Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ikusa Otome Valkyrie Suvia Online

article: Ten Tips for Left militants

This article is very, very good: think motivates a lot. and although I'm not 100% agree with q states (what the Chinese have everything? "socialism, Chinese? mmm this thinking). Especially the part of self-criticism is great, and the 'militontos' vices mmm do not know where you've seen something like that? ¿Mm?

Well here's the article Frei Betto, I think-not sure-q stoy line is the Brazilian Liberation Theology, well here it is, check:

enjoy it along with a good cup of coffee like me ...

Frei Betto * / Agencia Latinoamericana de Información
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1. Keep alive the anger. Check regularly if you are really left. Take the view of Norberto Bobbio: right considers inequality social as natural as the difference between day and night. The left face as an aberration that must be eradicated.

Warning: you may be contaminated by social virus, whose main symptoms are right to use methods to obtain gains of left and, in case of conflict, displease the young to not look bad with the greats.

2. The head thinks where feet tread. Can not be left without "contaminating" the shoes wherever people live, struggle, suffer. Rejoice and share their beliefs and victories. Theory without practice is to make the game right.

3. Do not be embarrassed to believe in socialism. The scandal of the Inquisition that Christians did not abandon the values \u200b\u200band proposals of the Gospel. Similarly, the failure of socialism in Eastern Europe should not induce him to drop the socialism of the horizon of human history.

Capitalism force 200 years ago, failed for most of the world population. Today, we are 6 billion (*) inhabitants. According to the World Bank, 2.8 billion live on less than $ 2 per day. And 1.2 billion on less than $ 1 per day. The globalization of poverty is higher thanks to the Chinese socialism, despite his mistakes, said food, health and education to 1.2 billion people. (* 1 trillion = one billion English).

4. Be critical without losing self-criticism. Many leftists switch sides when they start to look for lice in pinhead. Out of power, become bitter and accuse their partner (s) of errors and inconsistencies. As Jesus says, we see the dust in the eye of another, but not the beam in your own eye. Nor are hooked to improve things. Remain as mere spectators and judges, and some are captured by the system.

Self-criticism is not only admit their own mistakes. You admit to being criticized by the (as) companions (as).

5. Know the difference between militant and "militonto." "Militonto" is one that claims to be everywhere, to participate in all events and movements, acting on all fronts. His language is full of explanations and effects of their actions are superficial.

The militant deepening its ties with the people, study, reflect, meditate, valued shape their area of \u200b\u200boperation and activities, values \u200b\u200bthe organic links and community projects.

6. Be rigorous in the ethics of activism. The left acts on principle. The right interest. A leftist activist can lose everything, freedom, employment, life. Less moral. The demoralized, demoralizing the cause that defends and represents. He provides an invaluable service to the right. There

careerists leftist militants disguised. Is the subject that engages pointing first to his rise to power. On behalf of a collective cause, seek first his personal interests.

The real militant, like Jesus, Gandhi, Che Guevara is a server, ready to give his life so that others might live. It does not feel humiliated by not being in power, or proud to be. He is not confused with the role he occupies.

7. Eat in the tradition of the left. Prayer is necessary to cultivate faith, love to nurture love of the couple, "back to basics" to keep alive the mystique of the membership. Learn the history of the left, read (auto) biographies, including the Journal of Che Guevara in Bolivia, and romance as the mother, Gorki, or The Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck.

8. Prefer the risk of missing the poor to have the intention of hitting without them. Living with the poor is not easy. First, there is a tendency to idealize. After it was discovered that among them are the same defects found in other classes socials. They are neither better nor worse than other human beings. The difference is that they are poor, or private individuals unintentionally unfair and essential goods of life with dignity. Therefore, we stand with them. As a matter of justice.

A leftist activist never negotiates the rights of the poor and knows how to learn with them.

9. Always defend the underdog, but apparently they are not right. There are so many sufferings of the world's poor can not expect them attitudes that do not appear in the lives of those who had a refined education.

in all sectors of society is corrupt and bandits. The difference is that in the elite, corruption is the protection of the law and the bandits are defended by economic mechanisms sophisticated, enabling a speculator takes an entire nation to penury.

