Sunday, April 18, 2010

Used Amish Clothing For Sale

What is living in Mexicali ...

Mexicali Two Views: Arriba, Calle Colon, which goes to the international border, and down the street Argentina, where col. Cuahutemoc, a traditional residential areas of Mexicali ... (Photos taken from the blog: ... on the blog establishing the credit of the various anonymous authors and not of the various photographs collected x east)

Life in Exile

This represents the live in Mexicali

For Annouck

Outside are 83 degrees Fahrenheit, which are still about 32 degrees Celsius or so, sufficient temperature for a chilango starts to sweat and feel skin was burning, as more than heat, the sun scorching, which breathes and perceived in the environment.

Business by Justo Sierra Blvd.

Circle south to north by Benito Juarez, Justo Sierra (the closest thing to the walk of reform perhaps for us, keeping the equivalence) while watching their own businesses, streets empty, and traffic dead.

Justo Sierra Avenue corner Reformation popular intersection in the city, near the international line ...

many people have asked me what the quake, which was that we play in this area, an earthquake almost equivalent to the City of Mexico, data 'official' of 7.6 - when we all know that was much higher, 8.1 - and also, here in Mexicali, the supposed official 7.2 - that maybe he made the stop to the gringos Osuna Millan but its effects were precisely as a 7.6 or maybe a little more - still, the whole town goes to his head.

As explain. Explaining that while life seismic fault has disrupted the life of the city, also the people, events, everything changes.

Easter Sunday. As Rius said, if Christ returned say "Repent you bastards!" Often substitute, has taken us before.

Oxxo by col. undetermined. fences my house, down the street Brazil or Argentina, another oxxo fell off too ...

This business is by tree and street course centric J. .. q known ... I was a furniture ...

Valley being the most affected zone, as ever more grinding people with problems endemic to many, many decades into disrepair, the glitz of "SolidaridadSalinista" abandoned long , long time, the field is screwed because he was not reversed because it is not 'profitable' to help a few 'farmers and their little farm 'of cochito and 2-3 cows, where it is much more' prosperous' being invested in major agricultural industries gallon. Pure cotton, wheat and alfalfa. The raffle sold, whether the cotton is being genetically engineered for a change, and pests become more strong one.

Two views of the Earthquake in Ejido Nuevo Leon, where the Cerro Prieto geothermal plant ... This plant in turn with accusations of pollution and deterioration according to environmental studies UABC ...

And still 'unprofitable' field, then come the ejido sales and purchases terrenotes huge mass, which was what happened here in the Mexicali Valley, where the accelerated conversion of ejidos in Microgite social interest has increased exponentially, directly proportional to the abandonment of the homes had ham, given the high level of poverty - the famous houses are being 'bedroom' because it is the only thing they serve - and crime is growing exponentially as well, given the null value of the maquiladoras, new factories and aspiring unemployed thugs in power.

Famous Civic Center parking lot was not safe ... and materials malconstruido second ... And it was for members of the gob. state? not that good that came to inaugurate and collapsed before ...

In Mexicali, gets a lot better to sell tacos and hot dogs. Everybody knows that. The food industry, new factory of fat, especially since the advent of large fast food chains. Welcome McDonald's, Carl's Jr., Burger King and Dominos Kentuckys. All fast food is now. Not tasty even, at times. I dislike the food at times, and yet there still and keep going.

But more fattening beer, made of fat and true addicts, the 'Mexican joy' that recently began Lips to engage more young and tender age - until the girls are now 'roll' by too much beer. And welcome to the beer, its use and abuse, and vulgarity patanería, new fashions among young people, even the girls in 'age of merit', that would tell by grandparents.

And to see who gets more time to dance on the bar with minifaldita, and see who lasts longer standing loggerhead getting his throat, until you get it in spurts through the nose. Overall, it's just a game ... Insurance ¿?

