Saturday, February 12, 2011

Some Gay Men Cruise Public Toilets

date palm ... drop Mubarak in Egypt and more relevant Notes

Egypt's army was a fundmental factor in preventing further bloodshed in this region, from the early twenty-first century revolutions be coupled to that of Tunisia, organized largely by social networks and triggered in part by the scandal of Wikileaks files.

People in Egypt
various celebrations, after the fall of autocratic military regime of Hosni Mubarak, which lasted in power 30 years after the murder of another military leader, Anwar el-Sadat in 1981. (More pics: El Universal / La Jornada)

Life in Exile


date palm · No bananas, but in the Middle East Dates

· The fall of autocratic Arab regimes, Tunisia and Egypt, the first

· Internet and Social Networking, the key Wikileaks, the tip of the iceberg ...

For Annouck

past, these countries as allies of Washington in those years of prosperity and abundance post-war, and before that had dictatorships with cartoon villains - Pinochet even after they remove the picturesque this bunch of subjects, countries rich in natural resources but lack the skilled manpower and technology to develop them, they were called 'banana republic' because most of these countries were, guess where! In Latin America, where its main product in general are bananas, bananas, and people could live, live - in an apparently virginal, rich, that the gringos technologized saw the signs of pe $ o $-dollars $ $, to immediately planting his hands on the rich so rich product of these countries. (Apart from oil, of course)

Worldwide, this type of dictatorial republics with U.S. allies with dictators ranging from the folkloric to the gore-vr. Papa-Baby Doc in Haiti, abounded, and still abundant in some areas. Latin America, after lightning century, are notorious rebellions, guerrilla or spontaneous pre-fabricated and now narcoexportaciones has been generally rising for post many progressive leaders are taking charge of natural resources in their own hands; however, there are still many of these autocratic governments scattered all over the world,

Hosni Mubarak angrily talking days before stepping down in official TV. (More pics: Universal / The Day)

and the Middle East is no exception, but rather, the rule - and with this paper safety pin and do not give me visa to go to the pyramids, or mode. Anyway ...

As no bananas in the blazing desert heat, but as in Mexicali Dates "I think the term 'Republic of date palm' more appropriate to describe the past government of Hosni Mubarak military kingdom from Nasser.

Egypt has similarities with other Arab countries in the region, ranging from extreme nationalism convenenciero-Ruled by military regimes, and Islamic regimes with less or more marked trend towards fundamentalism (the law becomes the sharia or Islamic law followed the convenience of the system, or the convenience of the male gender,

women becoming an object of use-simple decorative or sexual slave) regimes like the military ' left 'or right so dear to the U.S., are totalitarian in short, human rights violations, and being Egypt the largest and that sets the trends in the Arab world, with more reason.

And while Egypt is not the only country with these winds of change, BUT your opinion weighs the factors outlined above, and also to other autocratic governments - Islamic or not they have reached their time of change, and even in the once revolutionary and democratic Iran things are not going so well, that is, over allegations of alleged electoral fraud in Iran, do not forget, as in a banana republic under U.S. and above Guatemala - and young people have been, as in these new popular revolutions, the winds of hope and change.

As we are seeing is a process very similar to that experienced in the late nineties, I still remember when the Soviet Union ceased to be, in post-Gorbachev, and Stalinist dictatorships-misnamed 'communist' began to fall apart and replaced by democratic governments - unfortunately not all positive and many operated by Washington - but in some cases, falls from dictatorship did not end peacefully, but in some cases there was anger and repression in between, and in some cases popular fury angry with the drop of the bloody regime Chaushescu in the land of vampire Vlad in Romania with his wife murdered by the mob angry for so long d injustices.

Then we can see, in course of few months, weeks even, as some of this former dictatorships in the Arab world, one of the most repressed people, and where human rights violations and especially women, go directly proportional sense, ignorance, poverty and chiefdoms local - as happens in any town bike rack in Mexico, dominated by either the church or church-Protestant / Christian duty.

Arab governments in general, urban populations are more educated, very large young populations, and these young people are those who have been organizing peaceful civil resistance movement, largely influenced by the mass media films, such as the now famous V for Vendetta, where a masked crusader against a world dictatorship and leads the rebellion of that post-apocalyptic world, and above all, the organization in so-called social networks, which nisiquera a autocratic as the Chinese government has been able to suppress efficiently.

The tendency, then, is a "domino effect, partly because of the chicanery that have been coming to light after the mega scandal WORLD Wikileaks in part because young people throughout THE WORLD IS NOT WORKING, myself included at times, and refugees in the homes of their parents, the internet as a double-edged tool has allowed them to organize against the real world dictatorship: the money and power.

This phenomenon, which is unstoppable, running from the date palms of Middle Eastern dictatorships, from by the inefficient and corrupt post-Arafat Palestinian regime, monarchies cartoon in some emirates, and the regime of the Taliban nehanderthalesco in Afghanistan, most illiterate countries in the world, even more than Mexico that is to say.

For his part, Alfredo Jalife, our # 1 analyst of geopolitics and the Arab world, tells us in his series of articles - the ire gradually posting this post, be patient and re-check the post on Monday, I leave an excerpt, here goes this Wednesday:

But we can see remnants of that struggle to seek, not socialism, but the most elementary human justice, among the young Englishmen who demand free education, the French can not find work - as in Mexico - the Italians are up to the mother of Berlusconi and corrupt entity that after

scandalous personal sexual life pales to Televisa and Peña Nieto - until you find another scandal to Wonderboy Televisa, of course.

And so, we see many, many governments, even those who call themselves democratic, which can result in a serious problem because the once great world power, the United States are about to be disengaged by the far-right movement of the Tea Party, who is see Obama as worse than the devil and the antichrist together, without knowing, curiously the ultra-conservatives who extreme left and extreme right, touch, and all end, and in some ways, its principles Puritans have a point, because if there is a worldwide central government wants to take over the world as a world dictatorship, yes, they are absolutely right it:

already among us. Since the beginning of time.

is the power of money. Of men money and power.

This world government, the plutocrats without limit, is about to be torn down, destroyed faster than we can notice and observe who we are only to record events that occur;

just need the push, but the truth, the rows of falling dominoes have estadose.

When stop? Who knows ....

The 2012 is very close. Let's see what happens. Weekly column

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Does Duofem Ferrous Fumarate Tablets Work



midfield players No.: 14-22

Time: 2x10 '

Objectives: Work orientation changes to look for progression in the game

Development: distribute to players as shows the graph, with specificity for a post.

Action always comes from the wide player (right or left side) and start a movement that can be side-interior-central or central midfield, central or lateral-half center-interior-side or side-interior-side .

The action continues with a shift with two options, either to incorporate inside the opposite field or for breaking the front. If it is to incorporate the opposite field inside the action with a pass just behind the striker and there is again at the beginning, if change is to break the front end with a player left the band to accompany the action to return at the beginning. Influence


real life experience of the whole exercise even when I'm playing without the ball, lateral closed when the shift is performed by the central or central midfield, central support activities provided they have no ball inside acompñara action while the action is being carried by opposite field, etc etc etc
