Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Can U Make A Playerdex

Japan ... Republic

Life in Exile

Volcan in Japan that had erupted weeks before the quake almost 9 degrees Tokyo with epicenter in the city of Sendai, about Tsunami swept back ... (photos La Jornada)


For Annouck

At the head of my bed, among the books that I have hand, is 's book "Hiroshima," testimony from a reporter about the survivors of 2nd World War. The book consists of 6 lurid testimonies of six people, different from each other, they managed to survive the detonation of the Hiroshima bomb. The book has several stages - still not finished - first speech of everyday life in Japan, a life quite different from today's highly technological and industrial Japan, a life in time of war, where the food, and way of life was conditioned by the economy of war, with soldiers patrolling the streets, some still on earth, and the broad green field dominated much of the landscape. the second stage talks about the reaction of the six players in the disaster when the atomic blast literally throws, to various sites that were in a lucky fluke, where fortune accidentally saves them from certain death. in a third step, the book starts to speak - as far as I go - in the testimony of the characters they observe, narrate, comment as they left the city looking after the outbreak, deaths, fires, and the understandable result of high energy outbreak of a weapon, knowing their horrific effects on laboratory tests in the open field was used deliberately by Truman, without any logical justification, Japan had already lost the war and was technically paid - more than the morbid pleasure to try the toy.

Morbido; Truman should, should know. Even so, by ordering the detonation of Fat Man and Little Boy - pumps up with names 'prosaic' members - the president of the United States detonated at the same time, the arms race, promoted the gringo army manipulation of government for their own profit, and exploitation of nuclear energy for other uses, none of them, ultimately, positive.

* * *

After more than 70 years of horrible war, after many years of peace, yet the world continued with the use of nuclear energy energy generation. oil, already in the forties, knew of his next final, and gas was only up power, nuclear energy, the promising future.

to Three Mile Island. the big crash of flight when it melted part of a nuclear reactor plant in Coney Island, in the U.S. in 1979. The horror of the 'possibility' of what could be, was reflected in the now famous film, The China Syndrome "now I think that is a bit forgotten, but at the time was overwhelming, lost B Science Fiction movies and films Catastrophes of terrifying, so popular in the 70's - and you left pretty scary @, I must say.

Extract The China Syndrome, with the then-popular Jane Fonda - as a Left-and Michael's dad Douglas, in his best heyday.

* * *

As the lesson was not learned what happened at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl have come to understand better the consequences of a nuclear explosion.

Indeed, Chernobyl, in Russian, means Wormwood.

Which by the way the Bible is a rather chilling paragraph in the apocalypse that talks about the star called "wormwood" which falls to the ground. in a flash ... Coincidence?

About Chernobyl seems to be everything and that, even so, the consequences of terrible accident were far beyond the borders, since the start of the end of the Cold War, through the wars of the countries of Eastern Europe "in their struggle against the autocratic rule of then-Stalinist to acid rain and spread radioactive of the toxic cloud by several European countries - I think I get to France, a country that should have been chastened by the horror of Chernobyl, to say nothing of the explosion of Hiroshima / Nagasaki, but there has its nuclear Plantota, along with their wines;! the environmentalists!

* * *

After 9 earthquake in Japan, among the dead, injury, destruction, and economic destruction that will follow, lasting this once power in recovering the economic level they once had-role already being subtracted from China, more pragmatic and better economically than Japan (not for nothing was the birthplace of Confucius and Lao-Tse, among other philosophers).

But beyond economics, the devastation of the country more technologized the world, the Japanese collective consciousness, a people day and night in his sleep late comics and manga, breathing worlds apocalyptic nightmares torn apart by a thousand and one circumstances, reflected in dreams of his comic opiates beautiful and nubile cyber princes, princesses and super-powerful the thousand and one monster, turned to arm a million and one times, going from Godzilla to the subconscious terrors of Final Fantasy, all monsters over and repeated thousands of times, just add the one and only one monster, the thing that I touched, the only nation to which he has played this horrible monster - so far:

The monster of the Holocaust and nuclear radiation.

I recommend for now, to review the blog of my esteemed Mario Bogarin , an expert on Japanese collective dreams, sure now, will have something interesting to say about it. (If you understand, of course, hopefully this article comes a little more clear for us neophytes in Japanese) Waiting for your next article, Mario ... see you'll have to say about it.

Hopefully next is the reconstruction of Japan ... that nothing bad happens .... but an embrace of solidarity to all the Japanese people from this place in exile ...

PS I tell my friends-macrobiotic health food of a good support Ensenada-in addition of iodine, prevention has proven effective against radiation, as in the case of Chernobyl for example - that if they can take something called Pasta Miso, Seaweed besides. According to the macrobiotic

, Miso was largely what the symptoms cured of exposure to radioactivity in the case of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in some people exposed. Miso is a fermented paste of soybeans - their effects are similar to yogurt, which is Saladita as soy sauce. taken at a soup with tofu and seaweed, or added to foods. is added before serving so that digestive enzymes are not damaged by heat.

Marine Algae on the other hand, help in cases of exposure to radiation, and a nice addition, dietary supplements, because they contain high doses of trace elements, minerals, and one that MAS is the iodine-contain and be within sea, I guess.

so if you have chance, to bind to the seaweed and miso, my dear ... Column