ô ô ô

The city does not scare out of their lethargy, shock to the very foundations of society, due to tremendous wave, the wave of the earth. The land is still alive, although in spite of men.

the Ring of Fire is a string of points where volcanic activity and earthquakes are at ground level, forming a sort of 'ring 'around the Pacific Ocean. Due to recent events, which you name. like "global warming-rising solar activity-2012" land around the ring is turning from the outskirts of Alaska to Chile, turning from around Australia, Japan and Philippines Indonesia Siberian coast, has been going on.

The reasons are still a speculation, the case is that all this area has been activated, and tremors of 5 degrees are the order of the day.

Tomorrow could return to tremble.

this would be the "Big One"?

Could it be .... Or could not ...

ô ô ô

The culture of the roast and family party, the grandparents on the porch enjoying the cool houses, waving to passersby, looks like an image lost in time worthy of ' the Waltons' or 'The Pioneers' - Little house on the prairie - culture of extinct cowboys and the Marlboro world, almost as extinct as the meal of roast pig or goat in the valley, this or that ejido, being famous for the same. In this ejido, the famous 'carnitas', in the other, by the goat in birria grilled or roasted.

Del previously greeted Mexicali. To each other.

When the closure itself was not part of the cityscape.

Prints and a Mexicali been banished to the agricultural, swallowing concrete at the local level, where the newly rich and professionals condemn the same field that gives them yet eating - remains to be seen as are the crops, destroyed at least 50% of wheat and vegetables to be seen yet - looking for comfort, comfort zone, surrounded by barb wire, wire rod and wire Alambrito tacos, all made hygienically grills purchased at Walmart, in houses all the same, flat colors equal plane, plastic smiles incluidas.en new infonavits for rich:

residential Sevilla, Toledo, New Country, San Pedro, Nuevo Vistahermosa;

and karmic justice will be more powerful, more damaged subdivisions, would of thought that were the villas of ay guey, which came out more damaged, villas del Rey Villas of this or the other, new lumpenzonas of reagueton out loud, but no.

are the new subdivisions for middle class, those of the professionals, those of neopanism, those with the hummers parked pickups or giants or giant trucks parked in a row on the widely across parking lots, more parking that house.

But more homes and, because the earthquake showed his face, his varnish.

House who fell in Vistahermosa Private.

And new subdivisions walled with ultra super-duper security fences, policemen with guns shoot to kill 'do not go if you have private access Private access to your private home', they all crack.

The earthquake does not make distinctions in socio-economic scales.

trans Ni the subdivision.

ô ô ô

Ear x chance on an internet forum: JeDarkett User says:
"... before Mexicali had the overall appearance of a California city, but I can not stand to grow more than 10% in two decades and ate suburbs, and right now it only preserves the original layout of Mexicali in the center and surrounding areas, what is the current Centro Historico is the completely refurbished, has a bad reputation ... "

course, no water ...

bridge Forest Lake City, our emulation of Chapultepec / San Diego Zoo ...

ô ô ô

Coincidendo change came with the earthquake, my life now it is changing, getting involved working on a new adventure, I think it changed my life personally, completely. Much to ponder, much to do and try to achieve and demonstrate.

For now, are now almost four years to continue with this blog intervals. The pleasure of knowing people in other parts of Mexico, much loved both the south and central, east west and the southeast; or even in other countries such as South America, EU, no where else we read, but really glad know that you read, in so very far away.

Meanwhile, from this place so far and so close, in this exile, trying to explain life, as it is, as I see it, it is a kind of island, island of Barataria, the peninsula that is not an island.

What I see and what I believe.

Thanks dear readers.

We abreast with developments and new projects.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Letter About New Doctor

and still trembling ... (Mexicali Quake 5 Apr 10)

Life in Exile

7.2 (only? 7.2?)

For now, the images say q over a thousand words, right next my twitter here, I can tell you a bit more about the subject of the earthquake-earthquake, with capital letters, some say, well, with all its letters, CLICK TREMOR, sustote HORRIBLE, that we stick yesterday at about three o'clock in the afternoon at Mexicali is your city, for better or worse we had to live here, to paraphrase Cristina Pacheco and villages to Tepito ...