Life is the greatest gift of God. The existence of poverty cries to the heavens. Do not expect ever to be understood by those who favor the oppression of the poor.

10. Make prayer an antidote to alienation. Prayer is left questioning by the Spirit of God. Many times we fail to pray not to hear the divine calling that demands our conversion, that is, the change of direction in life. We speak as militants and live as bourgeois, accommodated in a comfortable position of judges who struggle.

pray is to let God subverts our existence, teaching us to love as Jesus loved, freely.

* Frei Betto, a Brazilian theologian, one of the greatest exponents of liberation theology and adviser to President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in 2003-2004.

PD x certainly NOT forget to visit RADIO AMLO - here I got this q-q articulín has very good things, in addition to the videos - is there just below the links d my blog, the link to Radio AMLO ...

Greetings to the guys from Radio AMLO and thanks for your great work. Left
organized rises ... Weekly column

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Do Iron Tablets Make You Poo


The spiritual side of Japan can expect to have an overwhelmingly dramatic effect. They are places of worship and spiritual cleansing, are abundant and each of them is undoubtedly special right own. The list could be long but here are 7 temples you should definitely visit when you visit Japan. I'm sure I left some, but this list does not stop being a list of preferences, but without any order.

1) Rinno-ji - This is probably the most important temple in relation to Buddhism. This temple was founded by the monk who brought Buddhism to Japan in the eighth century. His name is Shodo Shonin. The temple complex is a treasure full of Tokugawa Exhibitions and Buddhist symbols. Located in Nikko, near Tokyo.

2) Mizusawa - From a temple that is important its religious and historical significance to one who is famous for its noodles (udon). Founded on a house, this temple is very well maintained, compared to other temples, which are more recent. It is also famous for its noodles that are considered as one of the top three in Japan. If you think about it, this might be the most important temple of all if we consider that the udon noodles are known worldwide and is the official food of college students. Located near Ikaho, Gunma Prefecture,.

3) Kitain - Kitain Temple founded more than 1000 years and dedicated to Kannon, the god of compassion in Buddhism, played an important role during the centuries 16 and 17. The church was led by Tenkai who was a top aide to the first three Tokugawa shoguns. Although burned down in 1638, one of the shoguns, Iemitsu and there is renewed it cemented the alliance between these two powerful men. A temple near Tokyo, in particular in the town of Kawagoe.

4) Todai-ji - This remarkable temple was built in 758AD. It was rebuilt in the 17th century, only two thirds the size of the original - though still the largest wooden building in the world. The original building allegedly used something like 2.6 million people. There were two pagodas of over 100 meters high at first, too, that would be the tallest structures in the world at the moment after the pyramids of Egypt. The central hall houses a huge statue of Buddha. It is located in Nara, near Kyoto.

5) Sengaku-ji - Here is shown one of the most famous stories of Japan, who happens to be that on 47 Ronin (masterless samurai). This small temple situated in the district of Minato-ku (Tokyo) is the graveyard of the 47. The anniversary of the revenge of the 47 Ronin is held every December 14 and attracts many tourists as it is carried out many events to commemorate it.

6) Horyu-ji - is the oldest temple in Japan, which also has among its buildings, the oldest wooden structure in the world, dating back to 607 in the Asuka Era, namely ago años.Se over 1300 located in the splendor of that era, Yamato and Asuka region, which currently occupies the province of Nara.

7) kinkajou-ji - The Golden Temple in Kyoto. It is something incredible. It is so named because it is solid gold. The place is located is fascinating. Beside a beautiful lake and surrounded by a wonderful Japanese garden. Data from 1397 and today still remains in very good condition, although I must say that was rebuilt not many years ago that burned the old monk. Besides being a beautiful temple outside inside is also very beautiful and holds a mystery that can not be seen by anyone. It is a treasure kept for many centuries. It is nothing less than the triad of Shaka Buddha is one of the great relics of Buddha.