Monday, September 25, 2006

Bridal Shower Recipe Card Saying

La bruja Maruja sad at Sea World Animal

This Friday I went to my school Sea World, and some things were re good. We went over there at 9.30, the route traveled by Interbalnearia, which divides the party of the coast where I live, the Party General Lavalle. We

north, we passed through The Dolphins, saw a grassland and came to San Clemente del Tuyu, a city that is 20 miles from my house that is the Oceanarium Mundo Marino.

are exhibited in the penguins, fish, rays, hippos and other animals. Shows are also performed with seals, dolphins and a whale. To go through hoops, balls and fun to play with people after capturing must train, but training mistreat.

I know that animals are unhappy there, I never saw a whale that has released so bent dorsal fin as it is there. But I just realized that I had and when did jumps and acting.

say in this place saving animals but in reality if saved would not act, the more respected and would be released.