And if, like many, am a coward in that respect and I have PANIC to earthquakes, like many others, and even living in Mexicali, knowing that we live in an earthquake zone, can not get used.

Yesterday in the market we I play just to be on the Soriana de Benito Juarez / Justo Sierra. This is a street in its southern part is called Benito Juarez, the monument after the above is called Justo Sierra. in the section called Benito Juarez is now the giant Soriana. the mentioned small market suffered a thousand n d changes over your life, now with new ones after being converted to Soria.


The moment was more ugly, HORROR, if, HORROR, feeling like the huge hull of the building swayed, where in Mexicali are not used to tall buildings beyond the building in the center with Telnor as only about eight floors. Mexicali is flat.

People ran away from Soriana, hugging, some people began to pray, to incarse, to mourn. loosed an elderly lady as she was clinging desperately crying, embraced ...

karmic punishment for Easter?

Maybe ...

* * *

Data: 7.2 Richter
dead 280 wounded

REPLICAS 70 + (7 x at least 5 degrees or so)

2000 Victims

(Data Local News: local-channel Multivision 44-109.1 Fm - Noticiero "consent"; that of Mr. Antonio Magaña.)

* * *
Mexicali is a city
SLAVE MOTOR . was originally designed with a layout almost perfect - except for a few frames as the old colony Pasadina in the form of concentric rings - traced-lo gringo, when perfectly symmetrical and straight. Here can be seen as
PLAGUE daily transit of trucks, carts and carrot and TOTES TO-CART.
seems that the bigger the car more ... fat is the owner, so I've ever seen ...

And yesterday, ALL Mexicali, moments after the quake, they realized that HE WAS THE LIGHT IN THE CITY ... and therefore not run the pumps of gasoline x as much.

* * *

Shortly after we left the Soriana, was when we really realize the magnitude of the disaster:

Circulating x Benito Juarez to Justo Sierra - q is the same blvd but change d name behind the Monument to the above - I saw the breaking of glass - q q are in the video I put d shows - the fracture of several buildings - some like the ISSTECALI - the blue building c / q seen in white super corner cracked but not seen until a 2nd or third view, in the video is just the damage is more evident q be a video taken in a moving car. We

so, through several streets flowing northward, we visited some friends and circle X streets of cabbage. Cuauhtemoc.
And increasingly, the more time passed, the more we were able to explain that the earthquake was much, much more serious than they seemed at first.

* * *

First diagnosis: 6.9 Richter
Reality: 7.2 Richter

Ejidos affected: Most of the Mexicali Valley, especially the southern suburbs: Ex Sonora, Sinaloa, Cocopah, Col. Carranza, eg, near the epicenter of the quake.
Epicenter: Village Lighthouse, The Gate (next town down the road to St. Philip) and adjacent suburbs.

* * *

After a while, we noticed that there was enough glue on the roast. was when we tried to find a oxxo, and all closed. in fact, circulate around the center, from Cuauhtemoc, through the center - a new colony - and take the path of the F Street - by col. industrial, heading south-Civic Center -.

All businesses, even the modest neighborhood grocery were closed. for damages in the quake, Calimax ocmo many large markets were closed, and small grocery took his place again. Stuven
circulating until we find one out there lost in the cabbage. Freedom - further south - and we buy something. people into panic buying, and I got to see queues of people in line to buy tacos asada orders.

Soon it was when he started well, when the stations do not work anymore, because the light in the city was. rather, not notice that the light was gone, until nightfall. And

Mexicali stayed dark.
* * *

was not so bad the darkness we could see what had years of not see the city whole families taking the air, people, I could see people again, taking to the streets again.

People x step turning the streets, on foot, and the families returned to their seats on the porch of their home. here in the north, people usually have patios outside their homes, instead of southern Mexico, q have it indoors only. We

some friends about d closer to the house, which were making a roast with a mine gas. There was no light in the city, and we could barely see each other face. but still the people were happy. were happy.

- "you notice that you can see the stars?" - I was told.

We ate fries baked in the disabled, and retired to our homes.

Many people spent the night camped outside their houses that night. Weekly column