Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Temperature Sensors Schematics

joke Bear and his new friends

was once a little bear who lived alone in the forest and crying everywhere. What happened was that he had no friends and wanted to have many. He slept through the trees and do not know what to do, one day cried so hard and for so long that he heard a giraffe.

- What is your name?

-Stephanie, "said the giraffe.

- Do you have friends? He asked again the bear.


- How many?

And ... three.

- Good call them!

Then the giraffe began calling his friends, who were a lion, a leopard and a tiger.
He called them all, they went and then the bear had many friends and was very happy.

Bangbros Hd Stream Ukraine

The girls and their shadow

a place that had many flowers, the sky was clear, and there was a cloud. I found myself with a baby and asked me

- How old are you?

-Five, "I replied - and you?


Since we were tiny and did not know what was the shadow, we asked our parents what was the shadow. And they told us that eventually we would realize, so we went to run in the sun. We look to our side and we saw something like ... a ghost! And everywhere were screaming ghost haunts us! A ghost haunts us!

- Ja, ja, ja!, That is its shadow told our parents at a time - did you see that we were right, that eventually were to be accountable?

And we realized that our parents were right.