaf, pain and suffering of their fellow men, and sooner or later, this civil resistance, step by step, it begins to be articulated.

* * *

Well? Why all this insistence on the subject, the indifference of the majority of the population to social issues? In what has been happening for a few months in the country, the great shift that is taking overall Mexico, of silent rage and anger suppressed by the population, quite sharp, due to various social actors began to participate as a strong movement 'No blood' called for ... The Chamuco cartoonists! And the civil resistance movement that looks to become a great social movement, organized by the poet and writer of Process, Javier Sicilia.

HOWEVER, why these social actors, if respected, if you have great drawing power, as we're seeing? Because, if anything can be noted from this GREAT - that will become great - movement protest and that also seems to be civil resistance, is that the vast majority of those invited are people naturally Apollites, NOT indifferent to social issues and processes of our country, ordinary people, that mass media , biased and / or conservative, they have instilled the 'fear' or 'hate' social movements plausible, but that convenience has forwarded the idea of \u200b\u200bthe horror, the 'fear' into the same, as is the case of motion peaceful resistance of Peje, Obrador, and his movement from the legitimate government, now called "MORENA" or National Reconstruction Movement, a movement as legitimate as other, as the social struggle of EMS or the people of Atenco, among many others, but for tactical errors of the same movements - or characters, as if Lopez Obrador, or particular individuals of these groups as the people of Atenco, etc - the media have been transformed and its bias become the social support racial and class hatred toward characters, individuals or groups. This works particularly well in groups of middle-class upper-middle or low-DO NOT sympathize with movements that they perceive, as previously mentioned, as a threat or worthlessness, and perceived as open and / or radical suspicion.

THIS, which is very important to note, is basically the reason for the poor, yet convening power until recently shown by such groups openly leftist or progressive, as the 'perception' shown according to the media, and the same perception of class, they seem like such movements' separatist 'or' pinko 'to such groups in question, for most of the urban or rural, where appropriate. THIS important reason is, precisely why WIN this new citizens' movement, which is growing today.

And another: that structured progressive groups 'of izquerda' apparently no one with fans, not necessarily NOT if there are people in these movements. It is the perception, in the eyes of citizens, what is really important, not so much the quantity or quality of movement itself. This to some extent has been manipulated by the media.

* * *

Briefly, talking about colleagues - who also do cartoon jejeeje still unpublished - of Chamuco, and here we should speak particularly Rius, who was the designer of the logo, simple and impressive, of this movement: "NO BLOOD +" graphic symbol of great impact. Why so successful that began in dribs and drabs, and until it has grown up in the press 'sold', or biased - is spoken and sometimes with horror of the campaign "No blood? do you have the system so afraid? Rius moral authority, our second Father, tod @ s mexican @ s, is unquestionable; Marxist philosopher foot, atheist, naturalist, but above all a man worth as an educator for much of the nation - thanks to a rather impossible to believe, the comic books - has done much work in progress of this season, second in charge, the Voyeur, emcee and entertainer of the great team of colleagues and enthusiastic participants in this change in the country, which has been brewing in recent months.

* * *

OF SICILY IS JAVIER said and written, in recent months, but I would add - and repeat, perhaps again - a few words about , THE GREAT BECAUSE OF THE SAME FORMATION of this citizen movement - a river that threatens to become an ocean of love, transforming the spirits and minds the country - BRACKET, EXACTLY, in worth as a public figure and a human being, just SICILY: I was just to be the Nemesis of Calderon, not political rivals and sometimes surpasses it, or sometimes also shares the same whimsical spirit - AMLO - but the ordinary human being like everyone else, like all of us Sicily represents us, represents us, makes us human, deeply.

reminds us, Javier Sicilia, which is a human being in our environment, our cities, polis, in our Mexico so mistreated, so full of blood, but this blood is the result of the bloodshed earlier, thousands or millions of Mexicans killed the golden calf of the masters viceroys or actual overseas. Those who have smashed and looted prior to Mexico, with their usury and kleptocracy and nepotism.

THOSE referred Sicily, great human being, social activist, writer Process - the Olympus of the writers - poet - and in Mexico is more respectful to a Poet, who MUCHS political and social actors, is perhaps the most respected social member, writers and poets, and artists in general - and therefore, the key player to lead a social movement INTEGRATOR - most characteristic of this movement - and large-scale, which has become and become - as prophesied, and so be it, you'll see - this great social and civil movements. (And profoundly apolitical, and political, at a time)

Sicily represents us all. MEXICO represents us. BEST of Mexico.

represents why we TOD @ S. and that is why we want it.

We love Sicily. Your pain is ours. You are our father and mother.

're one of us, Javier Sicilia.

're one of us. Weekly column